UC DAVIS Represent

awwwwww yeahhhhh, can't wait to go home for thanksgiving break!
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by Luong1209

to those standing up to the fee hikes. I go to SFSU and there was a walkout, nothing too serious.
That's nothing, that looks like the book store line during the first week of school
That's what I said...

Anyway, saw this on a friend's FB:

Haha...yeah it's getting a bit of recognition, but it's not taking us anywhere. Now this thing is centered around our right to protest rather than what we're trying to protest...just like they wanted. I blame the sheep who misconstrued the true intent of those taking action and hopping on when they saw all their buddies doing it.
Got all my finals on the same day...at least I'll be done on Tues. 1st quarter here isn't lookin so great though
Originally Posted by yanky

Got all my finals on the same day...at least I'll be done on Tues. 1st quarter here isn't lookin so great though

 Good luck!

Two Monday, one Tuesday, and one Friday (the "hardest" one).
Anybody know anything going on in Davis around the school this weekend? (Parties, Events, Clubs, Bars, etc.) My friend and I will be out there from Friday-Sunday and have no clue on what will be going on. Any help, thanks.
Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

Anybody know anything going on in Davis around the school this weekend? (Parties, Events, Clubs, Bars, etc.) My friend and I will be out there from Friday-Sunday and have no clue on what will be going on. Any help, thanks.
And what brings you all to Davis on this weekend? Go to Sac and have fun there
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

Anybody know anything going on in Davis around the school this weekend? (Parties, Events, Clubs, Bars, etc.) My friend and I will be out there from Friday-Sunday and have no clue on what will be going on. Any help, thanks.
And what brings you all to Davis on this weekend? Go to Sac and have fun there
Nobody's gonna be here during winter. I'm goin back to the bay tomorrow!
It seems like most of you guys are class of 2011 or class or 2012. You all seem much cooler than the guys from earlier. They were a bunch of wankstas wearing Tiffany Dunks and driving Lexus that their dad bought them and acted like they were hardcore. 
And there's nothing wrong with your parents giving you gifts, just don't try to play tough guy for no reason. 
who's still in davis or staying there over break? i have to drive from sacramento every few days or so to work at the arc over break
got to make that money for christmas shopping lol
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