Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

What does every in here think strong faith is?.... Blind belief? Concentrated thought? Ignorant hope?
Strong faith is absolute trust and confidence in God or someone.

Blind belief is faith in something you have no understanding of or no experience.

Concentrated thought. Not sure.

Ignorant hope. Not sure either.
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organized religion is disempowering by design. Whether god is real or whether you believe in god or not is irrelevant because first and foremost you're putting your faith in human gatekeepers that have proven time and time again that they are fallible and corrupt. When you have a select few of these gatekeepers (symbol of the holy see is a key insignia) you centralize power which is a prerequisite for corruption. This was the basis for organizing society in the not too distant past even.

So religion is nothing more than an interface - an outdated and inefficient one at that - with "god."

I also find it ironic how we brush off ancient and old technologies at being primitive, undeveloped etc. except for religion. So being old and out of reach actually aids religions as far as tenacity and "infallibility" goes.

If the bible was released today as a book, harry potter would murk it. Now that's not to say that the bible doesn't offer great lessons or teachings, however, it has been thousands of years with as many revisions and translations. It's also filled with half-truths as a result and that is the most dangerous since that can be presented as an eternal truth.
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durtyraspburry durtyraspburry

We visited this earlier, but now the thread has some steam I wanna back track.

I stated earlier that when the time the bible was written the letter J did not exist. Hence the name Jesus, John, and Joseph etc weren't the true names of these people.

I was then referenced to his hebrew name "Yeshua". According do the hebrew texts (the Talmud specifically) Jesus/Yeshua was a false prophet and to be punished for his actions "he would burn eternally in boiling hot excrement."

How is that the Jews, which Jesus says he was, view him as that and this is the original text that predates the bible, yet "Christians" have a better understanding of his own people viewed him?

We visited this earlier, but now the thread has some steam I wanna back track.

I stated earlier that when the time the bible was written the letter J did not exist. Hence the name Jesus, John, and Joseph etc weren't the true names of these people.

I was then referenced to his hebrew name "Yeshua". According do the hebrew texts (the Talmud specifically) Jesus/Yeshua was a false prophet and to be punished for his actions "he would burn eternally in boiling hot excrement."

How is that the Jews, which Jesus says he was, view him as that and this is the original text that predates the bible, yet "Christians" have a better understanding of his own people viewed him?
The Lord can be called by many names,

the Son of God, I AM That I AM, the Rock of Ages, the Good Shepherd,

El Shaddai, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, just to name a few.

If the letter 'J' is stopping you from trusting in him, then its a shame.

Jesus called out the Pharisees and Jewish leaders

on their hypocrisy.

They didn't deny the miracles and wonders he did but

they wanted him dead so people wouldn't follow him.

Because many of these Jews to begin with didn't even 

obey the Father, they wouldn't

know the Messiah, who is God.
The Lord can be called by many names,
the Son of God, I AM That I AM, the Rock of Ages, the Good Shepherd,
El Shaddai, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, just to name a few.
If the letter 'J' is stopping you from trusting in him, then its a shame.

Jesus called out the Pharisees and Jewish leaders
on their hypocrisy.
They didn't deny the miracles and wonders he did but
they wanted him dead so people wouldn't follow him.

Because many of these Jews to begin with didn't even 
obey the Father, they wouldn't
know the Messiah, who is God.

I get that. But your Christian traditions are predated with jewish ones, and that's where you draw a lot of your worship experiences from. I've already stated the letter j didn't exist back then. So where does the authority come from to decide that Jesus is the name were going to rock with? Also what's these people's background and incentives?
organized religion is disempowering by design. Whether god is real or whether you believe in god or not is irrelevant because first and foremost you're putting your faith in human gatekeepers that have proven time and time again that they are fallible and corrupt. When you have a select few of these gatekeepers (symbol of the holy see is a key insignia) you centralize power which is a prerequisite for corruption. This was the basis for organizing society in the not too distant past even.

So religion is nothing more than an interface - an outdated and inefficient one at that - with "god."

I also find it ironic how we brush off ancient and old technologies at being primitive, undeveloped etc. except for religion. So being old and out of reach actually aids religions as far as tenacity and "infallibility" goes.

If the bible was released today as a book, harry potter would murk it. Now that's not to say that the bible doesn't offer great lessons or teachings, however, it has been thousands of years with as many revisions and translations. It's also filled with half-truths as a result and that is the most dangerous since that can be presented as an eternal truth.

This statement when aimed at Christianity, is false. There is no human gatekeeper. No one comes on to the Father (God) but thru the sonJesus Christ ( theres no man).
Unlike Catholicisim, christians have direct access to God. We can pray and ask for forgiveness by talking to God directly. We dont need a priest or anyone else to represent us.
As far as being primitive or undeveloped, if something is true, it will always be true from its inception. You think the idea of Jesus, God is old? It is old, tried and true. He's the alpha and omega, begining and the end.
I dont think there is such a thing as a half truth. Its either a lie, or its true. True or false, 0 or 100. Theres no in between. There are no half truths in the Bible. Grab your self a King James Version or NIV, you have Gods word and its absolute truth.
This statement when aimed at Christianity, is false. There is no human gatekeeper. No one comes on to the Father (God) but thru the sonJesus Christ ( theres no man).
Unlike Catholicisim, christians have direct access to God. We can pray and ask for forgiveness by talking to God directly. We dont need a priest or anyone else to represent us.
As far as being primitive or undeveloped, if something is true, it will always be true from its inception. You think the idea of Jesus, God is old? It is old, tried and true. He's the alpha and omega, begining and the end.
I dont think there is such a thing as a half truth. Its either a lie, or its true. True or false, 0 or 100. Theres no in between. There are no half truths in the Bible. Grab your self a King James Version or NIV, you have Gods word and its absolute truth.

