Toronto Raptors Off-Season Post: Home of the Red, White, and BLACK

The more I think about it, the JO trade makes most sense. It helps immediately in our inside presence, which was non-existant in the first place...

Only helps if he is healthy though...

So, playing live today (completed the trade), Bosh and JO both go for 35 and 10...

Imagine in real life... Grossness/Awesomeness!
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

The more I think about it, the JO trade makes most sense. It helps immediately in our inside presence, which was non-existant in the first place...

Only helps if he is healthy though...

So, playing live today (completed the trade), Bosh and JO both go for 35 and 10...

Imagine in real life... Grossness/Awesomeness!

Come october if that turns out true...

I have a lot of faith that this trade will work out for us. perhaps not 35/10 a night, although thats a nice day dream right now. a 15-18ppg 8-10rpg and2bpg outta JO would be awesome. Thats more interior help alongside bosh than we've had before. JO can do all the lil things .. altering drives to thebaskets, altering the shots, banging with other bigs and taking them out of their comfort zone etc etc
Man, can you imagine though. If JO is healthy, and it forces Bosh to toughen up... thats going to be a tough frontcourt to get past...


And yeah, I know 35/10 is unrealistic. But still... if that... eff that would be sweet.

But your right. even 15/8 from JO would work every night.

Thats why im liking this trade more and more. And i feel much better that he took all of last season to rehab... I just hope he holds out.
they wanted wallace AND a draft pick for tj ford but they were ok with giving tj, rasho, maceo, and the 17 for oneal?

i agree that if oneal is healthy that this is an ok choice for the short term but that is a massive 'if''.

So, playing live today (completed the trade), Bosh and JO both go for 35 and 10...

i used to be an adamant 'live' fan but nowadays its pretty poor, but nowadays you know you need to switch over to nba 2k series, man

i remember going for 40 and 20 with JO once on live 2004.
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Originally Posted by soulize dp

smh...azubuike or pietrus or barnes?

GSW are probably not going to resign any of those guys and they are all likely to sign for the MLE somewhere. I'd take Pietrus, he would look great asa starter on our team.
Anyone else cringe whenever they go on realgm? I always read the dumbest statements over there like "Raps should trade Calderon+Ford and bringUkic over as our starter", and "Ron Artest loves Toronto, he might sign for the MLE so he can re-unite with JO!!!!"
I would love it if JO and Ron re-united... but as if he wants to come to Toronto

Yeah, thanks for the help on the GSW thing. I know they have alot of guys coming off the books this year. Pietrus is good, but watching GSW (I looove theirteam, based on how they play), Mikael takes too many jumpers for his own good. Sure he will slash, but he just throws that ball up whenever he gets a chance.He may be good in our system if Sam can keep him to stick to driving. But with that, then we have a second Jamario...
Barnes is the one I think would be the best pickup. Ever since that run in the playoffs, I enjoy watching his game.
Im not sold on Azukbuike yet. He is good, but I dont know how much better he can get. Then again, he is young. I wouldnt mind taking a chance on him.

Any of those three, im game for.

Btw, OKB dont kill me that I used the template of the Raps sig for my Riders sig
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Originally Posted by soulize dp

smh...azubuike or pietrus or barnes?

GSW are probably not going to resign any of those guys and they are all likely to sign for the MLE somewhere. I'd take Pietrus, he would look great as a starter on our team.
Anyone else cringe whenever they go on realgm? I always read the dumbest statements over there like "Raps should trade Calderon+Ford and bring Ukic over as our starter", and "Ron Artest loves Toronto, he might sign for the MLE so he can re-unite with JO!!!!"

I absolutely hate the idea of Artest in toronto, I can't see himfitting in with the team chemistry what so ever.
Plus I think hes onhis way out from his prime, I'd rather have someone else personally I've never liked that dude but thats a personal bias.

As for GSW, I do love their fast paced style of play. Out of the three mentioned I wouldn't mind Pietrus or Barnes, the latter might be a better fitwith his better shot selection. Pietrus sometimes is a lil erratic but the guy is athletic and hustles.. he just needs to refine his game and he'd beexactly what we need. What is it that the raps have in cap room now.. 5mil? or somewhere around there. I don't know who else is available to fill out the13 that BC is going for.
I read on a Raptor forum that one of the reasons BC didn't pursue the Wallace deal too hard was because of his history of concussions. I believe theymentioned that he had 5 already.

