To the guys who have high standards when it comes to women...

No it's more like "I am an African-American with lighter skin, and I think that's a good quality, and you, an African-American with darker skin, do not have this good quality and I'm better than you because of that. And if you think that's wrong, you are just insecure and need to be more in touch with the world." 

Get it now?
No, I don't get it.

This is the definition of insecurity, unless someone has actually said that in this thread, you assuming thats what "I am an African-American with lighter skin" = "I'm am better than you because I have lighter skin" is insecure. You are projecting your fantasy that everyone who is proud of their skin (whatever shade it may be) thinks it makes them better, that is textbook insecurity. I can dig that you are into dark skin sisters and want more people to be into them also, but people are free to choose and if you think people who aren't into dark sisters are injust, it doesn't mean anything. 

You sound like my mom, me and her have had this conversation ad nasuem, and it's an epidemic in the black community. Tthe insecurity that everyone else thinks negatively of us, there are people that do, that sit in their homes "I hate dark skins" but, most people are so absorbed in their stupid kids, or marriage, or that hot chick from work, or their coin collection, or stamps or housewives or breaking bad, or think about a million things besides black people.

Sometimes, someone saying "I like being light skinned" is not some injustice, it's just some dude saying "I have this quality and I like it" I'm sure you have plenty of qualities other people admire, and when you say you are proud of your height, or your speed, or your athleticism or your whatever, you aren't somehow putting other people down. 
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So everyone who ever says anything about what they perceive as their good qualities is somehow taking a shot at everyone else?  A white dude saying "I like being white" is somehow taking a shot at every non white? Honestly, if that is world you live in, then you have perma insecurity and you might want to work on that. 

No it's more like "I am an African-American with lighter skin, and I think that's a good quality, and you, an African-American with darker skin, do not have this good quality and I'm better than you because of that. And if you think that's wrong, you are just insecure and need to be more in touch with the world." 

Get it now?

No. Nobody even hinted at half the stuff you just said. That sounds like insecurity to me. Just because we said were lightskinned means were better? I'm not better than any human on this earth, we are all the same. Be proud of your color dude.
No, I don't get it.

This is the definition of insecurity, unless someone has actually said that in this thread, you assuming thats what "I am an African-American with lighter skin" = "I'm am better than you because I have lighter skin" is insecure. You are projecting your fantasy that everyone who is proud of their skin (whatever shade it may be) thinks it makes them better, that is textbook insecurity. I can dig that you are into dark skin sisters and want more people to be into them also, but people are free to choose and if you think people who aren't into dark sisters, it doesn't mean anything. 

You sound like my mom, me and her have had this conversation ad nasuem, and it's an epidemic in the black community. Tthe insecurity that everyone else thinks negatively of us, there are people that do, that sit in their homes "I hate dark skins" but, most people are so absorbed in their stupid kids, or marriage, or that hot chick from work, or their coin collection, or stamps or housewives or breaking bad, or think about a million things besides black people.

Sometimes, someone saying "I like being light skinned" is not some injustice, it's just some dude saying "I have this quality and I like it" I'm sure you have plenty of qualities other people admire, and when you say you are proud of your height, or your speed, or your athleticism or your whatever, you aren't somehow putting other people down. 
It has been said in the thread, a member even said that the majority of people favor it to darker skin in many countries....that's not insecurity, because people with those darker skin tones in those countries are actually segregated and prejudiced because of their skin color, and that makes it an injustice. You can be proud thats fine, but when people of these "non favorable" colors are denied employment, marriage, as well as considered inferior by many throughout the world, it is not insecurity within themselves thats responsible for it.
I didn't mention my color because I didn't want the thread to get derailed like this but it's naive to pretend like people are color blind.
It has been said in the thread, a member even said that the majority of people favor it to darker skin in many countries....that's not insecurity, because people with those darker skin tones in those countries are actually segregated and prejudiced because of their skin color, and that makes it an injustice. You can be proud thats fine, but when people of these "non favorable" colors are denied employment, marriage, as well as considered inferior by many throughout the world, it is not insecurity within themselves thats responsible for it.
Thats a different argument. being discriminated because of your skin color is not the same as a dude saying "I'm proud of my skin color." I can see how the line of thought (being proud of your skin) can easily lead to discrimination and injustice, but the thought itself is rather harmless, and in fact it is kind of what you are promoting, you are saying "people ought to be prouder of their dark skin"

'Merica has decided that medium brown skin or "light skin", for black folk, is whats up, we make fun of pale women (ginger, daywalker, ghost, etc.) and people spend a lot of money on tanning spray, etc. to make themselves more attractive. So if I had to put something on an "attractveness resume" I'm going to put "light skin" just like I would put "tall" or put "strong" all things that could easily "lead" to injustice, but generally don't, and in and of themselves aren't "injust" statements. 
I will respectfully disagree with your statement that the thought is harmless, as it is what motivates discrimination in the first place. I know people with darker skin tones personally who've been discriminated in this country because of it, so I guess that's why I do my part to accept everyone equally regardless of their color, as well as shun at those who think their better than others because they are lighter. 
I will respectfully disagree with your statement that the thought is harmless, as it is what motivates discrimination in the first place. I know people with darker skin tones personally who've been discriminated in this country because of it, so I guess that's why I do my part to accept everyone equally regardless of their color, as well as shun at those who think their better than others because they are lighter. 
Should no one be proud of any quality they have? That pride can easily lead to discrimination, I'm proud I'm "tall" (6ft, not that tall) and dwerfs get discriminated against, so should I not be proud I am tall? I'm proud I am skinny, and fat people get disciminated against, should I not be proud I am skinny? 

