[Typical Conspiracy Theorist] Taylor Swift is illuminati [Typical Conspiracy Theorist]

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.
Originally Posted by I Am Georgia

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Wow. You my friend, are so cool.

But, my point with the illuminati has always been, and still is, that at the very least, its some eye opening stuff.
Can you really watch this video  , look up john todd and the music industry, and come away with saying that the illuminati isn't real? Or at the very least, those who believe that it is real have plausible reasoning for believing that it is real?

Imo, we have artist that literally come out and have devil horns, and shout "I sold my soul to the devil" and we don't even second guess it one bit...smh
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

marketing and advertising uses tactics based on psychology. has nothing to do with the illuminati.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

marketing and advertising uses tactics based on psychology. has nothing to do with the illuminati.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

   Look up John Todd fam.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

   Look up John Todd fam.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.
well if pac didn't believe in the existence of illuminati then how come he wus so passionate in denouncing them and their thirst for control in the hip hop industry?? I'm not pointin fingers at who is really illuminated and who isn't, the whole point is whether secret societies such as illuminati (who's goal is to control the future of our world by influencing our past and present) exist, and my answer is "yes, they do" and there is obvious proof of that by what we witness everyday when we turn on our TVs and radios (entertainment with nuthing but demeaning and degrading messages in them), by the amount of vulgar and indicent practices which at one point where taboo but are now widely embraced and accepted...
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.
well if pac didn't believe in the existence of illuminati then how come he wus so passionate in denouncing them and their thirst for control in the hip hop industry?? I'm not pointin fingers at who is really illuminated and who isn't, the whole point is whether secret societies such as illuminati (who's goal is to control the future of our world by influencing our past and present) exist, and my answer is "yes, they do" and there is obvious proof of that by what we witness everyday when we turn on our TVs and radios (entertainment with nuthing but demeaning and degrading messages in them), by the amount of vulgar and indicent practices which at one point where taboo but are now widely embraced and accepted...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

marketing uses tactics based on psychology. has nothing to do with the illuminati.

Thats my point. They actually use forms of "mind control" in advertising. They actually "influence the masses". But nobody is going around saying these advertising firms are devil worshipping powerful elite. But Taylor Swift is? This is how backwards conspiracy theorist are because they are pointing the gun at the wrong people. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

marketing uses tactics based on psychology. has nothing to do with the illuminati.

Thats my point. They actually use forms of "mind control" in advertising. They actually "influence the masses". But nobody is going around saying these advertising firms are devil worshipping powerful elite. But Taylor Swift is? This is how backwards conspiracy theorist are because they are pointing the gun at the wrong people. 
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.
well if pac didn't believe in the existence of illuminati then how come he wus so passionate in denouncing them and their thirst for control in the hip hop industry?? I'm not pointin fingers at who is really illuminated and who isn't, the whole point is whether secret societies such as illuminati (who's goal is to control the future of our world by influencing our past and present) exist, and my answer is "yes, they do" and there is obvious proof of that by what we witness everyday when we turn on our TVs and radios (entertainment with nuthing but demeaning and degrading messages in them), by the amount of vulgar and indicent practices which at one point where taboo but are now widely embraced and accepted...

   Humanity has always been vulgar and indecent, the technology we have today exposes it.
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.
well if pac didn't believe in the existence of illuminati then how come he wus so passionate in denouncing them and their thirst for control in the hip hop industry?? I'm not pointin fingers at who is really illuminated and who isn't, the whole point is whether secret societies such as illuminati (who's goal is to control the future of our world by influencing our past and present) exist, and my answer is "yes, they do" and there is obvious proof of that by what we witness everyday when we turn on our TVs and radios (entertainment with nuthing but demeaning and degrading messages in them), by the amount of vulgar and indicent practices which at one point where taboo but are now widely embraced and accepted...

