[Typical Conspiracy Theorist] Taylor Swift is illuminati [Typical Conspiracy Theorist]

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

You been systematically trained not to believe.... I've studied frequencies and vibrations.... Most aren't even aware of their actual existence so it makes sense that they refute the logic

word, smh @ the sheep in this thread.

so um, hypothetically speaking if i wanted to join the illuminati to become rich and famous how do i go about doing that.

illuminati NT experts chime in. these people seem to know a lot about the illuminati but can never answer this question.

You dont choose them. They choose you. 

i throw up devil horns atleast 100 times a day tho.

You do not have the power to influence a mass of people on the level of entertainers though.

Wait so you have to already have power and influence for the Illuminati to let you join? So I actually have to work hard, network and grind to make it to the top? Then hope the Illuminati notices me? That defeats the damn purpose 
^ why r u bein so sarcastic and ignoring the clear point made here; wut use will they have wit someone wit no talent and no followers? its clear that if their agenda is to influence your actions, thoughts, and behavior, then they need ppl who r good at wuteva they're doin and who have a substantial amount of followers/fans... 
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

You been systematically trained not to believe.... I've studied frequencies and vibrations.... Most aren't even aware of their actual existence so it makes sense that they refute the logic

word, smh @ the sheep in this thread.

so um, hypothetically speaking if i wanted to join the illuminati to become rich and famous how do i go about doing that.

illuminati NT experts chime in. these people seem to know a lot about the illuminati but can never answer this question.

You dont choose them. They choose you. 

i throw up devil horns atleast 100 times a day tho.

ur bein irrational about it, cmon man use your brain for a sec, you have to be chosen and it's usually based on your already existing influence over the masses (entertainers, great orators, sport figures, politicians, TV personalities, controversial figures, in some cases even preachers), no one can give you proof or clear evidence of their existence or pratices bcuz even some of the members are just as clueless as we are, the whole point is that why will so many big names in music chose to risk their lives by denouncing them, think about the last time you were passionate enuff bout something to risk your life over it  
this is new...denouncing the illuminati puts your life in danger?

   no I'm actually being very rational about it. Why would someone risk being in the illuminati when they already have an influence over people? Is Micheal Jordan rich and famous because of the illuminati?
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

You been systematically trained not to believe.... I've studied frequencies and vibrations.... Most aren't even aware of their actual existence so it makes sense that they refute the logic

word, smh @ the sheep in this thread.

so um, hypothetically speaking if i wanted to join the illuminati to become rich and famous how do i go about doing that.

illuminati NT experts chime in. these people seem to know a lot about the illuminati but can never answer this question.

You dont choose them. They choose you. 

i throw up devil horns atleast 100 times a day tho.

ur bein irrational about it, cmon man use your brain for a sec, you have to be chosen and it's usually based on your already existing influence over the masses (entertainers, great orators, sport figures, politicians, TV personalities, controversial figures, in some cases even preachers), no one can give you proof or clear evidence of their existence or pratices bcuz even some of the members are just as clueless as we are, the whole point is that why will so many big names in music chose to risk their lives by denouncing them, think about the last time you were passionate enuff bout something to risk your life over it  
this is new...denouncing the illuminati puts your life in danger?

   no I'm actually being very rational about it. Why would someone risk being in the illuminati when they already have an influence over people? Is Micheal Jordan rich and famous because of the illuminati?
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

You been systematically trained not to believe.... I've studied frequencies and vibrations.... Most aren't even aware of their actual existence so it makes sense that they refute the logic

word, smh @ the sheep in this thread.

so um, hypothetically speaking if i wanted to join the illuminati to become rich and famous how do i go about doing that.

illuminati NT experts chime in. these people seem to know a lot about the illuminati but can never answer this question.

You dont choose them. They choose you. 

i throw up devil horns atleast 100 times a day tho.

You do not have the power to influence a mass of people on the level of entertainers though.

Wait so you have to already have power and influence for the Illuminati to let you join? So I actually have to work hard, network and grind to make it to the top? Then hope the Illuminati notices me? That defeats the damn purpose 
^ why r u bein so sarcastic and ignoring the clear point made here; wut use will they have wit someone wit no talent and no followers? its clear that if their agenda is to influence your actions, thoughts, and behavior, then they need ppl who r good at wuteva they're doin and who have a substantial amount of followers/fans... 

ok now that we've cleared up the point a lot of illuminati experts make about the illuminati being the reason why people become famous.....what exactly is the influence the illuminati pushes using musicians as a vessel?
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

You been systematically trained not to believe.... I've studied frequencies and vibrations.... Most aren't even aware of their actual existence so it makes sense that they refute the logic

word, smh @ the sheep in this thread.

so um, hypothetically speaking if i wanted to join the illuminati to become rich and famous how do i go about doing that.

illuminati NT experts chime in. these people seem to know a lot about the illuminati but can never answer this question.

