Transgendered chick (former male) wants to fight in the UFC female division

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The funny **** is that she has a girlfriend and a kid

All types of confused

I can't even process all this.

But a woman did beat her a while back. She's trying to use the "well I loss to a woman" as an excuse to why she should be allowed to fight women. To me that's BS
One of my co-workers has a 3y/o and a 5y/o son, and is a lesbian (
), so it's not that far-fetched, but still...
Yeah I know a few females like this. I just found it funny there is another twist to her story
. Outta the cage, I'm all bout letting her cook.

I wasn't try to insult lifestyle it is just this chick really rubs me the wrong way.

I find her flat out selfish, she completely ignores the fact that people are worried about other fighters safety and frames every discussion as everyone being ignorant about transgender issues. Which it just not true.
What else would you expect from some one who got a surgery to make themselves the sex they feel like they should be?

IMO the whole transgender thing is selfish as hell.
You just went to whole new unexplored levels of ignorance bruh.
The funny **** is that she has a girlfriend and a kid

All types of confused

WHATTTTT!!!!!!!! :lol:

I can't even process all this.

But a woman did beat her a while back. She's trying to use the "well I loss to a woman" as an excuse to why she should be allowed to fight women. To me that's BS

One of my co-workers has a 3y/o and a 5y/o son, and is a lesbian :smile:rolleyes :rolleyes ), so it's not that far-fetched, but still...

Yeah I know a few females like this. I just found it funny there is another twist to her story :lol: . Outta the cage, I'm all bout letting her cook.

I wasn't try to insult lifestyle it is just this chick really rubs me the wrong way.

I find her flat out selfish, she completely ignores the fact that people are worried about other fighters safety and frames every discussion as everyone being ignorant about transgender issues. Which it just not true.

What else would you expect from some one who got a surgery to make themselves the sex they feel like they should be?

IMO the whole transgender thing is selfish as hell.

You just went to whole new unexplored levels of ignorance bruh.

I'd rather be an "ignorant" individual , than passive a follower.

Somebody has to be.

IMO the whole transgender thing is selfish as hell.
I agree, doing something that's that make you happy and causes no harm to yourself and others is selfish as hell :smh:

Yes because these people never have kids or are in relationships with other people. I take it you wouldn;t mind if you were in a relationship with a female and she told you she was born a man?
I'd rather be an "ignorant" individual , than passive a follower.

Somebody has to be.
Yes because these people never have kids or are in relationships with other people. I take it you wouldn;t mind if you were in a relationship with a female and she told you she was born a man?
serious question ... Is he was fully done to be a female and actually felt in love with the new her .... Would you feel another type of way?
Yes because these people never have kids or are in relationships with other people. I take it you wouldn;t mind if you were in a relationship with a female and she told you she was born a man?
Not seeing how having kids would make them selfish? Stop assuming a child would have the same ignorant judgmental mindset as you.

Yes I would mind being in a relationship with a woman and then she tells me she was born a man afterwards. Clearly being transgendered wouldn't be the selfish part but not making me aware is the selfish part.
Yes because these people never have kids or are in relationships with other people. I take it you wouldn;t mind if you were in a relationship with a female and she told you she was born a man?
Not seeing how having kids would make them selfish? Stop assuming a child would have the same ignorant judgmental mindset as you.

Yes I would mind being in a relationship with a woman and then she tells me she was born a man afterwards. Clearly being transgendered wouldn't be the selfish part but not making me aware is the selfish part.

How about you quit assuming you know where I'm going with this.

How are the parents gonna to explain childhood pictures of the their mommy is a boy? Then what happens when the kid tells everyone at school their mommy was born a boy? You were never in grade school? Kids are brutal. How can they not think about this?
How about you quit assuming you know where I'm going with this.

How are the parents gonna to explain childhood pictures of the their mommy is a boy? Then what happens when the kid tells everyone at school their mommy was born a boy? You were never in grade school? Kids are brutal. How can they not think about this?
So your saying they are selfish because they would have to explain childhood of being a boy? :lol: ok I guess
The funny **** is that she has a girlfriend and a kid

All types of confused


I can't even process all this.

But a woman did beat her a while back. She's trying to use the "well I loss to a woman" as an excuse to why she should be allowed to fight women. To me that's BS

One of my co-workers has a 3y/o and a 5y/o son, and is a lesbian (
), so it's not that far-fetched, but still...

Yeah I know a few females like this. I just found it funny there is another twist to her story
. Outta the cage, I'm all bout letting her cook.

I wasn't try to insult lifestyle it is just this chick really rubs me the wrong way.

I find her flat out selfish, she completely ignores the fact that people are worried about other fighters safety and frames every discussion as everyone being ignorant about transgender issues. Which it just not true.

What else would you expect from some one who got a surgery to make themselves the sex they feel like they should be?

IMO the whole transgender thing is selfish as hell.

You just went to whole new unexplored levels of ignorance bruh.
I'd rather be an "ignorant" individual , than passive a follower.

Somebody has to be.
So now I'm a sheep for believing that someone has the right to do what they want with their own body

How about you quit assuming you know where I'm going with this.

