Thread of the Year! [] In the BLUE CORNER: Nktran001 []

Originally Posted by that WAVE

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by that WAVE

Cliff Campbell where are you??
Is that dude's name?
I sure hope all gets settled, wouldn't want her young son Dante to feel effects of a divorce now would we...
You #%$*%@% with us?
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by bdis1986

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

I believe NKTran is telling 1/2 the truth.. but this SarahLee character is shady and might be a dude
That's my take on it especially the fact that he posted the pms but not screenshots

I'm on a iMac computer. I don't know how.

Shift+Command+3 is how you do screenshots

so lets get those email convos up

I feel you, but we will never now the full truth for all we know she could be donte

One question why shorty even say her husband was a nter. If he wasn't ? That was way before this thread even popped off
There was no reason to lie then
Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by that WAVE

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by that WAVE

Cliff Campbell where are you??
Is that dude's name?
I sure hope all gets settled, wouldn't want her young son Dante to feel effects of a divorce now would we...

Woah woah woah. Did we reach a breakthrough in this thread? Do we have 'mrs' campbells husbands AND sons name?

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by that WAVE

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by that WAVE

Cliff Campbell where are you??
Is that dude's name?
I sure hope all gets settled, wouldn't want her young son Dante to feel effects of a divorce now would we...
You #%$*%@% with us?
Not at all...but thats the only info I have rt now
If this whole thing is fake...someone went all out for I doubt it
Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

Originally Posted by TeflanDon

Off Topic, but can somebody please explain the whole TOFTY story and the WayTooMuchHoney story?????
don't know who is TOFTY

but I know everybody was beasting too much on WayToomuchHoney after her pics got posted here on NT a couple years ago and she was never to be heard of again.

im thinkin that stands for the thread mrscampbell made named "thread of the year"
I didn't think of that

Here's a pic of WayTooMuchHoney I found.



More pics of her please.
man... all the NT scandals (ChiTown, scammers)... baseball scandals (Alomar, A-Rod)... 2009 is year of the scandal
Originally Posted by TeflanDon

Pmighty wrote:

TrillipinoTrapstar wrote:

TeflanDon wrote:

Off Topic, but can somebody please explain the whole TOFTY story and the WayTooMuchHoney story?????
don't know who is TOFTY

but I know everybody was beasting too much on WayToomuchHoney after her pics got posted here on NT a couple years ago and she was never to be heard of again.

im thinkin that stands for the thread mrscampbell made named "thread of the year"
I didn't think of that

Here's a pic of WayTooMuchHoney I found.



More pics of her please.

I swear to bajesus this $+! had me rollin with this thread. Shorty just vanished!
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

marath0n wrote:

After reading the other thread, no pity at all for MRS. Campbell.

She pathetic.

yo somebody plese help a dude out with cliffnotes again


dude failed reading class.

- dude nktran hollered at mrs campbell in a thread...
- mrs campbell hollered back with a pm (see: page 1)...
- they each pm'd each other talkin bout how they are "stuck" on each other...
- nktran is a 17 year old, single, high school student
- mrs campbell is a 25 year old, married ... JO
- they were gonna meet on vtines, dude got stood up
- nktran said "eff it" after he got stood up
- mrs campbell caught feelings yesterday and made a post called "thread of the year"
- her thread basically called out nktran and said... "dont get between me and my man" ... or somethin
- nktran... responded with ... "whatever... i could air you out if i wanted.."
- mrs campbell holler back in the thread with ... "do it, i dare you... i would love it..." or somethin
- nktran said he'd air her out tomorrow...

and here we are... im out of here folks, gotta meet some homies. ill keep track on the iphizzle. get at me tweeters....
But really tho...who took the L here? The dude that got stood up or the dude that got toyed with over the internet? I'm going to say that it was the dude....Y'all on here thinking that the broad was telling the truth to this you can see she was jsut hypin him up for the hell of it....damn some of y'all are stupid

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