Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Numbers show that the Religious Right are by far the biggest charitable contributors in America. Most charities are Christian. What is so bad about that? Go ahead and try to rip me apart and * on religion but the facts are that nowadays (with radical Islam being the exception) religion is mostly a source of good and hope. Sorry
i havent gone to church regularly in 8 years yet sometimes i feel god does good for me

can you unreligious fellas explain random things that happen when you least expect? uncontrollable stuff?

that to me is the ghost doing His thing and i aint a saint but some things just happen and its undefined some times

and astrologer dude told me i got solomons ring below my right index
Coincidence. Plain as that. Sometimes you are in the right place at the right time. Probability kind sir, probability.
To the non-believers.

Does it make you angry that people of faith gain a lot of success and then praise god and thank him for giving them aid on their journey to their success? ( like the millions of believers and many celebrities etc. who do so)

I've noticed that it makes people angry for some reason. Why so?
Not at all. I have no gripes with people becoming successful at all, as long as they aren't exploiting others while doing so.
Also to the non-believers.

Does it make you angry that believers recognize the strength that god have given them to over come their adversities and become very successfully individuals and then praise God because of it?

Does it make you angry if a believer is much more successful than you are simply because they made wiser decisions, worked harder and smarter than others? Then they praise God for their success?
Why so?
I don't get angry at others successes. They aren't putting money in my pocket, food on my table, a roof over my head. There is no reason to be angry at them. Unless of course they are doing harm to others.

However, why is it that Christians feel the need to tell others how to live their life? That if they don't they will suffer eternal damnation? Why is it Christians, who feel it's so wrong for you to judge them, feel the need to quickly n unapologetically judge you for not sharing the same beliefs?
From your first comment and then using "filthy rich", and then following with the world "filthy" after it you have already used it. Then using "you people" while stating some more generalizations and making negative assumptions , I would say it makes you kind of angry.

That's one.
Are there others?
It comes off angry because all you've done in this tread is troll and quote yourself.

You're rich, we get it. God had nothing to do with that. To be 'christian' isn't to be a pretentious snob like you are. 

Isn't there scripture saying you're not suppose to worship a false god...well, you have pictures of your jewels and cars...I'd call that self-worship.
That's also because they are in an elevated status and have the money to do so. Have you seen most of the Catholic Churches? It takes millions a year just to maintain them. All from contributions.

I think that makes people angry for some reason. I don't know why, though.
Do you not understand how churches work? They get tax breaks, all their "charitable" contributions are tax deductible. Churches steal ( i use the term because I feel it fits) money from their followers through tithes, and offerings.

Ulterior motives if you ask me.

Why not be like missionaries who travel with little to no pay?

You bring up catholicism. They take a vow of poverty. 

Christians live in Beverly Hills, drive Bentleys, while their congregations live in South Central, on WIC, welfare, EBT. 
Does it make you angry when homeless people say "its part of god plan" then die homeless
I respect anyone's beliefs as long as they don't bash or disrespect others. You are put in this world to make something of yourself and there is scripture that states this as well.

I don't know his past decisions or situation so I wouldn't be able to tell you why he died homeless. If you tell someone that you believe God will give you wings and then you jump off a building and kill yourself, well you're not fully understanding concepts and you don't have a grasp on reality.
But someone who works hard to achieve a promotion and then they achieve it, and they thank God... THEY understand concepts and have a firm grasp?


In the first example (homeless guy), he did no work and just relied on 'god', and died: "He doesn't understand the concept."

In the second concept (promotion), the guy did all the work, and then praised 'god': "He gets it."

And let's not get into the politics behind religion and how they corrupt the gov't with their lobbyists passing laws that are inherently Christian for the most part.

Jews keep their wealth amongst Jews. Why is that Mr. Anti-Palestine?
Church's maintain themselves bruh. Fish fries during lent, offerings at services, etc. They don't "steal" anything. My Catholic grade school waited over a year to save up money from donations for a new gymnasium. Just over a mil. There were no breaks from anyone it was all internal.
Numbers show that the Religious Right are by far the biggest charitable contributors in America. Most charities are Christian. What is so bad about that? Go ahead and try to rip me apart and * on religion but the facts are that nowadays (with radical Islam being the exception) religion is mostly a source of good and hope. Sorry
That's also because they are in an elevated status and have the money to do so. Have you seen most of the Catholic Churches? It takes millions a year just to maintain them. All from contributions.

