Twitch Plays Pokemon- Thousands of people playing 1 game of Pokemon.

It's weird how Mew's info is in the game though, I'm guessing they did it in anticipation of special promos/events where players could receive Mew?

Nintendo was not initially aware that Shigeki Morimoto had programmed Mew into the game, which also happens to be his favorite Pokémon
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It's weird how Mew's info is in the game though, I'm guessing they did it in anticipation of special promos/events where players could receive Mew?

I wish I knew about how to do the Mew glitch when I was younger though, all those tricks were lies.
Yea man. I lend my game to some kid and got pissed that he held on to it for so long, until I got it back and saw he put mew on there

Remember missingno?
Not as a kid, but when I replayed them when I was older I had heard about it and looked it up.
Nintendo was not initially aware that Shigeki Morimoto had programmed Mew into the game, which also happens to be his favorite Pokémon
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So, who else remembers older kids telling fake rumors about Pokemon?  I distinctly remember being told about Yoshi, Pikablue, and Mexico City being in the game as a kid.

Man I spent HOURS looking for these bull @#$% places/Pokemon that never existed :smh: :lol:
So, who else remembers older kids telling fake rumors about Pokemon?  I distinctly remember being told about Yoshi, Pikablue, and Mexico City being in the game as a kid.

So, who else remembers older kids telling fake rumors about Pokemon?  I distinctly remember being told about Yoshi, Pikablue, and Mexico City being in the game as a kid.
Dudes claiming that the starters had fourth evolutions, ironic because now almost 20 years after the fact they do, and they're just like what the kids used to say they looked like, especially Venasaur. Tlaking about the bulb on his back turned into a tree

i do not know any pokemons outside of 151

youre telling me venasaur evolves??

Wait.. You guys ain't know about da legend?

Reading the chat, "Let's unlock Growlith with the secret key" :rofl:

This whole thing is so ridiculous :lol:
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