   Humanity has always been vulgar and indecent, the technology we have today exposes it.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

   Look up John Todd fam.
I know who John Todd is. I know who Alex Jones is too. I know who that other guy who calim to be an ex Illuminati member is too. All expose as crazy dudes preying on the weak. 
[h2]Inconsistencies in Todd's testimony[/h2]
Todd claimed to have served as a Green Beret in the Vietnam War, but his discharge papers list him as a general clerk/typist and do not record him having been in Vietnam. Army medical reports referred to "emotional instability with pseudologica phantastica" (compulsive lying), difficulty in telling reality from fantasy, homicidal threats he had made on another, false suicide reports, and a severe personality disturbance.[sup][13][/sup] Todd also claimed in his testimony to have murdered an officer in Germany and to have escaped prison with the help of the Illuminati, but his records show no such things occurred.[sup][13][/sup]

Todd's speaking engagements during 1978 and 1979 generated controversy and sometimes hysteria at the churches he spoke at. Frequently, there were claims by Todd of gunshots in the parking lot or attacks on his life after the services, but there were no witnesses to confirm his claims.[sup][1][/sup]

While Todd claimed to have left witchcraft in 1972 and converted to fundamentalist Christianity, accounts have him being baptized into a Oneness Pentecostal church in Phoenix, Arizonain 1968, and leading a Wiccan group in Ohio in 1976. When confronted with the latter by Christian evangelists, Todd said that he had gone through a period of "backsliding" during that time. However, when a number of other inconsistencies in Todd's story were reported in the evangelical Christian media, and Todd began denouncing many Christian leaders as part of the Satanic conspiracy or the Illuminati, many evangelists denounced Todd and cut off any further association. Jack Chick was the only influential evangelist to continue to defend Todd.[sup][14][/sup]

Several evangelical Christian ministries investigated Todd's claims published articles disputing them. These included Cornerstone magazine, the Christian Research InstituteChristianity Today magazine, and the book The Todd Phenomenon by Darryl E. Hicks (with an introduction by Mike Warnke). Independent Baptist churches withdrew their speaking invitations and cut off contact.

Thats your boy Todd tho
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

   Look up John Todd fam.
I know who John Todd is. I know who Alex Jones is too. I know who that other guy who calim to be an ex Illuminati member is too. All expose as crazy dudes preying on the weak. 
[h2]Inconsistencies in Todd's testimony[/h2]
Todd claimed to have served as a Green Beret in the Vietnam War, but his discharge papers list him as a general clerk/typist and do not record him having been in Vietnam. Army medical reports referred to "emotional instability with pseudologica phantastica" (compulsive lying), difficulty in telling reality from fantasy, homicidal threats he had made on another, false suicide reports, and a severe personality disturbance.[sup][13][/sup] Todd also claimed in his testimony to have murdered an officer in Germany and to have escaped prison with the help of the Illuminati, but his records show no such things occurred.[sup][13][/sup]

Todd's speaking engagements during 1978 and 1979 generated controversy and sometimes hysteria at the churches he spoke at. Frequently, there were claims by Todd of gunshots in the parking lot or attacks on his life after the services, but there were no witnesses to confirm his claims.[sup][1][/sup]

While Todd claimed to have left witchcraft in 1972 and converted to fundamentalist Christianity, accounts have him being baptized into a Oneness Pentecostal church in Phoenix, Arizonain 1968, and leading a Wiccan group in Ohio in 1976. When confronted with the latter by Christian evangelists, Todd said that he had gone through a period of "backsliding" during that time. However, when a number of other inconsistencies in Todd's story were reported in the evangelical Christian media, and Todd began denouncing many Christian leaders as part of the Satanic conspiracy or the Illuminati, many evangelists denounced Todd and cut off any further association. Jack Chick was the only influential evangelist to continue to defend Todd.[sup][14][/sup]

Several evangelical Christian ministries investigated Todd's claims published articles disputing them. These included Cornerstone magazine, the Christian Research InstituteChristianity Today magazine, and the book The Todd Phenomenon by Darryl E. Hicks (with an introduction by Mike Warnke). Independent Baptist churches withdrew their speaking invitations and cut off contact.