I think that makes people angry for some reason. I don't know why, though.
But hey, religion must not be working for those people.
If those people WEREN'T religious, but still made the moves in life that they made, the result would be the same. No?

You disagree?

It's real easy for you to prove this one to me, to prove to be that a belief in 'god' is the reason or financial success and elevated social status: do nothing that would advance your financial situation or social standing, and just pray and maintain a belief in 'god'.

Let's both see what happens.

(at any point in this conversation, you're free to take back the notion that the reason those people are so financially successful and in such high social status is because of religion)
 As long as they aren't harming you or others, why should it bother you?
It's almost as you want to make sure they feel bad about themselves because they indirectly made you feel bad about yourself?

That sounds like revenge to me.
It doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the fact that I am being judged for giving answers, to the best of my knowledge, n asking questions. You seem to be the one getting defensive. It also bothers me that Christians must be so invasive n insulting. I don't feel bad about myself, not even in the slightest. I take every day as it is n learn from mistakes n build upon success. However, it seems to irk Christians that I am responsible for my own success n don't give the glory to God. Telling people how to live n then telling them that if don't abide they will suffer the consequences sounds eerily a lot like oppression. Wouldn't you say?
Church's maintain themselves bruh. Fish fries during lent, offerings at services, etc. They don't "steal" anything. My Catholic grade school waited over a year to save up money from donations for a new gymnasium. Just over a mil. There were no breaks from anyone it was all internal.

The pastor at West Angeles tell his congregation...."God came to me and told me 20 of my people would offer $100! Who is gonna be those 20!"

It's all about money. 

Churches have debit machines to give tithes. 

Ever wonder why tithing is a big part of the production at church?

Why not preach the word and be on your way
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Manuscript evidence for superior New Testament reliability

by Matt Slick

The New Testament is constantly under attack, and its reliability and accuracy are often contested by critics.
If the critics want to disregard the New Testament, then they must also disregard other ancient writings by Plato, Aristotle, and Homer.
This is because the New Testament documents are better-preserved and more numerous than any other ancient writings. Because they are so numerous, they can be cross checked for accuracy . . . and they are very consistent.

There are presently 5,686 Greek manuscripts in existence today for the New Testament.1 If we were to compare the number of New Testament manuscripts to other ancient writings, we find that the New Testament manuscripts far outweigh the others in quantity.

View media item 1123566
As you can see, there are thousands more New Testament Greek manuscripts than any other ancient writing. The internal consistency of the New Testament documents is about 99.5% textually pure. That is an amazing accuracy.

In addition, there are over 19,000 copies in the Syriac, Latin, Coptic, and Aramaic languages.

The total supporting New Testament manuscript base is over 24,000.
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The pastor at West Angeles tell his congregation...."God came to me and told me 20 of my people would offer $100! Who is gonna be those 20!"

It's all about money. 

Churches have debit machines to give tithes. 

Ever wonder why tithing is a big part of the production at church?

Why not preach the word and be on your way
Im Roman Catholic and that doesnt happen in Catholic churches. Least not in STL, which is a top 3 Cathlic city in the US. Other denominations like Baptist may be different because you can get a preachers license in 15 minutes online :lol: but Catholic priests and most monks spend many many years in training. They are truly devoted to their religion and spreading the Word.

Are you no longer a believer? I remember back in 07 or so having a few respectful religious debates with you(I had a different screename then of course). You always made great points, respected others views, were open minded, and took empirical evidence and logic into consideration... but still maintained your faith(which I respected). 

Is that still the case?
I'm glad you remember me being as such in those debates, and I take certainly take that as a compliment, so thanks.

I'd like to think that I still made solid points, that I respect others' views, that I'm open-minded, and CERTAINLY that I take empirical evidence and logic into consideration... but I have zero faith.