How are the parents gonna to explain childhood pictures of the their mommy is a boy? Then what happens when the kid tells everyone at school their mommy was born a boy? You were never in grade school? Kids are brutal. How can they not think about this?
So your saying they are selfish because they would have to explain childhood of being a boy? :lol: ok I guess

I'll just take that as you giving up....
You were the one confused about a woman dating a woman, not me :lol:

Didn't say you were. I'm still waiting on you to enlighten me.

I'm stupid and I don't know anything. Don't laugh @ me. Teach me.

You're insensitive.
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How about you quit assuming you know where I'm going with this.

How are the parents gonna to explain childhood pictures of the their mommy is a boy? Then what happens when the kid tells everyone at school their mommy was born a boy? You were never in grade school? Kids are brutal. How can they not think about this?
So your saying they are selfish because they would have to explain childhood of being a boy? :lol: ok I guess

I'll just take that as you giving up....

Giving up on your thought process? :lol: I just hope your kids don't treat you as cruel if you decide to do something in your life to make you happy.
The funny **** is that she has a girlfriend and a kid

All types of confused

WHATTTTT!!!!!!!! :lol:

I can't even process all this.

But a woman did beat her a while back. She's trying to use the "well I loss to a woman" as an excuse to why she should be allowed to fight women. To me that's BS

One of my co-workers has a 3y/o and a 5y/o son, and is a lesbian :smile:rolleyes :rolleyes), so it's not that far-fetched, but still...

Yeah I know a few females like this. I just found it funny there is another twist to her story :lol: . Outta the cage, I'm all bout letting her cook.

I wasn't try to insult lifestyle it is just this chick really rubs me the wrong way.

I find her flat out selfish, she completely ignores the fact that people are worried about other fighters safety and frames every discussion as everyone being ignorant about transgender issues. Which it just not true.

What else would you expect from some one who got a surgery to make themselves the sex they feel like they should be?

IMO the whole transgender thing is selfish as hell.

Brah with all due respect there is no way I would ever cosign this point of view, it is pureeeeeeee ignorance.

How is she selfish for reassigning herself as a woman? She is not doing anything illegal, she is not hurting anyone, she is simply pursing something that makes her happy.

And you know what you and people that think like you are the ones who sound selfish. So she gotta live the rest of her life, with this making her unhappy because wha, It rustle your jimmies a lil thinking about it? C'mon B, that is no excuse

My only problem with her is that she seems to have no regard that the fact she was born a man gives her an unfair advantage against natural born women. Women she has fought say that, the girl that even beat her said she felt Fallon had an advantage. This is were I draw the line at the "let her cook" sentiment. The lives and health of her competitors are on the line.
[h1]Federal appeals court says state must pay for inmate’s sex-change operation[/h1]
In what is being billed as the first such decision by a federal appeals court, the Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday agreed with a trial court judge that the state of Massachusetts must pay for an inmate's sex-change operation.

Upholding a 2012 decision by U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf, the majority said relevant law and an "extensive factual record" supported his ruling that the state must pay for inmate Michelle L. Kosilek's surgery because it is medically necessary to treat her gender identity disorder, the Boston Globe  reports.

Kosilek, now 64, was convicted as a man in the 1990 strangulation death of his wife, Cheryl McCaul, and was sentenced to life in an all-male prison without parole. While in prison, Kosilek obtained a legal name change and has been living, as much as possible, as a woman and seeking the sex-change operation for nearly 20 years. Gender identity disorder is recognized by psychiatrists, and physicians have said the surgery is appropriate and needed medical treatment for Kosilek, today's opinion  (PDF) notes.

My tax dollars hard at work 
so who on NT been up in some ****** yambs??
I'll try anything once, still looking for one that's worth it. She gotta be post-op and extra feminine tho.

Half srs
Ain't no way I'm knowingly smashing a ******


You can feel free to cook tho. If you ever find one worth it make sure to tell NT what it's like.

As much as trannies are brought up some of these dudes gotta be interested
"It" became a woman because "it" wasn't man enough to be a man.

I hope Dana White says no to the ****** with the quickness.
"It" became a woman because "it" wasn't man enough to be a man.

I hope Dana White says no to the ****** with the quickness.
What... I don't even..was that supposed to be an insult? Cause im pretty sure sge never felt like a man in the first place, hence HRT...Wait a second...

Location: South FL

Nothing to see here, folks. :lol:
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"It" became a woman because "it" wasn't man enough to be a man.

I hope Dana White says no to the ****** with the quickness.
What... I don't even..was that supposed to be an insult? Cause im pretty sure sge never felt like a man in the first place, hence HRT...Wait a second...

Location: South FL

Nothing to see here, folks. :lol:

I can't call that a she if it ain't really a she. That's just the cold truth.

The Florida jokes don't bother me son, I live where you wanna spend your vacation at :pimp:
"It" became a woman because "it" wasn't man enough to be a man.

I hope Dana White says no to the ****** with the quickness.

-This comment won't make anyone think of you as a real "man". Just a bigot

-I hope you are never in charge of anything involving young boys.

-The irony of name dropping Dana White when he himself takes hormones to make himself feel more like a "man" :lol:
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