TV shows you think are MAD overrated

Lost. Never seen it though. But it looks mad lame.

Heroes. Same as Lost.

The OC when it was on.

Party of 5 when it was on.

Jon and Kate plus 8.

Married With Children when it was on.

Hannah Montana

Originally Posted by YungSwagga

Meet the browns
House of Payne

Overrated by who though? Oprah?
aint nobody watch that *+$@. At least I hope not
Entourage is a definite. I'm in S2 of the Wire so I'll reserve judgment for now. SNL, Family Guy (now), South Park (yea I said it), HOP, and Meet theBrowns are automatically omitted b/c they aint worthy of bein put on a list
^The point about Seinfeld is that it is the anti-show. It prides itself on real-life situations without a hook or anything. Or atleast I think that's whatit is from the episodes I have watched.
Entourage-One semi-talented dude, his +@!*-riding friends, and his +#@#%$+ agent. Not entertaining.

Heroes-Garbage writing.
Originally Posted by stevielips

^^Yeah my sister enjoys Weeds and shes the furthest thing from a stoner.

S E I N F E L D. I have friends that die by this show too and I've NEVER gotten the hype. Its just not that funny to me. I always thought Drew Carey was a funnier show.

And the Wire is not overrated. Great show. I didn't get into it until the DVDs came out though. I still got to see season 4.

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Entourage is a definite. I'm in S2 of the Wire so I'll reserve judgment for now. SNL, Family Guy (now), South Park (yea I said it), HOP, and Meet the Browns are automatically omitted b/c they aint worthy of bein put on a list

SNL I agree other than the 80's and 90's there have only been a couple ppl who have held there own ( Will Ferrel, Tracey Morgan etc)
Family Guy has had some bad episodes but idk if they're done yet crossing my fingers
South Park has been wack for about a season or two which is sad but overall nah I can't cosign if we're talking about the series itself
I'll say this about Tyler Perry - I like his playsexcept for the gospel but other than that he hasn't done anything to impress me and these 2 shows are some of the worst shows I have surfed past.

After the racist dude went off I can't/ won't watch Seinfeld anymore
I never really found it lol funny to begin with but it was still entertaining and had its moments
Overrated? Yes Bad? No

I'd have to say the Simpsons
ever since about 98/99 I have just found it unwatchable, it just lost its magic seemingly overnight
I don't understand how it is still on the air to be honest

Futurama too
Idk why they're bringing it back, everything about this show is wack
the only redeemable thing I can think of is that Fry makes for good NT gifs (C what I did there?)
at all the people saying Lost.
Dudes probably watched their first episode of the show 4 seasons in and didn't know what was going on.
i don't get all the hate for Lost. have yall even watched the show?

one of my boys was trying to convince me to watch it back in may (around the time of the season finale) but i really was not interested in the show. a showabout a group of people stuck in a deserted island seemed hella lame. after i got around to watching it a month or so later, i was hooked. it was a lot deeperthan i thought it was
I'm gonna go with
The IT crowd
The Wire
anything on Disney other than Life with Derek
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