So to answer your original question, yes, I'm still a believer; I believe that some people need something to feel good about after the death of loved ones, and religion accomplishes that.

And I believe that some people need to feel like their OWN life isn't really over when they die, and religion accomplishes that, through promises of reincarnation, heaven, etc.

I also believe that some people know the consequences of really entertaining the thought that there might not be a supreme being, because they see how their family/friends/peers/'church club' treat those that DO entertain that thought, so they continue on the path that they know is the safest for their social status.

I believe that there are answers to the universe and life that science hasn't solved, but for some people, "I don't know" is unacceptable, and religion fills in the blank; instead of "I don't know," they can say "God!" for every unknown thing that comes up. Religion provides an answer to things that they NEED answered.

I believe that some people enjoy the feelings of in-groups, just like a chess club, or being on the football team; 'belonging' is a good feeling for some, and religion CERTAINLY accomplishes that.

And I believe that some people have been convinced that thy NEED direction, that the reason they shouldn't kill is because the bible says so; they have been convinced that morality and 'being a good person' is impossible outside of religion, so their religion gives them morality and makes them a good person.

Lastly, I believe that people are generally afraid to question answers, and w/ religion, nothing HAS to make sense. If it makes sense, great, and the praise will be "See? All things work together by the hand of The Creator." But if it doesn't make sense, "We don't understand 'his' greatness," and that's it for them. Looking deeper into why it doesn't make sense, and possibly arriving at the possibility that they be devoting their entire life to something that might not exist... scares them.

So yes, I'm still a believer. But do I believe that my goodness is tied to the words of uneducated, angry chauvinists written thousands of years ago, or that the reason we don't know certain things about science and life are because there's a supreme being behind it all, so we'll never really know? No, I no longer believe those things, and I think the more educated a person becomes, the less they'll believe that as well.

Also, the fact that you distinctly remember that I was a Christian but was open-minded, respectful, ad logical speaks VOLUMES for the fact that there are so few who fit that description; if there were droves of Christians who fit that description, it would be difficult to distinctly remember one, but the painful reality is that there are so few respectful, open-minded, logical Christians that when you meet one, you remember them. I know this is true in my life, even now. I literally have hundreds of Christian friends, and there are just 3 that I could easily and comfortably describe the way you described me; we have completely opposite views, and my friendship w/ them hasn't weakened in the slightest. They respect that they can't prove that there is a hell for me t go to, and I respect that I can't prove there is no deity for them to believe in... and we move forward with that understanding and talk **** about each other's teams, brag about our kids, and like each other's statuses.
Much respect. 
Does it make you angry when homeless people say "its part of god plan" then die homeless
I respect anyone's beliefs as long as they don't bash or disrespect others. You are put in this world to make something of yourself and there is scripture that states this as well.

I don't know his past decisions or situation so I wouldn't be able to tell you why he died homeless. If you tell someone that you believe God will give you wings and then you jump off a building and kill yourself, well you're not fully understanding concepts and you don't have a grasp on reality.
But someone who works hard to achieve a promotion and then they achieve it, and they thank God... THEY understand concepts and have a firm grasp?


In the first example (homeless guy), he did no work and just relied on 'god', and died: "He doesn't understand the concept."

In the second concept (promotion), the guy did all the work, and then praised 'god': "He gets it."

If I give you and your friend an exam on thermodynamics or structural analysis.

You fail and he passes with an A. Who do you think understood the concept?

This is just an attempt at answering your question which you probably already know the answer to. I don't know why A or B person is homeless, you would need to interview them and ask them of their past.
You ased one question in this reply,   and this is my answer: I would think that the person who passed w/ an A understands the concept.

FREE FRO ANY RELIGIOUS CREDIT, I would think that person A unerstands the concept better.

Now can you answer my question? Not with another question, since that's not what I did to you.

A person who jumps and fully relies on 'god' and died, you're saying they don't understand the concept.

A person who works hard and accomplishes things ad then praises 'god', you're saying they get it.

Why is that? What is that they get? They get that they have to work? Well then it seems like YOU don't get it; it seems that you don't get that success is tied to actions, not faith.

Again, if that's not true, tell me how. Explain it to me, or just tell me that you don't know, and that you just know that somehow, 'god' helps.
Believe in god = success?

