UC DAVIS Represent

Did dude actually go to Davis or did he just live somewhere in Yolo?
Sac in the Bay like Manny Lawson​
The guy is hella funny, when dude was asking him about ghetto rivival he looked hell worried and pale. He must have said Hallelujah holla back like 5 times i was laughing my @#%$ off. :rofl:
Whts up NTers... anyone have recent experience with Allegre and Tanglewood apartments in South Davis? I heard there were some security issues with Tanglewood bordering a trailer park but supposedly new management took over this school year? Let me know if you've heard anything.
I went to Davis last weekend for a party, and I'll have to say although it's really in the middle of no where, Davis >>> Berkeley in terms of parties. People there are very good at partying.
Ebay Stuff

I'm Taiwanese, if that matters.
For anyone that watches Real World, was that Darnell the former ASUCD Pres on this past episode? I never knew he and Stephen were friends. Yet another UC Davis-MTV connection.
Silicon Valley
Home to:
Apple - Cisco - EA - eBay - Google - HP - Intel - Oracle - Yahoo!​
There are actually a good amount of Nike heads at UCD (dunk heads are a dime a dozen it seems). But like any college flip-flops and beaters are the footwear of choice, I left my heat at home.
I should be making a trip up to davis thursday any parties goin down
"there's no replacement for displacement"
yay i just got into ucd. how's it like there?
Davis - Richardson - Jackson - Harrington - Biedrins - Ellis - Azubuike - Barnes -
Pietrus - Jasikevius - Powell Foyle - Cabarkapa - O'Bryant
donpoppa - i'm pretty sure finals start on Friday.

i'm sure there will be people partying, but how many, i'm not sure.
Refs: WaGKaMaCuLLiT, drowzie, lindsj23, OUChrisLitt
AIM: GameOverTripleH

My skateshop of choice: FTC Sacramento, Address: 1006 J. Street, #:frown:916) 444-4494
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/ftc_sacramento
5288 :frown:
Davis - Richardson - Jackson - Harrington - Biedrins - Ellis - Azubuike - Barnes -
Pietrus - Jasikevius - Powell Foyle - Cabarkapa - O'Bryant
i got rejected. damnit.
Azubuike - Barnes - Biedrins - Cabarkapa - Davis - Ellis - Foyle
Harrington - Jackson - Jasikevicius - O'Bryant - Pietrus - Powell - Richardson
^^ Don't feel too bad. Davis sucks anyway lol

Go Warriors: It's a great time out
SF Giants in 2007
Niner Nation
San Francisco
haha. Parties on finals week? Ridiculous. College is what you make of it. If all you did was hold yourself, couped up in a dorm room with kleenex and a bottle of lotion, I'm sure it must suck. (like for my ex-roomie for instance) lol.

Anyways, Davis is coo. Thursday is party night. Frat row. Downtown Davis is decent. Most people here are racist (higher ups and town folk). Cops suck balls. Apartments are expensive. In N Out is the place. Though I dislike it, you have to try Fuji's at least once. Take advantage of the library. www.daviswiki.org is your friend. And please, if for some reason I "tap,tap, pull" at you, you better swipe me in.
"shegotgame - People want Vince to leave so he can join their team. Vince will stay put. Sig that."

"DontStepOnMyShoes - itll be a sad day in history if AI gets sent to the Kings nobody will ever win in sacramento"
what? Compare to the rest of UCs, Davis prob has one of the cheapest apartments around the campus. Apartments here in Berkeley are small, ancient, and expensive.

I was comparing it to apartments around the area. I grew up in Sacramento, and the price I'm paying now, I could easily have my own place instead of sharing it with 4 other guys.
"shegotgame - People want Vince to leave so he can join their team. Vince will stay put. Sig that."

"DontStepOnMyShoes - itll be a sad day in history if AI gets sent to the Kings nobody will ever win in sacramento"
yo vietsta. I got to davis. you're on GSoM too huh?
Azubuike - Barnes - Biedrins - Cabarkapa - Davis - Ellis - Foyle
Harrington - Jackson - Jasikevicius - O'Bryant - Pietrus - Powell - Richardson
Mannn, I haven't gotten a letter back yet. I heard they sent out acceptance letters on the 15th. I didn't get into UCSB, so I probably didn't get into Davis.
...It's whatever really.
Got my letter from Davis, probably gonna go there.
Azubuike - Barnes - Biedrins - Cabarkapa - Davis - Ellis - Foyle
Harrington - Jackson - Jasikevicius - O'Bryant - Pietrus - Powell - Richardson
so far i got into UCD, UCI, and UCSB but im probably going to UCD. where u guys from what school?
Azubuike - Barnes - Biedrins - Cabarkapa - Davis - Ellis - Foyle
Harrington - Jackson - Jasikevicius - O'Bryant - Pietrus - Powell - Richardson
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