TMZ is reporting Lil Wayne is in critical condition after seizures and "it doesn't look good"

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Your still wrong. This says nothing at all in regards to this and I already posted specific detailed proof and its for identifiable health information. Saying a person is in STABLE condition and moved out of ICU is not identifiable and not a HIPAA violation

And let me ask you all. Do you know HIPAA is for sending electronic information only? LMAO clowns HIPAA

Who is Covered by the Privacy Rule

The Privacy Rule, as well as all the Administrative Simplification rules, apply to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and to any health care provider who transmits health information in electronic form in connection with transactions for which the Secretary of HHS has adopted standards under HIPAA (the “covered entities”). For help in determining whether you are covered, use CMS's decision tool.

You are clearly simple if you think it only applies to sending the information electronically.

So then how do you explain the receptionist who got in so much trouble and then ultimately committed suicide because she gave out information about the Princess in Great Britain to that radio show over the phone?
I know the site...I implemented the privacy rules where I was working when the law first came out. What you are spittin' is accurate let it go and let's get the thread back on track

Very unlikely but it wouldnt be too difficult to track back to find out who his nursing staff was.
People have gotten in very hot water for posting much less on FB or Twitter etc
[COLOR=#red]While we're at it Jaywalking is a crime too, also feeling your girl's a** in public in some states.

Someone please call 911[/COLOR]

What does that have to do with anything. I was talking to JinKazam in a seperate conversation thanks
You are clearly simple if you think it only applies to sending the information electronically.

So then how do you explain the receptionist who got in so much trouble and then ultimately committed suicide because she gave out information about the Princess in Great Britain to that radio show over the phone?

Im saying everything you posting is not proving anything that you said. You should have posted that it COULD be a violation and NOT A viloation..

I just looked up HIPAA laws

Release of patient’s general condition and location

As long as the patient has not requested that information be withheld, you may release the patient's one-word condition and location to individuals who inquire about the patient by name or to clergy, without obtaining prior patient authorization.

Can you read? Do you get it now. I can say he is STABLE to anybody I want. And I can also say he have moved out of ICU
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Look I was just warning the poster not to give out the information could things can be tracked back to his friend who is the nurse and get her in trouble which is not worth it.
Very unlikely but it wouldnt be too difficult to track back to find out who his nursing staff was.
People have gotten in very hot water for posting much less on FB or Twitter etc

[COLOR=#red]If HIPAA was enforced, but it is more akin to guidelines and a honor system. [/COLOR]
Im saying everything you posting is not proving anything that you said. You should have posted that it COULD be a violation and NOT A viloation..
Can you read? Do you get it now. I can say he is STABLE to anybody I want. And I can also say he have moved out of ICU

First of all everything you are quoting is directed towards updating the media with regards to a patient. That is totally seperate from his Nurse telling her friend "yea I am taking care of wayne tonight everything they said was true he was intubated etc but now he is better and out of the ICU"

That is a HIPAA violation.

You obviously have no idea the context of the information you are quoting.
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Examples of HIPAA Violations Include:

Accessing health information of coworkers, family members, or

Throwing PHI into the trash.

Sharing patient information with those who do not have a need
to know.

Telling friends or relatives about patients in the hospital.

Sending PHI in emails.

Discussing PHI in public areas, including elevators, the
cafeteria, hospital lobbies.

Discussing PHI on the phone in public areas.

Leaving PHI unattended in public areas.

Failing to log off computer systems containing patient information.

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So you stand by that the nurse didnt commit a HIPAA violation?
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Let that be a lesson to ya'll straight from Birdman's mouth; Drugs don't cause seizures, hard work causes 'em.

I'm to gather with you on that

Or yall can learn from me, and 3 others i know that they do

You had a seizure from working too hard or from drugs? I know that the seizure threshold can be lowered due to lack of sleep, but both high consumption of codeine and Xanax withdrawal are sure to cause seizures. Saying Wayne's seizure was caused by hard work is like eating a sleeping pill and saying you fell asleep because you were tired. I think he had a drug overdose and they are trying to cover it up. They don't normally keep someone in the hospital for days after having one seizure.
Let that be a lesson to ya'll straight from Birdman's mouth; Drugs don't cause seizures, hard work causes 'em.

I'm to gather with you on that

Or yall can learn from me, and 3 others i know that they do

You had a seizure from working too hard or from drugs? I know that the seizure threshold can be lowered due to lack of sleep, but both high consumption of codeine and Xanax withdrawal are sure to cause seizures. Saying Wayne's seizure was caused by hard work is like eating a sleeping pill and saying you fell asleep because you were tired. I think he had a drug overdose and they are trying to cover it up. They don't normally keep someone in the hospital for days after having one seizure.

Nah, all xanax

I aint trying to BS yall like Birdman

Yep. Xanax'll do it everytime. These young boys don't even know what they are getting into poppin' those bars.
Birdman dont sound too good

My dude baby said "Ambulamps" tho! Lol/smh and he over there. Dude is in bad shape. All those shark lawyers around baby n u tell me they didn't jump on tmz with all kind of suits since they claim they are lying. Believe what yall want. Wayne is not the only celebrity I hear about that comes round those parts.

Lol @ "he in good health" baby a fool!
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Birdman shook... I bet wayne has some level of brain damage and they jus transferred him from icu to like hospice care.

Hope I'm wrong tho

I don't wanna be a part of social media or life in general the cpl days surrounding that announcement
Birdman sounded terrible in that interview |I

Since word is he got released, hopefully things get better for him.
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