Thread to have Barack Up as the NT Banner on Tuesday!

Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Did Nancy Pelosi get a banner when she became the first female speaker of the House? Getting over the gender barrier, especially in government, is quite an accomplishment.

I think Obama getting elected is great for the country and it shows that we are taking steps in the right direction but I'm not ready to put him on the same level as Martin Luther King as far as life time achievements.
nah, she's white too.
Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Gotta love how Bush was bashed for his inauguration costing 40 mil, but oh, Obama, just because he's our first (HALF) black President and Jesus reincarnated, spends 150 mil and noone seems to mind. All that and he hasn't even accomplished anything yet. $@+*%+% lefties and Obama riders. Perfect example is the idiot who made a thread suggesting Obama's birthday or something become a national holiday. Just because he's half black and is going to end world hunger.
Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Gotta love how Bush was bashed for his inauguration costing 40 mil, but oh, Obama, just because he's our first (HALF) black President and Jesus reincarnated, spends 150 mil and noone seems to mind. All that and he hasn't even accomplished anything yet. $@+*%+% lefties and Obama riders. Perfect example is the idiot who made a thread suggesting Obama's birthday or something become a national holiday. Just because he's half black and is going to end world hunger.

It's not being salty, as much as it's true though. I'm far from a Bush fan, but this a true fact. And anyone who doesn't see it is justblinded. This country can be hypocritical very quickly. This is one prime example.
Yes, because NT's banner variety is in the history books in the chapter following the landing at Plymouth Rock.

I say, go for it. It's just our message board, what's it going to hurt? Now, if we were to suddenly put him on the one dollar bill or something,that'd be worth arguing over.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Yes, because NT's banner variety is in the history books in the chapter following the landing at Plymouth Rock.
Was this in reference to me?

Yeah, but it was just sarcasm.
I was about to say...comparing Bush's election victory and its relevance to history to Obama's election victory is ridiculous.
This is just a banner. You guys are acting like he is getting his face placed on Mount Rushmore or the one dollar bill (which has the first president). Thisman becoming the first black president is pretty momentous we celebrated the first white president why not the first black one?
Originally Posted by yungchris504

This is just a banner. You guys are acting like he is getting his face placed on Mount Rushmore or the one dollar bill (which has the first president). This man becoming the first black president is pretty momentous we celebrated the first white president why not the first black one?

I think that celebration about the first president had a lot more to do with finally being a free country and having a democratically elected leader, than thecolor of his skin. Just my guess though.
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by yungchris504

This is just a banner. You guys are acting like he is getting his face placed on Mount Rushmore or the one dollar bill (which has the first president). This man becoming the first black president is pretty momentous we celebrated the first white president why not the first black one?

I think that celebration about the first president had a lot more to do with finally being a free country and having a democratically elected leader, than the color of his skin. Just my guess though.
Yea you are right but there are three more presidents on that mountain but I know you get what I am trying to say
Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Gotta love how Bush was bashed for his inauguration costing 40 mil, but oh, Obama, just because he's our first (HALF) black President and Jesus reincarnated, spends 150 mil and noone seems to mind. All that and he hasn't even accomplished anything yet. $@+*%+% lefties and Obama riders. Perfect example is the idiot who made a thread suggesting Obama's birthday or something become a national holiday. Just because he's half black and is going to end world hunger.

[h1]http://Media make false comparison of inauguration costs[/h1]
[h4]Summary: Leading up to President-elect Barack Obama's swearing-in ceremony, several media outlets have advanced the claim that Obama's inauguration will cost significantly more than President Bush's 2005 inauguration. Citing "estimates" ranging from $150 million to $170 million in total costs for Obama's inaugural events, the outlets have compared the purported total costs in 2009 to the approximately $42 million in private funds spent on Bush's 2005 inauguration. However, these outlets omit the additional costs of security, transportation, and other expenses incurred by federal, state, and local governments in conjunction with the events in 2005 while including them in the projections for the 2009 events.[/h4]

Leading up to President-elect Barack Obama's January 20 swearing-in ceremony, several media outlets have advanced the claim that Obama'sinauguration will cost significantly more than President Bush's 2005 inauguration. Citing "estimates" ranging from $150 million (MSNBC) to $170million (ABC News) in total costs for Obama's inaugural events, the outlets have compared the purported total costs in 2009 to the approximately $42million in private funds spent on Bush's 2005 inauguration. However, as Media Matters for America has noted, these outlets omit the additional costs ofsecurity, transportation, and other expenses incurred by federal, state, and local governments in conjunction with the events in 2005 -- which reportedlyreached $115.5 million -- while including them in the projections for the 2009 events. Further, Media Matters senior fellow Eric Boehlert noted that many media outlets have failed to show any evidence to support their estimates.

