u can edit ur username now

Its not even permanent, its been known for a min that NTers complain just to complain.
A temporary "formerly known as" feature is God damn common sense. It's beyond rationale. :lol:

I can't believe dudes are really complaining about the "aesthetics" of it.
I don't mind explaining the decision.

We'd much rather listen to everyone's feedback and help them understand the choices that must be made to advance the website than browbeat people into submission.

I would just hope everyone recognizes that, in any large community, we have to make compromises. It's impossible for 100% of all community members to be 100% satisfied with the website. It's more responsible for us to try and keep everyone's satisfaction at, say, 80% than to make a small number of people 100% happy while alienating everyone else.

The solution here may not be perfect, but it considers and balances the needs of those who want to change their account names with those who might be negatively impacted by mass name changes. The easiest answer would've been to disallow name changes entirely, even for corrective reasons. We instead invested in a custom developed name change feature that is not part of the forum software and will need to back that with dozens of hours of manual updating to reduce the adverse impact of those name changes on other community members.

There were quite a few potential negative outcomes to consider here:

1) Users can't change their names ever.
2) A large percentage of forum regulars all change their names at once, breaking @mentions and creating mass confusion.
3) The staff will have to work harder to service changed names via labeling, and a modest number of users will consider the labels a minor irritant for one reason or another.

The option we chose was the one that arguably came at the greatest cost to the staff, while exerting what we hoped would be the smallest negative impact on the community at large.
Meth threw us a bone, can't comprehend the complaining. Everything thus far is only logical, just roll with it. The man has never steered us wrong.
Yeah, this isn't witness protection. Unless you're trying to hide something then it helps when people see all these new sn's.

might as well just make a new account, not sure why people tripping on it
I'm sure this has already been answered but I was wondering, Will the "formerly" indication be permanent?
I'm sure this has already been answered but I was wondering, Will the "formerly" indication be permanent?

:lol: I just wanna know if I will be able to know who switched it up forever, or will I have to remember it after some time. Now go give the gas face to someone who gives a flying rats *** about your opinion

ahat ahat
Methodical Management Methodical Management , sorry if this has been answered already, how long will the name change option be available for? Im still thinkin up names dont want to mess up this one time chance :lol:
It's a shame it's only "formerly" and not "formerly known as".

I would have hopped on "The Artist" as my username so quick.
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