TV shows you think are MAD overrated

Jan 5, 2003

Weeds (just cause people are stoners doesn't mean this show is good)
i know i'm gonna get a lot of stonefaces for this but....

the wire

don't get me wrong i enjoyed the show but from the way people were talking about it, i really thought it was going to be a lot better
^who overrates soap operas?

for me, I used to be into Lost but the past two seasons have not been great to me yet it still gets a lot of love.
Also, Weeds.
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

i know i'm gonna get a lot of stonefaces for this but....

the wire

don't get me wrong i enjoyed the show but from the way people were talking about it, i really thought it was going to be a lot better
I agree with the wire, only on niketalk does it get praised like the second coming of jesus though, so its cool

Im gonna say seinfeld also, people are wayyyy too quick to call it the GOAT
Originally Posted by 951guero


Never understood the hype around this show.. Some people live and die by it, which amazes me because every time I watch it and give it a chance to like it, allI hear is corny jokes that never make me laugh out loud.
Originally Posted by sonunox34


Weeds (just cause people are stoners doesn't mean this show is good)

weeds sucks now, but it was funny before they decided to move to SD/mexico. u dont have to be a "stoner" to enjoy it
Originally Posted by sonunox34


Weeds (just cause people are stoners doesn't mean this show is good)
^^Yeah my sister enjoys Weeds and shes the furthest thing from a stoner.

S E I N F E L D. I have friends that die by this show too and I've NEVER gotten the hype. Its just not that funny to me. I always thought Drew Carey was afunnier show.

And the Wire is not overrated. Great show. I didn't get into it until the DVDs came out though. I still got to see season 4.
SNL is dependent on the host...the last one with Justin Timberlake is prob the funniest I've ever seen.
Weeds has gone way too far, used to be my favorite show. Too much stress now
Seinfeld is severely overrated to me
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