Times Square evacuated for "emergency investigation?"

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

only 4 pages? a bomb in NYC  you said?

only on NT

Because its in NYC.  IF this was in CALI guaranteed at least 50 pages.  Because 48 pages of that would be a CA > NY debate most of it coming from ignorant NYC'ers.
No one cares about Cali.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Let me first say that I am relieved no one was hurt and that this situation has come to a close. I am also thankful for the efforts of our government and protective services... but I must pose a few things...

Honestly...every account that I'm reading makes this seem really suspicious. What are the honest chances that someone would walk up on the car and just think there was something suspicious going on? I've been under the slight assumption that it was planted by the govt to make it seem like they are "combating" terrorism and making strides to be more emergency prepared. It just seems a little surreal that they not only intercepted this thing before it went off, but it also "did not properly detonate." Also it could have been used as a public scare tactic...who knows...honestly, these days anything you think of is not that far fetched. Any government is capable of a range of things you would never imagine and has done so many times without you ever knowing...as it has in the past...

Does anyone else just find this really suspicious? I'm still, like everyone else, getting more and more info about this event so I'm holding off on completely just calling it a farce, but something just doesn't seem kosher.

So you think that a car that is visibly smoking in one of the most attractive tourists spots in the country that has tens of thousands of people in the area at all times is unreasonable? You're SERIOUSLY reaching here.
^QFT. It's funny how the 'Taliban' would claim it the next day. Aren'tcriminals supposed to deny their wrong doings? Like you don't see amurderer kill someone, call 911 and than say "i killed someone, butguess what? Even though I called from this payphone on main street,you'll never find me". That's stupid. Either these terrorists arereally frigging stupid, or something doesn't add up. And I'm leaningmore towards us getting short-changed.
You don't deny doing something when you're only doing it to instill fear in an enemy/get a point across. In these cases you want people to know what you've done so your message gets out with news of the attack/attempted attack. There's a huge difference between the two examples that you just gave.

Why does everything always have to be a conspiracy/government plot??


Wow. That one must have taken you a really long time to think of. Really, that's a great response. I mean honestly, I don't think anyone in the history of ever has come up with a more awesome response than that. Look everyone, look how cool he is! He challenges authority by assuming that everything is a government conspiracy! You're so awesome! Thank you for your insight!

Get mad if you want to, I'm asking you to consider the proposition. You clearly don't agree so just move on. I'm posing this question for all the skeptics out there. Trust me, i'm one of the last people to hop on board of a conspiracy but you can't be too sure these days.
Since 9/11 I knew when people want to make a name for themselves, they will ALWAYS attack NYC first....lovely place but there's a big bulls eye on the city....if you thought NYPD was draconian...................you aint seen NOTHING yet............. enjoy your limited rights NY'ers
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Let me first say that I am relieved no one was hurt and that this situation has come to a close. I am also thankful for the efforts of our government and protective services... but I must pose a few things...

Honestly...every account that I'm reading makes this seem really suspicious. What are the honest chances that someone would walk up on the car and just think there was something suspicious going on? I've been under the slight assumption that it was planted by the govt to make it seem like they are "combating" terrorism and making strides to be more emergency prepared. It just seems a little surreal that they not only intercepted this thing before it went off, but it also "did not properly detonate." Also it could have been used as a public scare tactic...who knows...honestly, these days anything you think of is not that far fetched. Any government is capable of a range of things you would never imagine and has done so many times without you ever knowing...as it has in the past...

Does anyone else just find this really suspicious? I'm still, like everyone else, getting more and more info about this event so I'm holding off on completely just calling it a farce, but something just doesn't seem kosher.

So you think that a car that is visibly smoking in one of the most attractive tourists spots in the country that has tens of thousands of people in the area at all times is unreasonable? You're SERIOUSLY reaching here.
^QFT. It's funny how the 'Taliban' would claim it the next day. Aren'tcriminals supposed to deny their wrong doings? Like you don't see amurderer kill someone, call 911 and than say "i killed someone, butguess what? Even though I called from this payphone on main street,you'll never find me". That's stupid. Either these terrorists arereally frigging stupid, or something doesn't add up. And I'm leaningmore towards us getting short-changed.
You don't deny doing something when you're only doing it to instill fear in an enemy/get a point across. In these cases you want people to know what you've done so your message gets out with news of the attack/attempted attack. There's a huge difference between the two examples that you just gave.

Why does everything always have to be a conspiracy/government plot??


Wow. That one must have taken you a really long time to think of. Really, that's a great response. I mean honestly, I don't think anyone in the history of ever has come up with a more awesome response than that. Look everyone, look how cool he is! He challenges authority by assuming that everything is a government conspiracy! You're so awesome! Thank you for your insight!

Get mad if you want to, I'm asking you to consider the proposition. You clearly don't agree so just move on. I'm posing this question for all the skeptics out there. Trust me, i'm one of the last people to hop on board of a conspiracy but you can't be too sure these days.

