Today I just have an ominous feeling we're in the beginning of the end of times.

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I don't know my gut telling me the times are coming. I see Google tapping into military and space. I see natural disasters increasing 10x.
People are getting killed left and right for NOTHING, the Dark Knight shootings, the copy cats, Sandy Hook, in the village the other night.

I'm telling you some real **** is going down this year 12-21-12 was the beginning of the end.
 all this **** been happening right under your nose for decades!  we just didn't have the technology and so it passed right by us.  sandy hooks happened all the time we just didn't read about it in our local paper and didn't have the 'net to tell us about it.  but of course you know this and are being the consumate troll you always been.  once again man i gotta take my hat off, you the trolliest troll that ever trolled a troll.  if there was a troll off, i'm puttin your hat in the ring right away
Stop going to church.

They're telling you to be afraid, and you're being that.

Stop going.

No one to tell you to be afraid, and you won't  be.

problem: solved

If I tell you every day that trees carry diseases, you'd never leave your house a long as you knew me. Once you broke away from me and lived a few days despite these disease-carrying trees I always told you about, you'd see that everything's fine.

These shootings and what not; mankind gonna mankind.
god said we're not allowed to eat fish without fins and scales.  raise your hand if you ain't had no shellfish?  yea, that's what i thought, shut up.  an all powerful being who supposedly gave us our rights would never let his people live like this.  either god is a lie or what he wanted for us is.  decide.
Churches teach you to be afraid?

You couldn't be any more wrong.

The only fear you should have in you is the fear of God. When you truly fear God then He can pour out His Spirit on you. 

It's a shame you have such a warped view of Christianity and what Jesus is all about. Like I said before, if people are not living their lives according to the teachings of Jesus then they're fake Christians. It's a shame that there are so many out there.

As Christians we are called to go out into the places of the world where others won't go. Your thing about the tree is completely backwards.

If you are referring to the garden of Eden then you're still wrong.
god said we're not allowed to eat fish without fins and scales.  raise your hand if you ain't had no shellfish?  yea, that's what i thought, shut up.  an all powerful being who supposedly gave us our rights would never let his people live like this.  either god is a lie or what he wanted for us is.  decide.
Did you read my post about the New Testament fulfilling the Old Testament and Jesus bringing the new covenant? That doesn't apply to us anymore.
^ some people think that they need to be afraid though, and think that they need something to keep em in line

And that's one of the things the church thrives on; the lack of confidence people have in their own ability to be decent people.

I mean, a MAJOR component to nearly all theology is that we are NOTHING without God.

I know for a fact that there are people who thought they needed to be kept in line by religion did NOT, in fact, need that religion to be decent... but the gripping fear many have will prevent them from actualizing their own decency without religion.
I feel as though it's just the number of recorded natural disasters that has increased in the past few decades. There's no way to really prove they are happening more frequently now than ever before, right? It's not like these tornadoes only popped up at the beginning of mankind. There have been countless tornadoes in that area over the course of history, but only now has there been a sizable community in that path. That goes for all natural disasters. There's no proof that they are more frequent or powerful, there's just more people in the way of them.

As far as society is concerned, let me quote a one Mr. Slim Charles:
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Christians swear that a book written by some dudes long ago is accurate on everything .You can take your rhetoric and beliefs somewhere else y'all whole religion is made up of of existing religions and your book is blatantly plagiarizing most text and stories predating it.The fact some of you all use it to detect your life is dangerous .
Religion is so dumb. 

We should separate those folks from the general population and try to vanquish this foolishness 
Churches teach you to be afraid?

You couldn't be any more wrong.

The only fear you should have in you is the fear of God. When you truly fear God then He can pour out His Spirit on you. 

It's a shame you have such a warped view of Christianity and what Jesus is all about. Like I said before, if people are not living their lives according to the teachings of Jesus then they're fake Christians. It's a shame that there are so many out there.

As Christians we are called to go out into the places of the world where others won't go. Your thing about the tree is completely backwards.

If you are referring to the garden of Eden then you're still wrong.
This^ and I would rep but I'm all out.
god said we're not allowed to eat fish without fins and scales.  raise your hand if you ain't had no shellfish?  yea, that's what i thought, shut up.  an all powerful being who supposedly gave us our rights would never let his people live like this.  either god is a lie or what he wanted for us is.  decide.
Did you read my post about the New Testament fulfilling the Old Testament and Jesus bringing the new covenant? That doesn't apply to us anymore.
But... the Ten Commandments are in the Old Testament. But people still hold tightly to those.


(and yes, I am absolutely testing your knowledge and ability to speak on your own without rehearsing the same rehearsed things your pastors/youth leaders have rehearsed over the years and told you because the same rehearsed things were rehearsed to them by people who rehearsed what they were told)
This world, universe is based on Laws. Laws which we cant see.
Churches teach you to be afraid?

You couldn't be any more wrong.

The only fear you should have in you is the fear of God. When you truly fear God then He can pour out His Spirit on you. 

It's a shame you have such a warped view of Christianity and what Jesus is all about. Like I said before, if people are not living their lives according to the teachings of Jesus then they're fake Christians. It's a shame that there are so many out there.