For example, MSNBC anchor David Shuster ignored the cost of transportation and security in Bush's 2005 inauguration and provided no source for his"estimates" when he asserted during the January 19 edition of MSNBC Live: "Some estimates put the price tag [for Obama'sinauguration] as high as $150 million. That dwarfs the record $42 million spent on President Bush's celebration in 2005." During the segment, MSNBCpresented on-screen text titled "Inauguration Price Tag" that read, "2005: $42 million" and "2009: $150 million (ESTIMATE)."

A January 19 article headlined "WhatRecession? The $170 Million Inauguration" detailed the costs of the 2009 inauguration:
The actual swearing-in ceremony will cost $1.24 million, according to Carole Florman, spokeswoman for the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.

It's the security, parties and countless Porta-a-Potty rentals that really run up the bill.

The federal government estimates that it will spend roughly $49 million on the inaugural weekend. Washington, D.C., Virginia and Maryland have requested another $75 million from the federal government to help pay for their share of police, fire and medical services.

The article's author, ABC News business writer Scott Mayerowitz, compared the "roughly $45 million" in private funds raised by Obama'sinaugural committee to previous inaugurations' private funding: "That's more than the $42.3 million in private funds spent by President Bush'scommittee in 2005 or the $33 million spent for Bill Clinton's first inaugural in 1993." However, in making the comparison of privately funded costs,Mayerowitz did not compare the total cost of Bush's 2005 inauguration -- including public funds -- despite highlighting those expenses for Obama'sinauguration.

Media Matters has"">noted that when the costs incurred by the federal government and the District ofColumbia are factored in, the total cost of Bush's 2005 inauguration was reportedly around $157 million. The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost...les/A22427-2005Jan19.htmlhref="">reported in January 2005 thatthe cost of Bush's second inauguration, which the Post reported to be $40 million, "does not include the cost of a web of security, includingeverything from 7,000 troops to volunteer police officers from far away, to some of the most sophisticated detection and protection equipment." Further,The New York Times"">reported on January 5 that in2005, "the federal government and the District of Columbia spent a combined $115.5 million, most of it for security, the swearing-in ceremony, cleanup andfor a holiday for federal workers."

The article was featured by the conservativewebsite the Drudge Report with the headline: "WHAT RECESSION? THE $170 MILLION INAUGURATION."


From the January 19 article:
The country is in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, which isn't stopping rich donors and the government from spending $170 million, or more, on the inauguration of Barack Obama .

The actual swearing-in ceremony will cost $1.24 million, according to Carole Florman, spokeswoman for the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.

It's the security, parties and countless Porta-a-Potty rentals that really run up the bill.

The federal government estimates that it will spend roughly $49 million on the inaugural weekend. Washington, D.C., Virginia and Maryland have requested another $75 million from the federal government to help pay for their share of police, fire and medical services.

And then there is the party bill.

"We have a budget of roughly $45 million, maybe a little bit more," said Linda Douglas, spokeswoman for the inaugural committee.

That's more than the $42.3 million in private funds spent by President Bush's committee in 2005 or the $33 million spent for Bill Clinton's first inaugural in 1993.

From the January 19 edition of MSNBC Live:
SHUSTER: You're looking at live pictures -- people just starting to walk along the National Mall here in Washington, D.C. We are just less than 27 hours away from the swearing-in of Barack Obama as the 44[sup]th[/sup] president of the United States. People off to something of an early start here in Washington with some of the snowflakes and about 32 degrees. But this is going to be a fairly pricey inauguration; in fact, perhaps the most expensive inauguration ever. Some estimates put the price tag as high as $150 million. That dwarfs the record $42 million spent on President Bush's celebration in 2005. Obviously a very different feel for this one, and a very huge crowd that has already arrived in Washington.

Originally Posted by NewZ05

doesnt matter to me either way...even though i like Obama (no lance bass)

i like that

yes let's do it.
this is history in the making rather it be good or bad.
only time will tell...
i started this thread.

hypothetically speaking, if McCain won, I think it would probably be appropriate to put a banner of him as well. NOT because it's McCain, but more becausewe should celebrate the fact that George W. Bush will no longer run this country.

That in itself is a victory for all of America.
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