TV Shows that got cancelled too soon

I never watched the show until I saw it on Netflix.. I was hooked by the first episode, but didnt make it thru season 4 because it was just getting out of hand with the storyline. I posted Heroes because that show had soooooooooo much potential. Damn writers strike type ruined it.
And idgaf about that behind the scenes Hollywood and abuse stuff on Hayden. I'd save her.:wow:
Me and MrO hoping that Joss Whedon Avengers show happens. Perhaps a quasi redemption for how terrible Heroes became after s1. My short list has been mentioned but I'd go with Arrested Development, Life and Party Down as cancelled too soon

This man speaks the truth.
Blue Mountain State
hahahaha the show was legitimately bad but i couldnt stop watching!

The thing was with that show is that Season 3 was probably the best season and then they cancelled it, Season 2 was trash but they saved it with s3 :x


This show was just as good as Game of Thrones if you ask me...

I feel The Wire could have gone another season or 2 as well...
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Arrested Development
Came in here to post that.

The show was, still is, bar none, most though-out, layered (think about it...) sitcom ever made. 

In a way, I think it's better it got cancelled. They left at the top. All other (by all I mean ALL) sitcoms die in mediocrity.
Maybe this? But was starting to lose steam towards the end
Should have been canceled a season or two before it actually ended. The addition of Franklin (in addition to poor character development) was the show's downfall. This jumping the shark moment is known as "The New Kid in Town".
Batman : The animated series
X-Men : The animated series
Spiderman : The animated series
None of these were canceled. Some of you are getting canceled with a show you didn't want to see end mistaken. Spider Man and X-Men actually had a final episode.
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Forgot to add...[br][br]
[br][br]And with that said a tribute to the hero of canton [br][br][br][br]
i heard about and watched this show a while back. I cant believe that I never saw this when it was out. It was soo good. the movie was great too. I wish they would bring this show back. :frown:
I want to know who the preacher really was. dude had so much swag and never told a soul how he got it. :lol: :pimp:
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The Event
Sleeper Cell (I feel that if they had one more season...)
The Wire (Ended well, but I just want more)
My wife and kids ran its course they made Junior dumb, then they made Claire dumb (falling down steps and stuff), then they brought in that big guy to be a big Olaf/wimp. 

But i would say: 


My brother and Me (every day after school in junior high my go to show)

Goo punch and the hair cut eposide
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