Time Warner Cable To Lose Viacom's MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, Spike, & Comedy Central Jan 1

Isn't Time Warner and Comcast the same people
? I got DirecTV so noproblems for me
its so stupid because they are such good channels......its not like HSN or PAL is getting the cut...its the stations that have brought you some of the besttelevision in the last 10 years...

and as for them "trying to keep your bills down" its only pennies to keep these channels on their lineup and your bill is going up $3-5 next month nomatter what....huge companies FTL.....you all better start calling and complaining now...
they are taking all of the channels my son watches, ill be calling to cancel shortly.
i was trying to watch Wildboyz on MTV2 and it kept scrolling across the screen
Sooooo that's what these annoying "alert alert alert!" messages are all about...oh well espn isn't listed so I'm good...
For once, I can thank those bums at Charter for being my cable provider...

When I was out in L.A., I had Time Warner. Glad I'm not there anymore... Geez.

It's gonna suck for the ton of clueless people who wake up on New Years Day wondering where the hell all the channels went.
*%!!! Comedy Central! I could care less about all the others, but I needs my South Park and Daily Show/Colbert Report
cablevision ftw....dont feel too bad time warner at least you still got robin byrd..
cablevision ftw....dont feel too bad time warner at least you still got robin byrd..
dish network went through this a couple of years ago. viacom was going to pull all the same channels but i guess it never happened
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