Threads you wish would fall into the depths of NT and fade into oblivion...

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Why is that always the excuse posted when somebody doesn't like asian girls?

Just get over yourselves people do have preferences :lol:
b/c this is NT... and asians are coddled when it comes to preference/jokes/racial remarks....

i'm trying to tell yall... BE CAREFUL... when saying anything remotely negative about asians... cuz you will be reprimanded.

this is coming from experience

Why do you CONSTANTLY bring this up? Even if it's true, it's not really necessary to post this in every race-related thread. We get it, you got in trouble once for saying something about Asians. Guess what, though; loads of people have gotten b& for saying things about other races.

And on topic, who cares? OP, you're really on NT so much that you feel like this is thread-worthy?
THIS :smh: :rolleyes
I can't for the life of me figure out why people hate TAN? Did TAN steal your girl? The choice is yours to simply ignore it, meh.
Every race, religion, sexuality, and political thread, the baseball thread, the hockey thread,the game of thrones thread, and every thread in the music Forum except the ones about rap since we're just naming threads about things we just don't like
Call it the thread about nothing.
I hate it when people call it tan. Lazy.
how you think "bred" jordans were this same kind of typing behavior...

that thread is da epitome of free posting...whats to stop someone making one in every section of every part of NT?
Seriously though, I think every race thread should be permabanned, NT has proven that we cannot have one that is remotely progressive. It's always filled with myopic views and random shots that just turn ugly really quickly.
Call it the thread about nothing.

I hate it when people call it tan. Lazy.

how you think "bred" jordans were this same kind of typing behavior...

that thread is da epitome of free posting...whats to stop someone making one in every section of every part of NT?
You dont get around much, do you?
i wish i had a fly swatter everytime each of of you tan ****** started to swarm me cuz i kick your little tree house
  **** that thread,

its bull ****.
You know what, you're right. Matter of fact, people should stop saying NBA, and always say National Basketball Association... Da laziness B

Ironic that the person who shortens THE and YOU would agree with something like that
Why do you CONSTANTLY bring this up? Even if it's true, it's not really necessary to post this in every race-related thread. We get it, you got in trouble once for saying something about Asians. Guess what, though; loads of people have gotten b& for saying things about other races.

And on topic, who cares? OP, you're really on NT so much that you feel like this is thread-worthy?
b/c its not fair.
Call it the thread about nothing.

I hate it when people call it tan. Lazy.

how you think "bred" jordans were this same kind of typing behavior...

that thread is da epitome of free posting...whats to stop someone making one in every section of every part of NT?

You dont get around much, do you?

i wish i had a fly swatter everytime each of of you tan ****** started to swarm me cuz i kick your little tree house :lol:   **** that thread,

its bull ****.
I think you're missing his point, which is that every section of The Lounge has a TAN B
Yeah S&T even has a thread about nothing... wish that had more traffic.
Call it the thread about nothing.

I hate it when people call it tan. Lazy.

how you think "bred" jordans were this same kind of typing behavior...

that thread is da epitome of free posting...whats to stop someone making one in every section of every part of NT?

You dont get around much, do you?

i wish i had a fly swatter everytime each of of you tan ****** started to swarm me cuz i kick your little tree house :lol:   **** that thread,

its bull ****.

You also type "da" instead of "the". I know you know how to type. Same premise.
Lol I didn't click on that movie thread for the longest because of the title. There is def some good stuff in there but the title is wack :lol:

....and then TAN
Why is the dude that told me homophobic isn't a word, uses "da" rather than "the", and randomly spaces out his posts giving grammar lessons?
Why do you CONSTANTLY bring this up? Even if it's true, it's not really necessary to post this in every race-related thread. We get it, you got in trouble once for saying something about Asians. Guess what, though; loads of people have gotten b& for saying things about other races.

And on topic, who cares? OP, you're really on NT so much that you feel like this is thread-worthy?
b/c its not fair.
Life's not fair. Of the millions of things wrong with society, this ranks about last.

My point is that you are way too eager to bring this up, even in threads where it doesn't belong.
Life's not fair. Of the millions of things wrong with society, this ranks about last.

My point is that you are way too eager to bring this up, even in threads where it doesn't belong.

This is where the whole "Stop snitching" mentality backfires. Complaining about racially insensitive comments yet not willing to report them.

So do you guys wanna stay getting offended and not reporting it while letting actual racists feel that they can post whatever they want without consequence,then complain about preferential treatment when others report them? Or call them out and get that trash off NT? It's gotta be one or the other,can't be both.
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Life's not fair. Of the millions of things wrong with society, this ranks about last.

My point is that you are way too eager to bring this up, even in threads where it doesn't belong.

This is where the whole "Stop snitching" mentality backfires. Complaining about racially insensitive comments yet not willing to call them out.

So do you guys wanna stay getting offended and not reporting it while letting actual racists feel that they can post whatever they want without consequence,then complain about preferential treatment when others report them? Or call them out and get that trash off NT? It's gotta be one or the other,can't be both.

I was just thinking about that after reading what meth posted in the thread that just got locked a little while ago. You're right, if you are going to complain about it, help fix it in its totality. I include myself in this category as well. Just don't go nuts over every little thing.
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