To this day I can't believe I seen this in a movie.....Red Pill or Blue Pill?

I knew you were one of the deeper NTers from some of your other posts, GTEK.

I have a deep faith in God, so for me, life after taking the pill Neo ended up picking meant a whole new life spiritual life, which in turn has lead to anawakening of sorts... Even an "enlightenment," if you will. The funny thing about this flick is that no matter how many times I see it, when Neofinally taps into his inner being and stops those bullets from hitting him, I start geeking. For me, that's like fighting temptation all around me oneday and seeing it pay off after all your efforts. That's why I don't worry about the illuminati ever succeeding... Off of karma alone, I know theywon't succeed in the bigger picture.
How them little slimy, cross dressing, transgendered freaks just stole Sophia Stewarts whole story and ran with it though?


She better win that lawsuit. They crooks came off with a couple hundred million of her work...enough for Larry's (Lana)sex change





[color= rgb(153, 153, 153)]The perfect world would dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this, the peak of your civilization. I say your civilization because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization which is of course what this is all about. Evolution, Morpheus, evolution, like the dinosaur. Look out that window. You had your time. The future is our world, Morpheus. The future is our time.[/color]
I'm the biggest Matrix fan in here, and still to this day look for deeper meanings in the concepts of the Matrix. "I thought it wasn't real?""Your mind makes it real."
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

How them little slimy, cross dressing, transgendered freaks just stole Sophia Stewarts whole story and ran with it though?


She better win that lawsuit. They crooks came off with a couple hundred million of her work...enough for Larry's (Lana)sex change





She won. There was a story about it online; she's living in the Northwest these days and is going to use some of the money she won to start a recordlabel. When I first heard in 2007 on the Tom Joyner Show that the concepts for the movies was stolen from her, I thought it was just some random woman comingforward, but since the truth's come out, I've been leery about many "creator-owned" projects.
These elements are investigated even further (and more obviously) in the second film.

For any of you interested in Matrix-specific analysis, I suggest you buy the Blu-Ray Triology. The extra discs have some really good stuff on them.

If you want to dig even deeper read this:


It will blow your mind.
Ok lets break it down....

[Average NT'er]What the hell your talking about? What is The Matrix?[Average NT'er]

"The matrix is all around us"

The Matrix is organized religion, media, colonization, it ranges from everything
to our language to the current time construct.

This is the Matrix.

[Average NT'er] So what is this red pill, blue pill crap [Average NT'er]

Without going into much detail...
this was basically Neo's confortation with himself.
He could either at that point choose to learn the knowledge that is being withheld from him
or just go back into the matrix mindstate, not care, and enjoy whatever the elite had to offer him.

[Average NT'er] What is this knowledge you are talking about [Average NT'er]

Knowledge of himself.
How he got here....
What is the meaning of his life....
How to live his life to his fullest potential....

Unless you have confronted yourself into a state of enlightenment..
everything you know of today you know because you have been told and
taught that by the enemy.
The one who wants to control "the sphere between your ears"
as RZA put it.
Keeping your frequency (something you don't know you have)
at a filth level.
Lust, Lies, Drugs,Violence, Sex this is all around us in today's world.
And for those of us in the US we are in the capital of it.

You can either choose to find yourself do the knowledge and live
life the way it was meant, or submit to the ways of the elite and settle with what you have
and in some cases reach the top of the limitation.

Now as someone stated earlier in this thread of course you
don't have to be a rocket scientist for this film to spark something from within...
but what I wanted to ask NT is.... 10 years later who is still chewing on blue pills?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

How them little slimy, cross dressing, transgendered freaks just stole Sophia Stewarts whole story and ran with it though?

Haze, have you met her? The oracle?

I talked to Sophia for over two hours once and she confirmed some things for me.

As I'm typing this, I sigh, because I still need to make some changes and this only reminds me that I'm putting off the inevitable.
Originally Posted by stillmatic

give me a reason why the minds a terrible thing to waste?
I take it you're a sports fan... Who on this site isn't? I'll use that as my frame of reference. This past week, the NFL buckleddown on concussion injuries and how clubs handle them. It's been no secret that pro football is the most physically punishing sport in America. What manydon't know is that the brain arguably the most important organ in the body. The more you learn, the more you tone and build it up, the stronger and morecomplex it gets. So considering this, if you never step out of your comfort zone in reading material or challenging yourself mentally, you'll slowly slowwhat you might have ever learned about anything. In this case, "If you don't use it, you lose it."

You know what's sad? As was started earlier in this post, "Ignorance is bliss." For emphasis, look at Rockefeller. His is a classic story ofthe American dream; he cashed in on the oil boom at the turn of the century, and in today's money his worth would easily be in the trillions. Hislife's savings are paying the tuition of underprivileged students to this day. Unfortunately, many Americans don't know how he kept making thismoney... It came at the livelihood of factory workers, who were entrenched in subsistence living. They literally only got the cents on the dollar it took forthem to live, which in turn, kept them barely healthy enough to work inane hours for Rockefeller's tireless monopoly of the oil trade in America.

This true meaning isn't about race, or even money, if you want to get more abstract. It's about a mentality, and that's the one that separates therich from the wealthy, and ultimately, the untimely end of new money, and the perpetuation of old money.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

She won. There was a story about it online; she's living in the Northwest these days and is going to use some of the money she won to start a record label. When I first heard in 2007 on the Tom Joyner Show that the concepts for the movies was stolen from her, I thought it was just some random woman coming forward, but since the truth's come out, I've been leery about many "creator-owned" projects.

She actually won the case like 2 weeks ago.
Originally Posted by stillmatic

in the same song,- " ignorance is bliss, so come and take my bliss away"
Oh. given the serious nature of the thread I thought it was an actual comment.
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