TV Shows that got cancelled too soon


this is understandable, it just cost wayyy too much money to produce every episode.


this is just due to mismanagement and bad marketing by NBC and also viewers not wanting smart TV
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Freaks and Geeks

I'd say AD, but they're coming back next year as a Netflix exclusive.
Laura and steve were about to get married, WTF after 9 seasons of begging the show gets cancelled Im still waiting for the spinoff,lol
aint even mad about How To Make It in America.. show was about to play out like an east coast Entourage for the next four seasons ... I'm cool

This show though... too too soon

one of my favorite shows ever.  Sad we'll never know if Billie got hooked on the smack again 

The music, the cars, the women.  This show was funny and action packed, with good cases every episode

but it was just too expensive to make.  I wonder how it would do now.  They would probably OD on cgi

which would take away some of the best things about the show.

Might throw this on today :pimp:

and this

Dirty Sexy Money, killed by the writer's strike
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It was on for too long if anything.

Playmakers because of NFL pressure on ESPN. Its a show that needs to be on AMC/FX/HBO.

Terminator:SCC is the only show of recent memory that I thought was canceled too soon.

Arrested Development is the most overrated comedy of all time. Jumped the shark the second season. How it became a cult hit, I will never know.
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Discovery Channel's The Colony.  If you like a lot of post-apacolyptic stuff

check it out. It was an experimental type "reality" show.

A group of people are placed in a post disaster setting and must build up theircolony

find food, and find their way out while coping with simulated viruses, hostile survivors called marauders from outside their camp

and lots of other problems.  Most people couldn't get pass the fact that they weren't in any real danger

but I thought the show did a really good job of creating challenges that forced them to react and adapt.

It was supposed to come back for a 3rd season but never did...  

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