As Christians we are called to go out into the places of the world where others won't go. Your thing about the tree is completely backwards.

If you are referring to the garden of Eden then you're still wrong.

Why would a benevolent god insist you fear him in order to be loved by him? Talk about a warped view. Don't you see how human that is, how egotistical? Praise me, fear me, acknowledge me and only then will I love you and reward you eternally? This sounds like omniscience to you?
Religion is so dumb. 

We should separate those folks from the general population and try to vanquish this foolishness 

That would probably fulfill some prophecy though.

seriously, send these folks off to townships or areas in the midwest, hell let them occupy a random *** country, exclusively for these folks of ALL religion and let em have a ball.
The most bizarre thing about religion is that there are a ton of people who would not be alarmed in the slightest if a twenty mile tall man appeared in the sky and had a voice loud enough for every person on the planet to hear.
Churches teach you to be afraid?

You couldn't be any more wrong.

The only fear you should have in you is the fear of God. When you truly fear God then He can pour out His Spirit on you. 

It's a shame you have such a warped view of Christianity and what Jesus is all about. Like I said before, if people are not living their lives according to the teachings of Jesus then they're fake Christians. It's a shame that there are so many out there.

As Christians we are called to go out into the places of the world where others won't go. Your thing about the tree is completely backwards.

If you are referring to the garden of Eden then you're still wrong.
Talking about the end times = fear based teachings. They have been going on... LITERALLY... for centuries. The men who penned the very words in the Bible wrote of being afraid because the time was upon them. Yet... here we are, in 2013. Clearly the end was NOT upon them... or the people saying it in 1212... or 1512... or 1812... or last year.

"Repent, for the end is nigh!!"

It's been said... LITERALY... for centuries. That's not an exaggeration.

And I know more than you give me credit for regarding what Jesus was all about. But like most Christians, you're taking a far more defensive stance than the stance your very Christ took whenever He was going 'out into the places of the world where others won't go' (I wonder if that would include message boards like NT; I wonder if EVERYWHERE a Christian goes, there's ano opportunity to either "show thyself approved", or be exposed as no different than the multitude of 'fake Christians'
Here goes the atheists again, talking smack about religion :smh:

Y'all don't believe...... we get it but there's no reason to talk smack about people who do.
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But... the Ten Commandments are in the Old Testament. But people still hold tightly to those.


(and yes, I am absolutely testing your knowledge and ability to speak on your own without rehearsing the same rehearsed things your pastors/youth leaders have rehearsed over the years and told you because the same rehearsed things were rehearsed to them by people who rehearsed what they were told)
But what happens if I don't go to church but I read and get my knowledge on my own from reading the Bible?    Last time I went to church was with my grandma when I was like 12 and I didn't understand anything that they were talking about.  it just went right over my head.    

Also I'm not  in here trying to push my beliefs on people who don't want to hear it.  In the Bible it says not to do this because it's a waste of time.
Churches teach you to be afraid?

You couldn't be any more wrong.

The only fear you should have in you is the fear of God. When you truly fear God then He can pour out His Spirit on you. 

It's a shame you have such a warped view of Christianity and what Jesus is all about. Like I said before, if people are not living their lives according to the teachings of Jesus then they're fake Christians. It's a shame that there are so many out there.

As Christians we are called to go out into the places of the world where others won't go. Your thing about the tree is completely backwards.

If you are referring to the garden of Eden then you're still wrong.
Why would a benevolent god insist you fear him in order to be loved by him? Talk about a warped view. Don't you see how human that is, how egotistical? Praise me, fear me, acknowledge me and only then will I love you and reward you eternally? This sounds like omniscience to you?
GP9R, I'll save you the time.

FrankMatthews, it's the same way a parent loves their child. You want your child to do right, but when they fail to do so, you have to beat their ***... out of love, of course.

Of course, the major flaw here is that 'tough love' is not a requirement, just like fast food isn't a requirement. But screw it, just keep going along with the same wrong thing that's been done for centuries, because... well, just because.

Sure, you can raise wel-mannered kids without ever laying a hand on them... but why try that when so many others are using belts? Just grab a bet and go with the flow.

Tough love for all!

Including us, his creation. He loves us enough to create us, but if we don't stay in line, we're doomed to eternal suffering.

Because he loves us.
But... the Ten Commandments are in the Old Testament. But people still hold tightly to those.


(and yes, I am absolutely testing your knowledge and ability to speak on your own without rehearsing the same rehearsed things your pastors/youth leaders have rehearsed over the years and told you because the same rehearsed things were rehearsed to them by people who rehearsed what they were told)
But what happens if I don't go to church but I read and get my knowledge on my own from reading the Bible?    Last time I went to church was with my grandma when I was like 12 and I didn't understand anything that they were talking about.  it just went right over my head.    

Also I'm not  in here trying to push my beliefs on people who don't want to hear it.  In the Bible it says not to do this because it's a waste of time.

Continue on your path, my man. We may not end up at the same place, philosophically, but at least you got their on your own, as did I.
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