Tom & Jerry Illuminati?

Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

A lot of good stuff in here. Mods should just sticky an illuminatie thread. I think a lot of the non believers are being turned away because there is a lot of reaching in here and it kinda makes people look over some of the truth people post.

The day I see an Illuminati thread sticky is the day I never come back to Niketalk
On the G..

You said, if I recall that you rather choose to be ignorant though? 

Let me guess, everything that was posted by Tor in the other thread went over you head huh? 
Nah, I just don't read that @@!%...
crobers 78 wrote:
�Nothin4ever wrote:

Damn! This one here is so blatant

It's funny how certain group of folks are so quick to pinpoint when another group is racists by their interactions with them, body language etc etc but steady fight these type of things which are just as blatant...if not more

Good find know a lot of folks rather keep their eyes wide shut

.....let's not even consider another possible rationale. This can easily be seen as a shot at or making fun of "conspiracy nuts". You wouldn't dare consider that though.���
Bombbiggidyphil wrote:
crobers 78 wrote:
�Nothin4ever wrote:

Damn! This one here is so blatant

It's funny how certain group of folks are so quick to pinpoint when another group is racists by their interactions with them, body language etc etc but steady fight these type of things which are just as blatant...if not more

Good find know a lot of folks rather keep their eyes wide shut

.....let's not even consider another possible rationale. This can easily be seen as a shot at or making fun of "conspiracy nuts". You wouldn't dare consider that though.���

 That sounds like whata racistwould sayafter they made a racist comment to the wrong person and in order to try to ward off their imminent !+%% whooping they utter "Oh come on man I was just kidding with you to see if you would get mad or not...i wanted to see if it's true 'you guys' are violent as they say" lol, FOH!

This is simple either know or you don't. You either have the knowledge to discern these sly acts or you don't, period. Whether it be a racist innuendo or a programming innuendo via a cartoon, movie, song etc etc
crobers 78 wrote:
Bombbiggidyphil wrote:
crobers 78 wrote:
�Nothin4ever wrote:

Damn! This one here is so blatant

It's funny how certain group of folks are so quick to pinpoint when another group is racists by their interactions with them, body language etc etc but steady fight these type of things which are just as blatant...if not more

Good find know a lot of folks rather keep their eyes wide shut

.....let's not even consider another possible rationale. This can easily be seen as a shot at or making fun of "conspiracy nuts". You wouldn't dare consider that though.���

�That sounds like what�a racist�would say�after they made a racist comment to the wrong person and in order to try to ward off their imminent !+%% whooping they utter "Oh come on man I was just kidding with you to see if you would get mad or not...i wanted to see if it's true 'you guys' are violent as they say" lol, FOH!

This is simple either know or you don't. You either have the knowledge to discern these sly acts or you don't, period. Whether it be a racist innuendo or a programming innuendo via a cartoon, movie, song etc etc
I think you missed the point...what you believe about this scene is definitely possible, I'm not saying it isn't, but there is another possible explanation (which I put forth). Rationally speaking, you should look at this from an unbiased point of view....simply accept and consider other possibilities. That's all I'm saying. Always keep in mind that there's a chance your belief is incorrect. I often see people in these threads buying into anything conspiracy/alien related without giving it a second thought (seemingly ignoring other possible explanations) yet covertly, if not blantantly, equating "non-believers" to sheep...I find this ironic.   
Bombbiggidyphil wrote:
crobers 78 wrote:
Bombbiggidyphil wrote:
crobers 78 wrote:
�Nothin4ever wrote:

Damn! This one here is so blatant

It's funny how certain group of folks are so quick to pinpoint when another group is racists by their interactions with them, body language etc etc but steady fight these type of things which are just as blatant...if not more

Good find know a lot of folks rather keep their eyes wide shut

.....let's not even consider another possible rationale. This can easily be seen as a shot at or making fun of "conspiracy nuts". You wouldn't dare consider that though.���

�That sounds like what�a racist�would say�after they made a racist comment to the wrong person and in order to try to ward off their imminent !+%% whooping they utter "Oh come on man I was just kidding with you to see if you would get mad or not...i wanted to see if it's true 'you guys' are violent as they say" lol, FOH!

This is simple either know or you don't. You either have the knowledge to discern these sly acts or you don't, period. Whether it be a racist innuendo or a programming innuendo via a cartoon, movie, song etc etc
I think you missed the point...what you believe about this scene is definitely possible, I'm not saying it isn't, but there is another possible explanation (which I put forth).�Rationally speaking, you�should�look at�this�from an unbiased point of view....simply accept and consider other possibilities.�That's all I'm saying. Always keep in mind that there's a chance�your belief�is incorrect. I often see people in these threads buying into anything conspiracy/alien related without giving it a second thought (seemingly ignoring other possible explanations)�yet covertly, if not blatantly,�equating "non-believers" to sheep...I find this�ironic.���

Nope. I did not miss the point. If you watched the cartoon clip and read what he wrote about being a shot at conspiracy nuts, it does not pan out.