Not mad, I would have liked a more intelligent response to my question though. I mean its not like I looked at what you wrote and posted a picture of someone in a straight jacket to insinuate that you're insane/a conspiracy theorist.

Government and the powers that be whole purpose is to rob peopleof common sense and their ability to reason in order for you towillingly give up yous rights in order for "protection", they are amafia. Just look how easy it was during 9/11. The PATRIOT Act wassigned into law just about a month after the "terrorist" attack, thegovernment had that planned since the first Bush administration. Nowlook at people in this country, theyre obidient and silent about thegovernment having complete and total access to their medical records,financial records, and they can listen to and read peoples phone callsand emails without any type of warrant or justification. But dontworry, it's for your protection, right?

Government is not yourfriend and they are not here to protect you. To them you are a serf anda slave and they want to tax everything you have in order to pay fortheir social engineering Welfare State programs.
We live in America, not Nazi Germany. Is it wrong that the government taps its own citizens phone calls? Of course it is. It's a gross violation of our rights and The Patriot Act is as well. People are obedient and silent because they are uninformed, apathetic, and politically inactive. The truth is that people feel as if they don't need to do any of this and that someone else will do it for them. We're a spoiled society. Again, not EVERYTHING is a government conspiracy. Everything you just mentioned is public record/might not even be true.

The government is here to serve you. You elect them, unless you don't vote, and if that's the case in my eyes you have no right to complain about anything. A serf and a slave? Please. Do you understand where taxes go? The roads you drive on daily, how were they paid for? The streetlights outside your house, how were they paid for? The police department and fire department that respond to your needs whether it be your home burning down or you getting robbed, how are they paid for? Water and sewage treatment facilities that give you clean water to drink and shower with and take your feces somewhere far away so you don't have to go in a chamber pot and throw it out a window on to the street, how were those paid for? When you retire and you want to live comfortably, Social Security is going to aid you there, but how is that paid for? When you want to go to the doctor but you don't have $150 for the visit, how should this be paid because it is for the good of everyone and not just one person?


If you feel that any of these SOCIAL goods are unnecessary and would be better off in the hands of individuals then maybe you shouldn't be a part of a free functioning society. Go live on an island by yourself and pave every road, light every street, put out every fire and respond to every crime yourself while using all of your own money. Sounds a little tough right?
Do you understand where taxes go?

Sure do.











Water and sewage treatment facilities that give you clean water to drink and shower with and take your feces somewhere far away so you don't have to go in a chamber pot and throw it out a window on to the street, how were those paid for?
Millions in U.S. Drink Dirty Water, Records Show


Published: December 7, 2009

More than 20 percent of the nation’s water treatment systems have violated key provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act over the last five years, according to a New York Times analysis of federal data.

When you retire and you want to live comfortably, Social Security is going to aid you there, but how is that paid for? When you want to go to the doctor but you don't have $150 for the visit, how should this be paid because it is for the good of everyone and not just one person?

How do you know what is comfortable for me or the next person, who are you?

f you feel that any of these SOCIAL goods are unnecessary and would be better off in the hands of individuals then maybe you shouldn't be a part of a free functioning society.

This makes abosultely no sense. If it was in the hands of individuals, then it wouldnt be a free society? Illegally confiscating private property from person A and giving person B constitutes a free society?
Originally Posted by rashi

Do you understand where taxes go?

Sure do.











Water and sewage treatment facilities that give you clean water to drink and shower with and take your feces somewhere far away so you don't have to go in a chamber pot and throw it out a window on to the street, how were those paid for?
Millions in U.S. Drink Dirty Water, Records Show


Published: December 7, 2009

More than 20 percent of the nation’s water treatment systems have violated key provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act over the last five years, according to a New York Times analysis of federal data.

When you retire and you want to live comfortably, Social Security is going to aid you there, but how is that paid for? When you want to go to the doctor but you don't have $150 for the visit, how should this be paid because it is for the good of everyone and not just one person?

How do you know what is comfortable for me or the next person, who are you?

f you feel that any of these SOCIAL goods are unnecessary and would be better off in the hands of individuals then maybe you shouldn't be a part of a free functioning society.

This makes abosultely no sense. If it was in the hands of individuals, then it wouldnt be a free society? Illegally confiscating private property from person A and giving person B constitutes a free society?

I agree 100% that a great deal of our tax dollars are wasted on unjust wars and funding Israels occupation of Palestine and things of that nature, however that doesn't mean that they are all bad. A lot of public goods are funded by tax dollars and without them our lives would be very different. Also, the snippet of the article you posted ties into much of the money being wasted elsewhere and not being spent on American projects which should be most important.

Living comfortably, for most people, is not having to work into your 70s because you can't afford to retire which could possibly be a reality if Social Security is not fixed soon.

Who is illegally confiscating anyone's property? If you're talking about money then this is a necessary evil. No one likes having their income taxed, however without this we would not live in the society we do.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Let me first say that I am relieved no one was hurt and that this situation has come to a close. I am also thankful for the efforts of our government and protective services... but I must pose a few things...

