Tom & Jerry Illuminati?

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Uh oh.

You don't agree with the blatant-ness of the vid though?

I mean...that just looks like a cartoon to me.

What is really being said or revealed in that clip?

You buy into things like that and you will forever be confused. There is nothing informational or revelatory that can come from that clip.

People are so caught up in this "Illuminati" term that they are overlooking the tangible evidence and rituals taking place right before their eyes.Refusing to do their own research and grasping at anything placed before them even if there is no point to it.

Yeah that cartoon is an allusion to the elite Zionist power structure of Holy - Wood (magic wand) but its obviously an exaggeration and parody...what can youreally gather from that clip besides useless paranoia?


Once you start really getting into the real history and structure of the institutions surrounding this Illuminati idea, you will see the interconnectedness andundeniable reality of it. Not a conspiracy but the truth, the same truth you read in the newspapers and are taught in will just be able to analyzethe information without the bias and slant so often placed on information and see it for what it is.

The biggest secrets are placed in plain just have to change POV of the masses so that they see garbage as gold (or paper as GOD) while you hordethe true valuables, which everyone else thinks is worthless.
Originally Posted by NewZ05

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Yes of course they're part of the Illuminati. Just like Jay Z and Jared from Subway


recap on that...i def missed that one

You didnt know about Jared. Well, Jared is the spokesperson for Subway. Subway sells footlongs for $5. A footlong is 12 inches. So thats 12 inches for $5. There are 12 months in a year. 12x5=60. 60 is the amount of days in which Subway guarantees you lose weight like Jared. There are360 degrees to the pshycial existence of humanity. 3 60's = 606060 That brings us nextto the next illuminati lifemaster XBOX 360. I dont even want to get into that right now cuz they watching...
Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

Originally Posted by NewZ05

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Yes of course they're part of the Illuminati. Just like Jay Z and Jared from Subway


recap on that...i def missed that one

You didnt know about Jared. Well, Jared is the spokesperson for Subway. Subway sells footlongs for $5. A footlong is 12 inches. So thats 12 inches for $5. There are 12 months in a year. 12x5=60. 60 is the amount of days in which Subway guarantees you lose weight like Jared. There are 360 degrees to the pshycial existence of humanity. 3 60's = 606060 That brings us next to the next illuminati lifemaster XBOX 360. I dont even want to get into that right now cuz they watching...
Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

Originally Posted by NewZ05

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Yes of course they're part of the Illuminati. Just like Jay Z and Jared from Subway


recap on that...i def missed that one

You didnt know about Jared. Well, Jared is the spokesperson for Subway. Subway sells footlongs for $5. A footlong is 12 inches. So thats 12 inches for $5. There are 12 months in a year. 12x5=60. 60 is the amount of days in which Subway guarantees you lose weight like Jared. There are 360 degrees to the pshycial existence of humanity. 3 60's = 606060 That brings us next to the next illuminati lifemaster XBOX 360. I dont even want to get into that right now cuz they watching...


Spoiler [+]
That sounds like a reach though. What's the correlation between 60 days to lose weight and the 360 degrees of physical existance of humanity? All you didwas put a three in front of it.

Let me guess...

"Jared wears glasses, so he can't see with his eyes. You should know about the all seeing eye on the dollar. Subway emphasizes the use of 5 dollars,and five one dollar bills would have multiple eyes. Jared also has multiple eyes, as do most of society. His multiple eyes needing help seeing are a symbol ofAmerican societies multiple eyes not being able to see what's going on."

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

You didnt know about Jared. Well, Jared is the spokesperson for Subway. Subway sells footlongs for $5. A footlong is 12 inches. So thats 12 inches for $5. There are 12 months in a year. 12x5=60. 60 is the amount of days in which Subway guarantees you lose weight like Jared. There are 360 degrees to the pshycial existence of humanity. 3 60's = 606060 That brings us next to the next illuminati lifemaster XBOX 360. I dont even want to get into that right now cuz they watching...
Son thought he was kickin knowledge though.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Magicians lead wars and the Moon and Star dictate life on Earth...



Why the star and moon? Women seem to be on a very similar calendar to the moon, are we "supposed" to be using that as our astral barometer instead ofthe sun?
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

That sounds like a reach though. What's the correlation between 60 days to lose weight and the 360 degrees of physical existance of humanity? All you did was put a three in front of it.

Let me guess...

"Jared wears glasses, so he can't see with his eyes. You should know about the all seeing eye on the dollar. Subway emphasizes the use of 5 dollars, and five one dollar bills would have multiple eyes. Jared also has multiple eyes, as do most of society. His multiple eyes needing help seeing are a symbol of American societies multiple eyes not being able to see what's going on."

