Who do you guys think has the best tumblrs?
Of course, aside from your own lol
There are some Tumblrs I have that have over 100k friends. You need to have an interest mix of pictures, and reads. Some people just do nothing but reblog.


has anyone had problems when changing their theme? whenever i try to change my theme i go to customize html and copy and paste my new theme, update preview ,save and close with the new theme but then when i check out my tumblr it just goes back to my old theme everytime... annoying as hell anyone else experience somethin similar
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I browsed through the last 10-15 pages and followed quite a few of you guys with interesting pages. I thought I would be able to go through everything tonight, but I guess I'm wrong :lol:
http://aldinbmcfly.tumblr.com/  follow me
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