Hopefully we can add a decent slashing SG/SF to complete our starting lineup and if everything goes fairly well this coming season, all we would need to buildon is our bench the following year.
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

^ Artest in Toronto + all the crime we already have =

Hey, at least its not in Saskatchewan... Regina+Saskatoon = top 2 in the country per capita... Grossness.
Boy do I hate living here
I'm guessing Calderon will get a contract similar to Ford's. I think 5 yrs/$40-$45 million is fair value for him. Baron Davis just got 5 yrs/$50+million and he's a way better player.

Also, if Calderon somehow doesn't perform well in the future, a guy making $8-9 mill. a year can easily be traded in the NBA.

I'm hoping we give our MLE to one of Golden State's free agent SFs. Kelenna or Pietrus would be upgrades over Moon.

Other than acquiring 1 more wing player, it looks like Bryan Colangelo has completed his off-season retooling. I hope the rumors of Indiana buying out Rashoand him resigning with Toronto are true. His personality is perfect for our team.

Next season we'll have a bit more to spend with Parker, Garbo, Humphries, Graham all coming off the books.

Raptors lock up Calderon


Globe and Mail Update

July 1, 2008 at 11:26 AM EDT

The Toronto Raptors' point guard of the future is the man who has been in the position the longest.

Jose Calderon announced that he had accepted an offer from the Raptors on his website earlier Tuesday. The deal will likely keep him in Toronto for the next five years

NBA teams are prevented from commenting on pending free agent signings until July 9th, but a team source confirmed that the framework of a deal was in place.

Calderon's blog entry does the rest:

"Early this morning, through my agents, I reached a preliminary agreement with the Toronto Raptors. I want to thank Bryan Colangelo, Maurizio Gherardini, Sam Mitchell and all of the Raptors family for the confidence that they have placed in me. I am sure that together we are going to achieve big things in the future."

The pending trade of T.J. Ford to the Indiana Pacers and the deal with Calderon brings clarity to the point guard position after two seasons of often heated debate among fans and elsewhere about who was more fit to start, Ford or Calderon.

Calderon averaged 11.2 points and 8.3 assists in all 82 games last season. The Spain native has averaged 8.7 points, 6.1 assists and 25 minutes in 223 regular-season games with the Raptors.

According to league sources the Raptors also reached an agreement with Roko Ukic, a 24-year-old Croatian who has played in Europe since he was chosen in the second round of the 2005 draft. He will be given the back-up job behind Calderon.

"They want him to come over and play," said one source. "It will give him a chance to cut his teeth the way Calderon did in his rookie year."

The Raptors also signed former New Jersey Net Hassan Adams to be a back-up at the wing position. A noted defender and spectacular dunker, Adams was cut in New Jersey because the Nets were up against the luxury tax threshhold after the 2006-07 season and spent last season playing in Europe.

He wowed the Raptors at a recent free agent camp and earned himself a one-year league minimum contract with a team option for a second year, much like Jamario Moon did last season.

"It's a great fit for Hassan," said David Lee, Adams's agent. "He can lock down ones, twos and threes and will bring the Raptors the kind of toughness they haven't seen in a while."

Signing Adams almost certainly means Carlos Delfino, a restricted free agent, won't be back with Toronto. It's expected he may return to Europe to play.
This has been a great Canada day.

Calderon locked up.

We got Ukic and Adams (who's potential is through the roooooooof).

And we're letting go of Delfino.

I am as happy as can be.
I just heard Chuck Swirsky is leaving the Raptors to commentate for the Bulls, I no longer have to mute their games.
Originally Posted by rocksfan25

I just heard Chuck Swirsky is leaving the Raptors to commentate for the Bulls, I no longer have to mute their games.

Best Raptors news ever.
Finally, we all get to see Ukic play. I hope he lives up to the hype some ppl give him here because its been a long 2 years already. Based from the clipsI've seen he's pretty good at the competition he's in, I hope the transition time will be 2 years or less.
make sure JO doesn't blaze up all the fires there.
we all know they got the best stuff over there. but seriously i dont know if his knee could runanymore.
I kinda feel bad for the Bulls fans now.

Have fun hearing something like this:


what i really want to know is how legitimate jo's camps claims are of him being fully rehabbed and this best hes felt in years.
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