Tim Duncan silver Foams still set to release Sep 10???

i remember somebody mentioning it before. didn't write it down tho. I would cop if the money is right.
yea i dont know where dude got sept 10 from... its been posted that they r supposed to drop in 2010 in sept 10
i think it would be a bad move for nike if they drop them in sept.. with the 1/2 cents due out soon.. these may not sell well... prolly better if they droppedearly next year or at least around thanksgiving / christmas
these duncans didn't stay on shelves long in this area. doubt they will this time either.


these are sooo vicious with the bootcuts. feel sorry for the big feet folks, these tend to look like boats on you all.
oh wow i remember those. im gonna have to grab a pair. ill have to remember to keep an eye out after release day
dono why but I dont like them. I only like foam 1s for some reason, not even pros do it for me.
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