Even though we know for a FACT that the KJV was edited beyond typographical errors (most notably in the context of Apocrypha) and details were added/omitted at the request of the royal family and the Church of England? Which, by the way, was one of the various reasons why the Puritans were driven out of England?

Great Bible -> Bishops' Bible -> King James. James VI and I were not shy about creating translations that conformed and reinforced the Church of England's ideals, so how can you positively say that their translation is superior to, say, the Vulgate?

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I get that. But your Christian traditions are predated with jewish ones, and that's where you draw a lot of your worship experiences from. I've already stated the letter j didn't exist back then. So where does the authority come from to decide that Jesus is the name were going to rock with? Also what's these people's background and incentives?
The authority is from God. 

Through the name of Jesus, demons are cast out.

Through the name of Jesus, miracles occur.

Through the name of Jesus, lives are saved.

Thats all I have to offer you.
God's Word (written by several men and altered 1,000s of times)
That's the kicker. Not to mention the different bible translations contradict each other, the holidays were made by pagan kings, and the most holy figures are known boy bangers
The authority is from God. 
Through the name of Jesus, demons are cast out.
Through the name of Jesus, miracles occur.
Through the name of Jesus, lives are saved.

Thats all I have to offer you.

Please tell me you've questioned why god chose murderers rapist and men with a secular origin to be the authority?
View media item 1126557

Before and afters. Every saint has a past and evey sinner has a future.
Those who use Gods name in vain, to gain wealth,or take advantage of others will be taken care of by Him.

Look to Jesus as the example, as the reason why you need him. Not man.

We are imperfect tryng to serve a perfect God.
So for the people who continued to sin after they were qualified.....
Say Constantine for example

One could question the validity of their salvation. Did Constantine actually accept Jesus as his savior? Did he have a relationship with the Lord? If he did, then hopefully he asked God for forgiveness. But if he continued to sin without regret, without the Holy Spirity tugging at his heart, knowing he was not doing right, then I doubt he was a christian.

Lets be clear here, Christians do sin. But are you apologetic for your sin? Do you repent from it and ask God for help with it? Its a constant struggle if you are a Christian. When a christian sins, you feel the guilt, you know youre wrong and youve upset God. Its like the spider senses going off.
If you sin, and theres no remorse, you may need to re-evaluate if there is an actual relationship with God.

We battle against ourselves (the flesh), satan, and the world.
That's the kicker. Not to mention the different bible translations contradict each other, the holidays were made by pagan kings, and the most holy figures are known boy bangers

Speaking of holidays why are Christians celebrating the birth of Christ on dec 25th? This date isn't mentioned anywhere in the bible and it's been proven that it correlates pagan tradition along with all other American holidays. Why do Christians turn a blind eye to this?
Speaking of holidays why are Christians celebrating the birth of Christ on dec 25th? This date isn't mentioned anywhere in the bible and it's been proven that it correlates pagan tradition along with all other American holidays. Why do Christians turn a blind eye to this?

if im not mistaken it was a way to get pagans to buy in, adopt some of their holidays and traditions and they'll join up
Speaking of holidays why are Christians celebrating the birth of Christ on dec 25th? This date isn't mentioned anywhere in the bible and it's been proven that it correlates pagan tradition along with all other American holidays. Why do Christians turn a blind eye to this?

It does have pagan roots, and christians know that Dec.25th is not actually Jesus' bday. But it is a holiday that is to remember and celebrate Christmas birth, the fulfillment of many prophecies regarding Jesus birth.

Its not biblical but it is good natured. So why not?

Its an example of how christians are not dry and boring, we like to have fun as well.
It does have pagan roots, and christians know that Dec.25th is not actually Jesus' bday. But it is a holiday that is to remember and celebrate Christmas birth, the fulfillment of many prophecies regarding Jesus birth.

Its not biblical but it is good natured. So why not?

Its an example of how christians are not dry and boring, we like to have fun as well.

So getting drunk and having homosexual orgies is fun, or just the good natured part of it?
It does have pagan roots, and christians know that Dec.25th is not actually Jesus' bday. But it is a holiday that is to remember and celebrate Christmas birth, the fulfillment of many prophecies regarding Jesus birth.

Its not biblical but it is good natured. So why not?

Its an example of how christians are not dry and boring, we like to have fun as well.

So you know it's not the birth of Jesus. Ok. I think people should educate themselves on what that day really signifies. It's most definitely not good natured. And even if it was your going to use a pagan holiday to celebrate just for fun?
The pagans kings gave their holidays christian meaning so that it would continue to keep the people happy. That's the truth behind it.
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buy in? no sir.

what i got from a christian website when i searched it

"The church leaders in Rome decided to celebrate Christ's birth during the winter solstice in an attempt to Christianize these popular pagan celebrations. For the most part their efforts failed to make the people conform, and the heathen festivities continued. Today we find ourselves left with a bizarre marriage of pagan and Christian elements that characterizes our modern celebration of Christmas."
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