Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

So you consider locking up black youth as some type of game that you have to win? Yikes.
Man be quiet…..your just attempting to twist what i said in order to gain favor and sympathy. That’s after openly admitting you clearly didn’t read the articles that I posted, and still have not said what you suggest to do with Baby K SPECIFICALLY. This is a guy that’s going along just to get along.

DC is about to have purge with this…smh.

I feel bad for the citizens living in DC right now…
You feel bad for them bc their cops won't be allowed to choke them and the cops have to wear body cameras? Umm, ok?
Man be quiet…..your just attempting to twist what i said in order to gain favor and sympathy. That’s after openly admitting you clearly didn’t read the articles that I posted, and still have not said what you suggest to do with Baby K SPECIFICALLY. This is a guy that’s going along just to get along.
I don’t need to read articles you’ve posted to see that you’re speaking from a place of a lack of knowledge. Who in their right mind can take anything you post seriously. You’re shrouded in delusion .
The fact that this is a debate at all proves my point that our educational system is failing.

Cats willfully ignoring concrete facts and data, ignoring full sentences and making assumptions that were never once said.
Ain no one calling for help 😂. Your whole rebuttal didn’t have any backing. You just called me a feminist.

EYE thought it was hilarious being called a feminist for using facts to back my argument. I thought us as men were able to articulate our points w/o letting our personal opinions sway us from the evidence supported.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


This isn't even a black thing, it's a western civilization dating fact. If you're a man and you're broke or don't provide value of any kind you are going to get looked down on. No woman of any race wants a man that can't provide. It is what it is, get money or some Vaseline.

This couldn’t be any the more FALSE. Plenty broke men who can’t provide still make hay.

I have a 41 year old cousin with 9 kids. Still lives with mom, pilar to post and he collects disability because he’s been baker acted so many times.

You know how many women take care of men JUST because they don’t want to be alone or that “single” female. They’ll deal with dude, pay his phone bill, car note, etc just to say she’s got someone.

Plenty women out here paying child support for dudes who can’t pay the child support themselves, for their other kids.

If you’ve got a slick mouth piece, do you know how many women will put up with you just because you wooed her with basic words?

Trust me, women have men outnumber like 10-1 so, plenty of them settle with a “broke” dude just because they don’t want to be alone.

The stigma of a woman being alone is FARRRRRR more critical than that of a man being alone…
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Actually quite the opposite champ. I expect the youth to eliminate crime……if that’s what they want. That being said believe it or not the kids that have been posted in here VOLUNTARILY want to go to jail, so I say give them what they want.

Every kid, or article that I and others have posted on here clearly illustrates how said juvenile committed a heinous act. Once that article is posted and someone such as myself or others suggest jail there’s some “let’s give them a second chance/business program activist” that basically doesn’t want any juvenile to go to jail…..no matter how bad the criminal offense. Even still nobody has a specific answer or response to deal with the Baby K character….even after knowing he has killed once before and tried to kill again. A business program ain’t helping that kid, folks is wasting time suggesting otherwise. Jail is mentioned for SPECIFIC kids that have already committed in most cases multiple felonies.
What are you even talking about? It’s just one strawman fallacy after another.

The person you take issue with explicitly said to lock him up, and pointed out that was an obvious question. You’re arguing against a non-existent argument. No one suggested a murderer shouldn’t be tried as an adult. You’re reading things that aren’t there, based on what appears to be a gross misunderstanding of business-, after-school etc programs, in addition to crime and punishment in general.

Again, prison does not address the root issues. The war on drugs also made it abundantly clear how archaic the idea of prison and increased sentencing serving as a deterrent is.

Business-, after-school-, youth programs etc are primarily meant to address the issues at the root of crime in the first place. Those issues being poverty, lack of education and broken homes. Does prison address any of those issues? No.
There are countless examples of youth centers, programs, … helping kids stay off the streets and out of trouble. I don’t know how this is even a debate.