You would only know that it was not a "shot at or making fun at" if�you truly know what n how they go about their agendas. Let me explain. The notion that one�would perceive it as "a shot at or poking fun at" conspiracy nuts is proof positive that�their 'disinformation/debunking' ploy is obviously working... if�you think it's "a shot at".�

It's not different than when�you took the SAT on the multiple choice questions...some students stumbled n took longer on some questions while others who already knew the answers(had insight)�picked the right answer without even reading the other options or maybe skimmed over the other options but yet n still they knew what to look for and once it's presented you don't have to investigate the other options aka�discernment

Come on now. Do i really have to show you simple minded fools how easy it is to create a conspiracy? You aren't going to believe creditable sources, but you believe a youtube video? Sounds pretty stupid. If they are so powerful and mighty wouldn't they have the person posting this killed, or have the video taken down. Use logic, not just utter what you see or read.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

So how do I get down with the people who are "in the know???"
It's like I understand that I live in the matrix, but I really have no avenue or guide to the other side.
Where does one REALLY start in attempts to gather this knowledge and conciousness???

Pick up the book Behold a Pale Horse. That's the best thing I can tell people who dont know anything about it.



dope cover too 
Hated Tom and JErry. Wacked piece of crap ever called a cartoon. Crap was a waste of time for my childhood. I was cooler than that show so I watched Dexters Lab and the 3 eddies.
Yen2dro3 wrote:
Come on now. Do i really have to show you simple minded fools how easy it is to create a conspiracy? You aren't going to believe creditable sources, but you believe a youtube video? Sounds pretty stupid. If they are so powerful and mighty wouldn't they have the person posting this killed, or have the video taken down. Use logic, not just utter what you see or read.

Their deadly weapon is to debunk, dis-inform, mocking style movies/songs/art, utter ignorance, sheeps, hiding it directly in your faces, non critically thinking people etc etc...on a large scale!

A perfect example of this is how you still have people to this day who seriously believe that Dems and Pubs are either different, rivals or dislike each other
 ...that's almost as comical as someone choosing a Scion over a Corolla because they experienced horrible customer service from Toyota selling them a Corolla and they lacked certain incentives so they said fugg Corolla, imma buy a Scion 

A few people who are in the know of what's going on is not a threat to them millions of people in the know who choose to revolt, now that's a whole nother ball game and FEMA/Foreign Military has that taken care of

Videos do get taken down and there are trigger words that are picked up on by their super computers/software programs

Look at the disproportionate amount of folks in this thread alone who toe the status quo line and refuse to do the research (blue pill)

It would be much more respectable if you guys would actually just take the time to say "hey...i don't know much but i want to learn" and begin a rudimentary process towards enlightenment(red pill) instead of trying to be funny and sarcastic because you either feel you have too little time to do the leg work/research, scared to find out the truth, cannot comprehend what you read, lazy etc etc or whatever.

Too many of you all are ODing on the Blue Pills...

Originally Posted by Nothin4ever







So are they sitting back and waiting for humans to "get ready." So are the gov and the ET working hand in hand where the gov is bracing mankind for human/et contact? Explain what you are saying a little more please.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

I don't believe in most of this stuff in here.

But I'll stop being a douche and share this.

In mid 90's after my mom went through about 8 family and close friends deaths she said she was in her bedroom praying and she kinda like passed out orsomething and someone or something started talking to her about alien life.

That it wanted to show itself to my mother but that her eyes and brain would not be able to handle what she would see but that before she died she would beable to see them and share some of their knowledge as a gift.

She said it was because her aunt or grandmother (forgot which) (that had just passed away) had helped one of them when they were in need of help but shedidn't want anything in return so they asked who can we pass on our gratitude to and I guess they chose my mother.

I came home from school and my mother was all weirded out and she told me what happened. And as soon as my pops came home from work they drove straight tochurch and they really haven't mentioned it since then.

I think it was just the stress that was making my mother bug out but at the same time who am I to say what's out there or who's in control of what.

Um yea...


The sad thing is, most folks wouldn't even believe a story like this. Damn. So do you ever worry about getting "visitors."
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

The crazy thing about it was all this happened and then in the following years when Men In Black, Mars Attacks, & Independence Day came out....

A lot of the things my mom mentioned whoever was talking to her I saw in the movies.

Aliens in disguise walking among us, telepathy, peace keeping organizations that collaborate with humans to keep us safe, how they gave us technology, etcetera....

Just a bunch of crazy stuff.

Now do you (or anyone else) believe that being not from earth would want peace with us? Why, why not? Any reading material on that?
Damn son you forget about this thread for 8 months and just now remember you had somethin to say or what?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Nothin4ever
So are they sitting back and waiting for humans to "get ready." So are the gov and the ET working hand in hand where the gov is bracing mankind for human/et contact? Explain what you are saying a little more please.
pretty much ...sums things up

disclosure takes steps
Ok so my next question would be who contacted who to set up this procedure? The ETs contacted the gov first or vice versa. And why?

So would you assume the ET's would be "against" us?
If a topic is time sensitive, I don't bother. Nothing in this thread is "old." The last post just happened to be a few months ago. I had questions that needed to be answered. I don't think I have ever seen this thread.
Originally Posted by puddinpopp

lol DC you stay reviving old threads haha. interesting topic though.
and it will end when he doesn't have the ability to post anymore
Originally Posted by G14

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So would you assume the ET's would be "against" us?
So why would they work with mankinds biggest enemy?

Originally Posted by go rilla

Originally Posted by puddinpopp

lol DC you stay reviving old threads haha. interesting topic though.
and it will end when he doesn't have the ability to post anymore
Dry snitching I see. Thanks though.
^i have a catalog of posts that you have brought back from the grave so it's only a matter of time
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