You dont choose them. They choose you. 

i throw up devil horns atleast 100 times a day tho.

You do not have the power to influence a mass of people on the level of entertainers though.

Wait so you have to already have power and influence for the Illuminati to let you join? So I actually have to work hard, network and grind to make it to the top? Then hope the Illuminati notices me? That defeats the damn purpose 
^ why r u bein so sarcastic and ignoring the clear point made here; wut use will they have wit someone wit no talent and no followers? its clear that if their agenda is to influence your actions, thoughts, and behavior, then they need ppl who r good at wuteva they're doin and who have a substantial amount of followers/fans... 

ok now that we've cleared up the point a lot of illuminati experts make about the illuminati being the reason why people become famous.....what exactly is the influence the illuminati pushes using musicians as a vessel?
Originally Posted by AuthenticNikes

I found this article to be an interesting read.


Jack Black comes out dressed as a heavy metal guy on steroids to promote a video game. At one point he asks the audience to put their devil horns in the air and the proceeds to pray to the “darklord Satan
Originally Posted by AuthenticNikes

I found this article to be an interesting read.


Jack Black comes out dressed as a heavy metal guy on steroids to promote a video game. At one point he asks the audience to put their devil horns in the air and the proceeds to pray to the “darklord Satan
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

You been systematically trained not to believe.... I've studied frequencies and vibrations.... Most aren't even aware of their actual existence so it makes sense that they refute the logic

word, smh @ the sheep in this thread.

so um, hypothetically speaking if i wanted to join the illuminati to become rich and famous how do i go about doing that.

illuminati NT experts chime in. these people seem to know a lot about the illuminati but can never answer this question.

You dont choose them. They choose you. 

i throw up devil horns atleast 100 times a day tho.

You do not have the power to influence a mass of people on the level of entertainers though.

Wait so you have to already have power and influence for the Illuminati to let you join? So I actually have to work hard, network and grind to make it to the top? Then hope the Illuminati notices me? That defeats the damn purpose 
^ why r u bein so sarcastic and ignoring the clear point made here; wut use will they have wit someone wit no talent and no followers? its clear that if their agenda is to influence your actions, thoughts, and behavior, then they need ppl who r good at wuteva they're doin and who have a substantial amount of followers/fans... 
I was under the impression that the Illuminati put people in power, not the other way around.  Maybe I should Wikipedia deeper.
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

You been systematically trained not to believe.... I've studied frequencies and vibrations.... Most aren't even aware of their actual existence so it makes sense that they refute the logic

word, smh @ the sheep in this thread.

so um, hypothetically speaking if i wanted to join the illuminati to become rich and famous how do i go about doing that.

illuminati NT experts chime in. these people seem to know a lot about the illuminati but can never answer this question.

You dont choose them. They choose you. 

i throw up devil horns atleast 100 times a day tho.

You do not have the power to influence a mass of people on the level of entertainers though.

Wait so you have to already have power and influence for the Illuminati to let you join? So I actually have to work hard, network and grind to make it to the top? Then hope the Illuminati notices me? That defeats the damn purpose 
^ why r u bein so sarcastic and ignoring the clear point made here; wut use will they have wit someone wit no talent and no followers? its clear that if their agenda is to influence your actions, thoughts, and behavior, then they need ppl who r good at wuteva they're doin and who have a substantial amount of followers/fans... 
I was under the impression that the Illuminati put people in power, not the other way around.  Maybe I should Wikipedia deeper.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

You been systematically trained not to believe.... I've studied frequencies and vibrations.... Most aren't even aware of their actual existence so it makes sense that they refute the logic

word, smh @ the sheep in this thread.

so um, hypothetically speaking if i wanted to join the illuminati to become rich and famous how do i go about doing that.

illuminati NT experts chime in. these people seem to know a lot about the illuminati but can never answer this question.

You dont choose them. They choose you. 

i throw up devil horns atleast 100 times a day tho.

You do not have the power to influence a mass of people on the level of entertainers though.