Also, anecdotes are irrelevant when discussing societal issues from a broader perspective. Judging by your heavy focus on a particular anecdotal case, that needed pointing out for some reason. The reality is that the effectiveness of youth centers, programs etc has been studied and solidified plenty of times. That does not mean they magically eliminate youth crime, that’s not how reality works.
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:lol: :lol: :lol:

First of all your graphic does nothing but prove that black women are outpacing black men educationally. (We're not even going to go into the fact that you're using 6+ year old data but whatever)

This is based on 2022 Census Data,

Black Women Students Far Outnumber Black Men at the Nation's Highest-Ranked Universities

The Racial Gap in Educational Attainment in the United States

In case you need the cliffs,

"If we break the data down by gender, we find that 24.9 percent of African American men and 30.8 percent of African American women over the age of 25 had obtained at least a bachelor’s degree."

So approximately 5% gap just at the bachelors degree level.

For Master Degrees

"Some 1,591,000 Black women had earned a master’s degree but no higher degree. In 2021 there were 841,000 Black men who had earned a master’s degree but no higher degree."


"In 2021, there were 151,000 Black men who held doctoral degrees compared to 221,000 Black women."

Black women are out achieving black men academically, it's not up for debate it's a FACT.
First of all your graphic does nothing but prove that black women are outpacing black men educationally. (We're not even going to go into the fact that you're using 6+ year old data but whatever)

This is based on 2022 Census Data,

Black Women Students Far Outnumber Black Men at the Nation's Highest-Ranked Universities

The Racial Gap in Educational Attainment in the United States

In case you need the cliffs,

"If we break the data down by gender, we find that 24.9 percent of African American men and 30.8 percent of African American women over the age of 25 had obtained at least a bachelor’s degree."

So approximately 5% gap just at the bachelors degree level.

For Master Degrees

"Some 1,591,000 Black women had earned a master’s degree but no higher degree. In 2021 there were 841,000 Black men who had earned a master’s degree but no higher degree."


"In 2021, there were 151,000 Black men who held doctoral degrees compared to 221,000 Black women."

Black women are out achieving black men academically, it's not up for debate it's a FACT.

Are you doing all this for 5% Fam? :rofl:

Even given your POV, what impact has any of those degrees had on the subject of this thread?

My own sister makes more than her husband and they've been married for over 20 years, have two kids that both went to college, a house, cars and live comfortably in the middle class. My brother-in-law just got his degree about 5 years ago. Not once have I ever seen her look down on him for earning less or treat him poorly because of his educational attainment.

Anecdotal as that may be - she isn't the only one by far but she comes from a previous generation that was raised with different values. She actually prides herself on the well-being of her family and not the size of her house or the car in the driveway.

I know it might be strange for you to hear but money aint everyone's God.

Are you doing all this for 5% Fam? :rofl:

Even given your POV, what impact has any of those degrees had on the subject of this thread?

My own sister makes more than her husband and they've been married for over 20 years, have two kids that both went to college, a house, cars and live comfortably in the middle class. My brother-in-law just got his degree about 5 years ago. Not once have I ever seen her look down on him for earning less or treat him poorly because of his educational attainment.

Anecdotal as that may be - she isn't the only one by far but she comes from a previous generation that was raised with different values. She actually prides herself on the well-being of her family and not the size of her house or the car in the driveway.

I know it might be strange for you to hear but money aint everyone's God.

My cousin also makes more than her husband. I agree. Owns two homes, vehicles. Material things are more of a “reward” for some of us as opposed to “Hey, I got this Benz because such and such can’t afford it or, I bought it just take make people envy”

A lot of westerners can’t comprehend what you said because they’ve lived a lifetime relying on vanity and not sincerity. They’ve been raised upon the notion that having more than others makes you better, but ironically the wealthiest people seem to be the most depressed and suicidal out of everyone.

Look at celebrities and entertainers that are out of the public spotlight and cash starts to dwindle or they get replaced by youngsters, those people have some of the toughest times trying to revert back to civilian living.
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My bad incorrect. I always thought women had us outnumbered. My fault. Either way, they have to settle more than men do.
Na, they really don't. Just look at the number of men that pay for sex. That's no different than a woman supporting a man for some company.
Are you doing all this for 5% Fam? :rofl:

Even given your POV, what impact has any of those degrees had on the subject of this thread?