Thats your boy Todd tho
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

   Look up John Todd fam.
I know who John Todd is. I know who Alex Jones is too. I know who that other guy who calim to be an ex Illuminati member is too. All expose as crazy dudes preying on the weak. 
[h2]Inconsistencies in Todd's testimony[/h2]
Todd claimed to have served as a Green Beret in the Vietnam War, but his discharge papers list him as a general clerk/typist and do not record him having been in Vietnam. Army medical reports referred to "emotional instability with pseudologica phantastica" (compulsive lying), difficulty in telling reality from fantasy, homicidal threats he had made on another, false suicide reports, and a severe personality disturbance.[sup][13][/sup] Todd also claimed in his testimony to have murdered an officer in Germany and to have escaped prison with the help of the Illuminati, but his records show no such things occurred.[sup][13][/sup]

Todd's speaking engagements during 1978 and 1979 generated controversy and sometimes hysteria at the churches he spoke at. Frequently, there were claims by Todd of gunshots in the parking lot or attacks on his life after the services, but there were no witnesses to confirm his claims.[sup][1][/sup]

While Todd claimed to have left witchcraft in 1972 and converted to fundamentalist Christianity, accounts have him being baptized into a Oneness Pentecostal church in Phoenix, Arizonain 1968, and leading a Wiccan group in Ohio in 1976. When confronted with the latter by Christian evangelists, Todd said that he had gone through a period of "backsliding" during that time. However, when a number of other inconsistencies in Todd's story were reported in the evangelical Christian media, and Todd began denouncing many Christian leaders as part of the Satanic conspiracy or the Illuminati, many evangelists denounced Todd and cut off any further association. Jack Chick was the only influential evangelist to continue to defend Todd.[sup][14][/sup]

Several evangelical Christian ministries investigated Todd's claims published articles disputing them. These included Cornerstone magazine, the Christian Research InstituteChristianity Today magazine, and the book The Todd Phenomenon by Darryl E. Hicks (with an introduction by Mike Warnke). Independent Baptist churches withdrew their speaking invitations and cut off contact.

Thats your boy Todd tho

So his tales of being in the music industry, as a manager don't hold any merit as to whether or not some funny business goes on in the industry?
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

   Look up John Todd fam.
I know who John Todd is. I know who Alex Jones is too. I know who that other guy who calim to be an ex Illuminati member is too. All expose as crazy dudes preying on the weak. 
[h2]Inconsistencies in Todd's testimony[/h2]
Todd claimed to have served as a Green Beret in the Vietnam War, but his discharge papers list him as a general clerk/typist and do not record him having been in Vietnam. Army medical reports referred to "emotional instability with pseudologica phantastica" (compulsive lying), difficulty in telling reality from fantasy, homicidal threats he had made on another, false suicide reports, and a severe personality disturbance.[sup][13][/sup] Todd also claimed in his testimony to have murdered an officer in Germany and to have escaped prison with the help of the Illuminati, but his records show no such things occurred.[sup][13][/sup]

Todd's speaking engagements during 1978 and 1979 generated controversy and sometimes hysteria at the churches he spoke at. Frequently, there were claims by Todd of gunshots in the parking lot or attacks on his life after the services, but there were no witnesses to confirm his claims.[sup][1][/sup]

While Todd claimed to have left witchcraft in 1972 and converted to fundamentalist Christianity, accounts have him being baptized into a Oneness Pentecostal church in Phoenix, Arizonain 1968, and leading a Wiccan group in Ohio in 1976. When confronted with the latter by Christian evangelists, Todd said that he had gone through a period of "backsliding" during that time. However, when a number of other inconsistencies in Todd's story were reported in the evangelical Christian media, and Todd began denouncing many Christian leaders as part of the Satanic conspiracy or the Illuminati, many evangelists denounced Todd and cut off any further association. Jack Chick was the only influential evangelist to continue to defend Todd.[sup][14][/sup]

Several evangelical Christian ministries investigated Todd's claims published articles disputing them. These included Cornerstone magazine, the Christian Research InstituteChristianity Today magazine, and the book The Todd Phenomenon by Darryl E. Hicks (with an introduction by Mike Warnke). Independent Baptist churches withdrew their speaking invitations and cut off contact.