Wait so you have to already have power and influence for the Illuminati to let you join? So I actually have to work hard, network and grind to make it to the top? Then hope the Illuminati notices me? That defeats the damn purpose 
^ why r u bein so sarcastic and ignoring the clear point made here; wut use will they have wit someone wit no talent and no followers? its clear that if their agenda is to influence your actions, thoughts, and behavior, then they need ppl who r good at wuteva they're doin and who have a substantial amount of followers/fans... 
I was under the impression that the Illuminati put people in power, not the other way around.  Maybe I should Wikipedia deeper.

word, i just searched illuminati on youtube and it opened my eyes.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

You been systematically trained not to believe.... I've studied frequencies and vibrations.... Most aren't even aware of their actual existence so it makes sense that they refute the logic

word, smh @ the sheep in this thread.

so um, hypothetically speaking if i wanted to join the illuminati to become rich and famous how do i go about doing that.

illuminati NT experts chime in. these people seem to know a lot about the illuminati but can never answer this question.

You dont choose them. They choose you. 

i throw up devil horns atleast 100 times a day tho.

You do not have the power to influence a mass of people on the level of entertainers though.

Wait so you have to already have power and influence for the Illuminati to let you join? So I actually have to work hard, network and grind to make it to the top? Then hope the Illuminati notices me? That defeats the damn purpose 
^ why r u bein so sarcastic and ignoring the clear point made here; wut use will they have wit someone wit no talent and no followers? its clear that if their agenda is to influence your actions, thoughts, and behavior, then they need ppl who r good at wuteva they're doin and who have a substantial amount of followers/fans... 
I was under the impression that the Illuminati put people in power, not the other way around.  Maybe I should Wikipedia deeper.

word, i just searched illuminati on youtube and it opened my eyes.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

You been systematically trained not to believe.... I've studied frequencies and vibrations.... Most aren't even aware of their actual existence so it makes sense that they refute the logic

word, smh @ the sheep in this thread.

so um, hypothetically speaking if i wanted to join the illuminati to become rich and famous how do i go about doing that.

illuminati NT experts chime in. these people seem to know a lot about the illuminati but can never answer this question.

You dont choose them. They choose you. 

i throw up devil horns atleast 100 times a day tho.

You do not have the power to influence a mass of people on the level of entertainers though.

Wait so you have to already have power and influence for the Illuminati to let you join? So I actually have to work hard, network and grind to make it to the top? Then hope the Illuminati notices me? That defeats the damn purpose 
^ why r u bein so sarcastic and ignoring the clear point made here; wut use will they have wit someone wit no talent and no followers? its clear that if their agenda is to influence your actions, thoughts, and behavior, then they need ppl who r good at wuteva they're doin and who have a substantial amount of followers/fans... 

ok now that we've cleared up the point a lot of illuminati experts make about the illuminati being the reason why people become famous.....what exactly is the influence the illuminati pushes using musicians as a vessel?

Thats what I always say about the Jay-z being apart of it talk
been listening to him since I was 14 and I never wanted to call satan my savior 

but it made me wanted to pour Cristyle on some b!@$#% though
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

You been systematically trained not to believe.... I've studied frequencies and vibrations.... Most aren't even aware of their actual existence so it makes sense that they refute the logic

word, smh @ the sheep in this thread.

so um, hypothetically speaking if i wanted to join the illuminati to become rich and famous how do i go about doing that.

illuminati NT experts chime in. these people seem to know a lot about the illuminati but can never answer this question.

You dont choose them. They choose you. 

i throw up devil horns atleast 100 times a day tho.

You do not have the power to influence a mass of people on the level of entertainers though.

Wait so you have to already have power and influence for the Illuminati to let you join? So I actually have to work hard, network and grind to make it to the top? Then hope the Illuminati notices me? That defeats the damn purpose 
^ why r u bein so sarcastic and ignoring the clear point made here; wut use will they have wit someone wit no talent and no followers? its clear that if their agenda is to influence your actions, thoughts, and behavior, then they need ppl who r good at wuteva they're doin and who have a substantial amount of followers/fans... 

ok now that we've cleared up the point a lot of illuminati experts make about the illuminati being the reason why people become famous.....what exactly is the influence the illuminati pushes using musicians as a vessel?

Thats what I always say about the Jay-z being apart of it talk
been listening to him since I was 14 and I never wanted to call satan my savior 

but it made me wanted to pour Cristyle on some b!@$#% though
man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Originally Posted by I Am Georgia

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Wow. You my friend, are so cool.

But, my point with the illuminati has always been, and still is, that at the very least, its some eye opening stuff.
Can you really watch this video  , look up john todd and the music industry, and come away with saying that the illuminati isn't real? Or at the very least, those who believe that it is real have plausible reasoning for believing that it is real?

Imo, we have artist that literally come out and have devil horns, and shout "I sold my soul to the devil" and we don't even second guess it one bit...smh
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.
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