My own sister makes more than her husband and they've been married for over 20 years, have two kids that both went to college, a house, cars and live comfortably in the middle class. My brother-in-law just got his degree about 5 years ago. Not once have I ever seen her look down on him for earning less or treat him poorly because of his educational attainment.

Anecdotal as that may be - she isn't the only one by far but she comes from a previous generation that was raised with different values. She actually prides herself on the well-being of her family and not the size of her house or the car in the driveway.

I know it might be strange for you to hear but money aint everyone's God.

So you're just going to ignore the other degrees where the gap was larger? Ok. We're going to get up here and pretend that marriage isn't a legal agreement that needs more than feelings to be successful. Guess what the leading cause of divorce is? MONEY.

Love and feelings don't pay the bills or put food on the table, and I'm happy for your sister and brother in law. I guarantee you, your brother in law isn't someone who just sits home all day and does nothing even before his degree. Also of course their kids went to school because their mother and father did.
Once again my support of education didn't just deal with higher education it included the trades as well.

Did you know" analyses of data from the NSFG show that the 78% of marriages of women with a college degree last at least 20 years, compared to only 41% of marriages of women with a high school diploma or less (Copen et al., 2012). In other words, women’s college education nearly doubles the 20-year survival rate of a marriage, an effect size comparable to that of variables receiving far more attention from psychologists."

Socioeconomic Status and Intimate Relationships

So given that fact I'm not shocked your sister and her husband has had a successful marriage, and also I'm not surprised their kids are also in school because the biggest determining factor in a child's success in school is their parent's education level.

The Impact of Parents' Education Levels

That's how it's supposed to work. Parents build the foundation and it increases the chances the children are going to follow. We want the same thing. I just think it's irresponsible to some how expect the black woman to carry all the workload when they are clearly doing their part. Black woman are getting educated that's checked off, they date exclusively in their race more than any other demographic. In fact they're the only demographic that prefers to date us.

So we want the women to go to school, make all the money, teach us how to make money, raise the kids, cook and clean? Not rolling my dad ain raise me to be looking for a handout like that.
but ironically the wealthiest people seem to be the most depressed and suicidal out of everyone.

This is some serious cope, but I can send you Venmo details and accept the increased risk of suicide just to make sure you aren’t so depressed.

Anyways… educational parity in a marriage is about a lot more than earning potential. My wife is a tenure track professor. I dropped out of my PhD program. I generally make 50% more than she does. Whatever…

But for her, it’s important to have a partner that can help her think through things, who can socialize with ease with her colleagues, who can speak to a common set of intellectual foundations and have equal facility with abstracting concepts. It’s not (just) the money, it’s living life together.

And I don’t think WASHED KING WASHED KING was trying to lay the blame completely on the achievement gap. He’s just pointing out that there are a number of factors, and not all of those things are the “fault” of black women.
I would say a large portion of the men that pay for sex are actually married or in relationships.
Sure, some are, but a lot of them just can't get laid or can't get laid in the manner they want. They have to settle. They aren't paying bc they want to. Suggesting women settle more than men when the world population is 50/50 is just wrong. There's just as many single men as there are single women.
Sure, some are, but a lot of them just can't get laid or can't get laid in the manner they want. They have to settle. They aren't paying bc they want to. Suggesting women settle more than men when the world population is 50/50 is just wrong. There's just as many single men as there are single women.
Yeah but there's also the dynamic of dating and courtship.
Man how many more years do ya'll have to watch this **** sink before ya'll realize..... HELP IS NOT COMING

Yes education should be reformed, yes society should work towards building skills in young black children, yes Prison isn't the answer to stopping crime.

we could talk about the what's of the government all day, There is absolutely zero reason for any black person to genuinely believe that the government will step in & change it. We get attacked on every level systematically, but even bigger than that is that they've incentivized us to push destructive culture in exchange for monetary gain. There is nothing outside of literal war in this country that is going to save Black America as a whole, entirely too far gone.

and in regards to "higher education", it's quite clear the damage that has done in the black community as well. White liberals control that space & have further pushed their agendas & ideologies into a community that needs to do everything but act like them.
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