As my original statement, I can dig it, do you, but I want you to recognize, you have some deep seeded insecurities, the first step is admitting. 
I will respectfully disagree with your statement that the thought is harmless, as it is what motivates discrimination in the first place. I know people with darker skin tones personally who've been discriminated in this country because of it, so I guess that's why I do my part to accept everyone equally regardless of their color, as well as shun at those who think their better than others because they are lighter. 

What about those who think they're better because they're darker? Calling all light skin n's soft and saying we haven't been in since the 80s :lol
Should no one be proud of any quality they have? That pride can easily lead to discrimination, I'm proud I'm "tall" (6ft, not that tall) and dwerfs get discriminated against, so should I not be proud I am tall? I'm proud I am skinny, and fat people get disciminated against, should I not be proud I am skinny? 

As my original statement, I can dig it, do you, but I want you to recognize, you have some deep seeded insecurities, the first step is admitting. 
Fat and skinny doesn't work cause you have the ability to become either. And yeah, being proud you're not a dwarf I suppose can be something to be proud of, but you'll just come off like a jerk because it could've easily been you in their shoes, but wasn't. You can be proud that you aren't mentally handicapped either, and write something like that on your "attractiveness" resume, but it actually makes you seem a lot more unattractive in doing so. 

And btw you don't know me, and given you cannot even extrapolate my arguments to a full degree without me having to keep clarifying myself, please don't attempt to play my psychiatrist either
What about those who think they're better because they're darker? Calling all light skin n's soft and saying we haven't been in since the 80s
Thinking youre better than someone else because of something they cannot control is wrong to me period, especially when those who are subject to it have their quality of life lessened as a result...but it's a cold world, so you take what you get and roll with it
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Your arguments suck though. "I'm proud I'm tall" = "I'm proud I'm not a dwarf" thats a bad argument, you could be short and not be dwarf, you can be a dwarf and be proud. You're taking statement A and implying statement B, even when the speaker says "When I say I'm proud to be tall, it has nothing to do with my feelings on dwarfs." You should probably talk to a thearpist about this, I'm just providing the sign post.

So, if you could answer my questions, then we wouldn't have to keep going. Should no one be proud of anything? Does being proud of x mean you are slighting y? 
When you see Am1x90xnike writing paragraph arguments its time to exit thread...

Well for thank you..
I don't know, people not being able to read a few paragraphs on race, poltics etc. but can read 100 instagram commments, 200 tweets, 100 facebook really does make me fear for the future. Discussing the role of race, gender, skin tone etc.  in society is something that has actual effect in the world, but you hey, the real housewives of etc. is probably more relevant to your world, and thats how the corporations like to keep it, distraction, don't ever think/talk about anything of any importance. 
So, if you could answer my questions, then we wouldn't have to keep going. Should no one be proud of anything? Does being proud of x mean you are slighting y? 
Sure you can be proud, but when being proud of something proves to be detrimental to another based off something they cannot control, and are thus treated differently because of it, it's not right.

Would you be proud in saying you are not mentally handicapped to a room of autistic children who are continuously bullied and treated differently based on their god given condition/appearance? If you feel confident in your logic, you shouldn't have a problem doing so. And that's fine, but consider what others may think of you  
When you see Am1x90xnike writing paragraph arguments its time to exit thread...

Well for thank you..

I don't know, people not being able to read a few paragraphs on race, poltics etc. but can read 100 instagram commments, 200 tweets, 100 facebook really does make me fear for the future. Discussing the role of race, gender, skin tone etc.  in society is something that has actual effect in the world, but you hey, the real housewives of etc. is probably more relevant to your world, and thats how the corporations like to keep it, distraction, don't ever think/talk about anything of any importance. 

People don't mind reading and discussing race and politics at all, but people would rather not read a bunch of aimless superficial dravel about those topics, as it defeats the purpose of even having those types of discussions.
I would say "I'm proud I'm smart", regardless of who is in the room. But, I never said "I'm proud I'm not dark skin" I said, I'm proud "I'm light skin", which are two different statements, one is a neg to other people ,the other is a statement of self, you are making them into one, which is why I think personal insecurity made you make that leap. 

Please, tell me where my "superficial dravel". I want to know, 90% of posts I make are well thought out and well supported, you might not agree but doesn't mean it's "dreval" I'm always open to people pointing out whats wrong with my arguments, and mostly, people can't they just say things like "there goes am1 again" but can never point out any logic's ok though I'm here to help, here to provide a little prespective, even if crude, mostly because plain speak is often crude. 
I would say "I'm proud I'm smart", regardless of who is in the room. But, I never said "I'm proud I'm not dark skin" I said, I'm proud "I'm light skin", which are two different statements, one is a neg to other people ,the other is a statement of self, you are making them into one, which is why I think personal insecurity made you make that leap. 

Please, tell me where my "superficial dravel". I want to know, 90% of posts I make are well thought out and well supported, you might not agree but doesn't mean it's "dreval" I'm always open to people pointing out whats wrong with my arguments, and mostly, people can't they just say things like "there goes am1 again" but can never point out any logic's ok though I'm here to help, here to provide a little prespective, even if crude, mostly because plain speak is often crude. 
Don't misconstrue my example, would you say "I'm proud I'm fully mentally functional" speaking to a room of autistic children? "I'm proud I'm fully mentally functional" is also a statement of self, but given the circumstance, can actually serve as something hurtful, and in our case especially to those in other parts of the world where people with darker skin are discriminated and oppressed for being born that way.

Are those autistic children just insecure in finding something wrong with your "statement of self"? or are you saying something thats morally incorrect?    

Yeah, thats not something I would classify as insecurity. Your opinion does not hold ground to me at all, nor do I find it to be remotely accurate.  
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