Honestly...every account that I'm reading makes this seem really suspicious. What are the honest chances that someone would walk up on the car and just think there was something suspicious going on? I've been under the slight assumption that it was planted by the govt to make it seem like they are "combating" terrorism and making strides to be more emergency prepared. It just seems a little surreal that they not only intercepted this thing before it went off, but it also "did not properly detonate." Also it could have been used as a public scare tactic...who knows...honestly, these days anything you think of is not that far fetched. Any government is capable of a range of things you would never imagine and has done so many times without you ever knowing...as it has in the past...

Does anyone else just find this really suspicious? I'm still, like everyone else, getting more and more info about this event so I'm holding off on completely just calling it a farce, but something just doesn't seem kosher.

So you think that a car that is visibly smoking in one of the most attractive tourists spots in the country that has tens of thousands of people in the area at all times is unreasonable? You're SERIOUSLY reaching here.
^QFT. It's funny how the 'Taliban' would claim it the next day. Aren'tcriminals supposed to deny their wrong doings? Like you don't see amurderer kill someone, call 911 and than say "i killed someone, butguess what? Even though I called from this payphone on main street,you'll never find me". That's stupid. Either these terrorists arereally frigging stupid, or something doesn't add up. And I'm leaningmore towards us getting short-changed.
You don't deny doing something when you're only doing it to instill fear in an enemy/get a point across. In these cases you want people to know what you've done so your message gets out with news of the attack/attempted attack. There's a huge difference between the two examples that you just gave.

Why does everything always have to be a conspiracy/government plot??


Wow. That one must have taken you a really long time to think of. Really, that's a great response. I mean honestly, I don't think anyone in the history of ever has come up with a more awesome response than that. Look everyone, look how cool he is! He challenges authority by assuming that everything is a government conspiracy! You're so awesome! Thank you for your insight!

Get mad if you want to, I'm asking you to consider the proposition. You clearly don't agree so just move on. I'm posing this question for all the skeptics out there. Trust me, i'm one of the last people to hop on board of a conspiracy but you can't be too sure these days.

Not mad, I would have liked a more intelligent response to my question though. I mean its not like I looked at what you wrote and posted a picture of someone in a straight jacket to insinuate that you're insane/a conspiracy theorist.

Government and the powers that be whole purpose is to rob peopleof common sense and their ability to reason in order for you towillingly give up yous rights in order for "protection", they are amafia. Just look how easy it was during 9/11. The PATRIOT Act wassigned into law just about a month after the "terrorist" attack, thegovernment had that planned since the first Bush administration. Nowlook at people in this country, theyre obidient and silent about thegovernment having complete and total access to their medical records,financial records, and they can listen to and read peoples phone callsand emails without any type of warrant or justification. But dontworry, it's for your protection, right?

Government is not yourfriend and they are not here to protect you. To them you are a serf anda slave and they want to tax everything you have in order to pay fortheir social engineering Welfare State programs.
We live in America, not Nazi Germany. Is it wrong that the government taps its own citizens phone calls? Of course it is. It's a gross violation of our rights and The Patriot Act is as well. People are obedient and silent because they are uninformed, apathetic, and politically inactive. The truth is that people feel as if they don't need to do any of this and that someone else will do it for them. We're a spoiled society. Again, not EVERYTHING is a government conspiracy. Everything you just mentioned is public record/might not even be true.

The government is here to serve you. You elect them, unless you don't vote, and if that's the case in my eyes you have no right to complain about anything. A serf and a slave? Please. Do you understand where taxes go? The roads you drive on daily, how were they paid for? The streetlights outside your house, how were they paid for? The police department and fire department that respond to your needs whether it be your home burning down or you getting robbed, how are they paid for? Water and sewage treatment facilities that give you clean water to drink and shower with and take your feces somewhere far away so you don't have to go in a chamber pot and throw it out a window on to the street, how were those paid for? When you retire and you want to live comfortably, Social Security is going to aid you there, but how is that paid for? When you want to go to the doctor but you don't have $150 for the visit, how should this be paid because it is for the good of everyone and not just one person?


If you feel that any of these SOCIAL goods are unnecessary and would be better off in the hands of individuals then maybe you shouldn't be a part of a free functioning society. Go live on an island by yourself and pave every road, light every street, put out every fire and respond to every crime yourself while using all of your own money. Sounds a little tough right?

CallHimAR: i recommend u watch this doc

a very informative on the legal/tax base of the US, just a different perspective for you consideration. 

FYI income tax was introduced in 1913, ask yourself....how did society function and how were social programs carried out prior to this date?

ur income tax goes straight towards the payment of gov't (public) debt 

all of the things u mentioned is paid for usually by taxes to local authorities and other tariffs such as the tax on gasoline, tolls, consumer goods, cigs etc. 

came back from the city around 12 and there were quite a few police cars, more than usual.

and alot of cops on foot with dogs.
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