That's by FAR the dumbest thing posted in this thread. We have nations fighting nations over GOD. :lol: what a comical statement
I'm glad you know me so well Ska.

My mother brought home Chipotle one day. Before I went there myself and saw the workers, I just assumed Rice/lime/Cilantro/Grilled Chicken/Beans/Salsa/Sour cream/cheese/lettuce/guacamole just mysteriously fell into a bowl.
Do you believe that there is an intelligent force holding DNA together? How about an intelligent force helping DNA to replicate, check its errors, or create strands of RNA?

All of these things happen on their own, so why do you need to invent the idea that these processes had to have been created?
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Numbers show that the Religious Right are by far the biggest charitable contributors in America. Most charities are Christian. What is so bad about that? Go ahead and try to rip me apart and * on religion but the facts are that nowadays (with radical Islam being the exception) religion is mostly a source of good and hope. Sorry
That's also because they are in an elevated status and have the money to do so. Have you seen most of the Catholic Churches? It takes millions a year just to maintain them. All from contributions.

I think that makes people angry for some reason. I don't know why, though.

But hey, religion must not be working for those people.
If those people WEREN'T religious, but still made the moves in life that they made, the result would be the same. No?

You disagree?

It's real easy for you to prove this one to me, to prove to be that a belief in 'god' is the reason or financial success and elevated social status: do nothing that would advance your financial situation or social standing, and just pray and maintain a belief in 'god'.

Let's both see what happens.

(at any point in this conversation, you're free to take back the notion that the reason those people are so financially successful and in such high social status is because of religion)
Bro, what are you saying?

I didn't say any of that stuff.

Go back and read what I said, fam.

There are plenty of non-religious successful people, they understand the concept of how to live a successful life.
If I didn't say anything comical, then that was condescending and juvenile.

(though difficult, a simple "Yah, my bad" would be your best reply here)
Do you believe that there is an intelligent force holding DNA together? How about an intelligent force helping DNA to replicate, check its errors, or create strands of RNA?

All of these things happen on their own, so why do you need to invent the idea that these processes had to have been created?
this all happen randomly, just because?

Something can have a function, yet serve no purpose?
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Numbers show that the Religious Right are by far the biggest charitable contributors in America. Most charities are Christian. What is so bad about that? Go ahead and try to rip me apart and * on religion but the facts are that nowadays (with radical Islam being the exception) religion is mostly a source of good and hope. Sorry
That's also because they are in an elevated status and have the money to do so. Have you seen most of the Catholic Churches? It takes millions a year just to maintain them. All from contributions.

I think that makes people angry for some reason. I don't know why, though.
But hey, religion must not be working for those people.
Please correct me if I misinterpreted what you were saying, but that last line, "[H]ey, religion must not be working for those people," I took that to mean tht you were saying (sarcastically) that relgion IS working for those peope.

Were you intending to say that religion is working for those people?
Please correct me if I misinterpreted what you were saying, but that last line, "[H]ey, religion must not be working for those people," I took that to mean tht you were saying (sarcastically) that relgion IS working for those peope.

Were you intending to say that religion is working for those people?
Exactly :lol:

Pure comedy
Do you believe that there is an intelligent force holding DNA together? How about an intelligent force helping DNA to replicate, check its errors, or create strands of RNA?

All of these things happen on their own, so why do you need to invent the idea that these processes had to have been created?

It ones thing to know the ingredients. Its another to actually bake a cake.

Yes we have some understanding of things, but for me God ultimately is the chef that set everything into motion.
"Yes, a man may say, You have faith, and I have works: show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." (James. 2:18)

Food for thought.

Situation sounds oddly familiar.

You need both faith and works. Works is the fruit/ results of your faith.
Not just faith alone. The fruit will reflect what exactly where your faith lies.
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Fam, you've been putting words in my mouth in nearly every one of your posts.
Or I was misunderstanding what you were saying.

Depends on whether you want me to be the bad guy or not.

Makes no difference to me, but "You've been putting words in my mouth" and "You're not understanding what I'm trying to say" is all about perspective.
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