To my Nt college dropouts ....

Apr 6, 2008
I am really on the verge of dropping out of school. I'm in my 3rd semester in college and just feel like this #+*! aint for me.. The thing is I have noclue #@* Imma do with my life... So I got one question . To my college dropouts what are you doing now?
trying to go back to school, almost done myself, but me and my girl had a baby, and I took some time off, just finish it up and try to have fun while doing it.
Don't do it, definitely go and talk to some kind of college counselor so they can help you find something that you are interested in. If you wanna goanywhere and have some kind of rewarding career it starts with that stupid friggin piece of paper called a diploma....
Stick with it family it's hard right now but it will pay off in the end there is a reason they have the some college choice on job apps.

With a depression on the horizon pretty soon if you don't have a degree you will not have a job ANYWHERE!
Originally Posted by fittednfresh

I am really on the verge of dropping out of school. I'm in my 3rd semester in college and just feel like this #+*! aint for me.. The thing is I have no clue #@* Imma do with my life... So I got one question . To my college dropouts what are you doing now?

Are you still living at home? That'll do it to you man, you gotta get outta there.

If that's not it, you probably gotta find something that interests you dude, photography, communications, business, whatever makes you happy.
Originally Posted by sole leisure

Originally Posted by fittednfresh

I am really on the verge of dropping out of school. I'm in my 3rd semester in college and just feel like this #+*! aint for me.. The thing is I have no clue #@* Imma do with my life... So I got one question . To my college dropouts what are you doing now?

Are you still living at home? That'll do it to you man, you gotta get outta there.

If that's not it, you probably gotta find something that interests you dude, photography, communications, business, whatever makes you happy.
Naw I got my own place man apartment with 2 other roommates.. I'm thinking about taking a semester off at least one and working fulltime stillliving at my apartment and everything just working instead of school...
Started producing, make some extra cash, get me a Pelle Pelle, and now Im rapping/singing doing what I love
I took about a year off, but I'm going back next semester. I honestly believe I could make decent money without a degree, and I was when I was away fromschool. But I want to go back for the experience if anything. Remember this is the last few years of your "youth". You proably won't besurrounded by so many friends and chicks ever again.
I dropped out to become a full time rapper, one day i'll blow up and it'll be all worth it.

Check out my Myspace

but naw I think you need to try to map out your future. You ain't got to have a college degree to make money, but depending on what you plan on doing tomake money, not having a degree will put a ceiling on your success
i just started and i am really having mixed feelings. one second i want to drop out and then i think of what i want to do with my life and i somehow convincemyself to stay in college because it is the best choice. however i know a few people who went to really good schools like harvard and have a job that theycould have got with a ged and say college was the biggest waste of their life. honestly it is not worth staying in college just to stay, stay in college if thecareer you are pursuing requires a college degree.
Man, if you dont know what you want to do with your life, you have no business going to school and wasting your time and money. School aint for everyone myninja. I dropped out as a junior because the company I was working for part-time offered me a nice full time position making much more money. Had to handle mybusiness and been movin up ever since gaining the corporate america experience without the degree. Also, just think about the crazy student loans you'llhave to pay back after graduation and its not even a guarantee you'll even find a high paying job. IMO, School = overrated.
Originally Posted by pr1nts

i just started and i am really having mixed feelings. one second i want to drop out and then i think of what i want to do with my life and i somehow convince myself to stay in college because it is the best choice. however i know a few people who went to really good schools like harvard and have a job that they could have got with a ged and say college was the biggest waist of their life. honestly it is not worth staying in college just to stay, stay in college if the career you are pursuing requires a college degree.
wait, so how big of a waist does college have? is it fat?

get your college degree fam.
do what you gotta do. if school isn't for you, then so be it.
maybe enroll at a jc? you'll be doing the same core studies. saving money.
maybe in one of those core classes you'll find your "calling"

I took off a semester and I'm getting ready for the next semester.
I really don't feel like going back to be honest.
I learned more out of school just taking up time this semester, then I did in school.
i've considered dropping out because i want to go to the LA Recording School, but i decided to just graduate with a degree in something that interests meand not necesarily a career-shaping focus.

if you are going to drop out try make sure you know waht you are going to do afterwards. i know several people who didn't graduate college who are makingit along, but there are also some that didn't graduate and aren't making it very easily.
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