Thats your boy Todd tho

So his tales of being in the music industry, as a manager don't hold any merit as to whether or not some funny business goes on in the industry?
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.
well if pac didn't believe in the existence of illuminati then how come he wus so passionate in denouncing them and their thirst for control in the hip hop industry?? I'm not pointin fingers at who is really illuminated and who isn't, the whole point is whether secret societies such as illuminati (who's goal is to control the future of our world by influencing our past and present) exist, and my answer is "yes, they do" and there is obvious proof of that by what we witness everyday when we turn on our TVs and radios (entertainment with nuthing but demeaning and degrading messages in them), by the amount of vulgar and indicent practices which at one point where taboo but are now widely embraced and accepted...
He didnt his own words tho not the chopped up one you see in spooky conspiracy videos
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

marketing uses tactics based on psychology. has nothing to do with the illuminati.

Thats my point. They actually use forms of "mind control" in advertising. They actually "influence the masses". But nobody is going around saying these advertising firms are devil worshipping powerful elite. But Taylor Swift is? This is how backwards conspiracy theorist are because they are pointing the gun at the wrong people. 

   Yep, I agree people are looking in the wrong places. Look at politics, human beings are extremely impressionable....has nothing to do with devils and initiations.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.

marketing uses tactics based on psychology. has nothing to do with the illuminati.

Thats my point. They actually use forms of "mind control" in advertising. They actually "influence the masses". But nobody is going around saying these advertising firms are devil worshipping powerful elite. But Taylor Swift is? This is how backwards conspiracy theorist are because they are pointing the gun at the wrong people. 

   Yep, I agree people are looking in the wrong places. Look at politics, human beings are extremely impressionable....has nothing to do with devils and initiations.
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

man yall r masters of twistin ppl's words so i'm not gonn hav this argument with you, its simple logic you can't use a nobody to try to carry out this kind of agenda, when pac realized what he wus in for and began denouncin them they chose the next best thing at the time from the west which was dr dre (they didn't go after some irrelevant person from the westcoast they chose someone who relatively had a voice and an image)
Pac didnt even believe in the Illuminati and the majority of marketers are "nobodys" but they influence billions everyday. Look up Eugene Swartz or John Wren or other masters of advertising. They are the people who use creative ethical and unethical advertising to sway the masses you dont ever see these people show up in youtube videos tho. but Taylor Swift and Kanye West who can only influence a million people to buy their album are the powerful ones? Step your knowledge up fam. The world is much bigger than celebrities.
well if pac didn't believe in the existence of illuminati then how come he wus so passionate in denouncing them and their thirst for control in the hip hop industry?? I'm not pointin fingers at who is really illuminated and who isn't, the whole point is whether secret societies such as illuminati (who's goal is to control the future of our world by influencing our past and present) exist, and my answer is "yes, they do" and there is obvious proof of that by what we witness everyday when we turn on our TVs and radios (entertainment with nuthing but demeaning and degrading messages in them), by the amount of vulgar and indicent practices which at one point where taboo but are now widely embraced and accepted...
He didnt his own words tho not the chopped up one you see in spooky conspiracy videos
 well but have you ever wondered why in a decent society such indecencies are actually hailed and used as blueprint to display to the masses oppose to up-lifting and educational things, this argument can be looked at from many angles but if you don't believe that some ppl are controlling wut gets exposure in this world for personal gain then you're just in denial
 well but have you ever wondered why in a decent society such indecencies are actually hailed and used as blueprint to display to the masses oppose to up-lifting and educational things, this argument can be looked at from many angles but if you don't believe that some ppl are controlling wut gets exposure in this world for personal gain then you're just in denial
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