It was a joke because I made it up. I made it up cuz OP is an idiot. Op is an idiot because he believes this crap. Youre an idiot because you believed mycrap.
Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

That sounds like a reach though. What's the correlation between 60 days to lose weight and the 360 degrees of physical existance of humanity? All you did was put a three in front of it.

Let me guess...

"Jared wears glasses, so he can't see with his eyes. You should know about the all seeing eye on the dollar. Subway emphasizes the use of 5 dollars, and five one dollar bills would have multiple eyes. Jared also has multiple eyes, as do most of society. His multiple eyes needing help seeing are a symbol of American societies multiple eyes not being able to see what's going on."

It was a joke because I made it up. I made it up cuz OP is an idiot. Op is an idiot because he believes this crap. Youre an idiot because you believed my crap.
Nobody believed you !*#+#, if anything your sarcasm wasn't as effective as you thought it would be. All in all...

We use the Moon, Sun and Stars as barometers for Earthly occurrences. As above so below...The months, the days of the week, the time, the years, the tide, yourbody...they all revolve around astral movements.

The ancients, and early man - hunters and gatherers - believed that out of darkness came light, the moon gave rise to the sun and the masculine emerged from the feminine. Ancient Greece, Egypt, and Sumeria held the crescent moon as representative of both the masculine and feminine. A crescent moon is in itself a symbol of transition and transformation as the moon moves through its cycles. There is symbolic significance to all the stages of the lunar cycle, from full moon, to waxing and waning and the rare occasions when the moon disappears - often as part of an eclipse.

Those in highly places are well studied they carry on the occult traditions and ancient rituals constantly. Using the time tested accuracy of symbolism andrituals to carry out their agendas. Either through some type of real spiritual power, a co-opting of cyclical human consciousness and real science or simply asan ideological precursor to carrying out their will. And mass media is currently their most powerful tool.

So is the light coming from the batman symbol the symbolism for light coming from dark?


Does "Welcome to a world without rules" have anything to do with it? The only sense I'm making from that quote having to do with the movie, isThe Joker's free willing spirit where he kills and tortures just to kill and torture.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

My nut sack had a bump on it the other day. Is that from the Illuminati also?
You'll probably develop other bumps. In the mean time, study star constellations, the pattern of bumps on your balls will mirror aconstellation.

just kidding lol
Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

That sounds like a reach though. What's the correlation between 60 days to lose weight and the 360 degrees of physical existance of humanity? All you did was put a three in front of it.

Let me guess...

"Jared wears glasses, so he can't see with his eyes. You should know about the all seeing eye on the dollar. Subway emphasizes the use of 5 dollars, and five one dollar bills would have multiple eyes. Jared also has multiple eyes, as do most of society. His multiple eyes needing help seeing are a symbol of American societies multiple eyes not being able to see what's going on."

It was a joke because I made it up. I made it up cuz OP is an idiot. Op is an idiot because he believes this crap. Youre an idiot because you believed my crap.
Ha ha. Hilarious

Anyone who believes ANY of this crap needs to reconsider life. Anyone in who tries to passthemself off as some enlightened being who has tapped into any "secret" is strictly for entertainment purposes (especially the charlatan in thisthread talking about the moon and stars and green clovers and blue diamonds). Soundin like Lucky Charms.
The Dark Night


Welcome to a world without rules...
Also significant is the very name…the Joker. The Joker card is reputed to be based on the Tarot card, the Fool. If so it is the only card of the Tarot's Major Arcana that appears in our modern playing cards. The Tarot's Joker, the Fool, is the only unnumbered card. It shows a vagabond wandering with a bag hitched over his shoulder and a dog nipping at his legs.

What is the symbolism behind the Fool card? Slung over the Fool's shoulder is a bag containing the suits of the Tarot. The four suits of the Tarot cards represent the various conditions of human existence, but they are tied up in the Fool's bag, unrealized and unused. The Fool is unaware of their potential, and his own.

The next card in the Tarot is the Juggler. The Fool's bag is now opened and their contents are laid out before the Magician on his working table. The Magician understands his potential and exercises it. The Fool wanders the earth clueless to his potential in his bag, chased by the dog of mundane everyday life. The Fool card symbolizes a state of ignorance and unawareness. The other cards of the Tarot show a steady progress through the various states of human existence on the path to final enlightenment. But at the very beginning is the Fool, completely oblivious to his great potential.

Young is eternal, my young'uns'll burn you
"The Blueprint" birthed, n_ I earthed you, you can't be serious (SIRIUS)
Young cause I'm thirty-two, dressed like I'm twenty-two
Flow like a 18, do what I wanna do
Goin on my 8th ring, got Phil Jackson's Zen
The flow is black magic, I'm at it again - A DIAMOND IS FOREVER



Not only am I shocked by that reference, but I'll be damned if I ain't say Jigga was THAT @+%%!; probably literally and figuratively.
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