Tiger Woods News Conference Scheduled :: FRIDAY 2-19-10

people have been having sex for how many thousands of years? now it's a disease you need treatment for? i don't like that
I thought it was a good speech as well. Damn, not even a Tiger fan (lefty so I Mickelson) but I will def watching his first tourney back and hoping he does well.
dana jacobson you drunk %!$* talking about her apology.
Did Rick Reilly really just say he thought it sounded like Tiger wrote that speech himself?
Dude healed up nice.

Can't tell he got clubbed at all.

*applauds the doctors and specialists who have been treating him in private*

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Dude healed up nice.

Can't tell he got clubbed at all.

*applauds the doctors and specialists who have been treating him in private*


I don't know if anybody is watching Espn first take. But I agree with Jalen rose. For everyday people this story is OVER. Let the man do what he needs to do from here and on out. Let him get his family together and let the man return to golf.
Sounded like a Robot... About what I expected... Not much personality and nothing of real substance.
Originally Posted by LonelyBoySole

Originally Posted by AIR J XIII

I don't mind him having notes and %#@,

Same here. It was a pretty good speech in my eyes ...

Same here

PEDS and Buddhism? It wasn't the time or the place. And why are you thanking those who showed up before you apologize to your wife
Has he joined the Nation of Islam yet? I can't wait to see this dude on the green wearing a bow tie and fake prescription eyewear.

I mean, he doesn't have to do all this in the first place, but this is a sham - prepared statement, no questions, strictly PR/image rebuilding.
Screamin Stephen A. is coming on First Take, this should be pure comedic gold
For those who say is was to scripted or he sounded like a robot I see where your coming from Index cards may have been better so would a little more eye contact. Nevertheless a 15 minute speach was longer than I expected.
Originally Posted by you big dummy


@ Tiger turning the media into a bunch of trained chimps.  "You will send a live feed of me from a monitor."
Originally Posted by HOOD17

Stephen A. going off

and he was right

i just wish he brought up the BS that the guy is a sex addict and needs treatment.

that picture is amazing
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