UC DAVIS Represent

Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo

I seriously hate BIS2A. Never been a "science" person, never will.
You should be glad you had enough sense to come to terms with that as soon as you did. I was fighting my destiny til the bitter end. Now here I am, 4th year changing majors to ASA.
Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo

I seriously hate BIS2A. Never been a "science" person, never will.

What are you majoring in?

You guys on here wanna get a "get together" or something goin on just to meet up and chill one of these days?

Ever been in a class where you feel you are completely stupid? Where the professor says something and everyone gets it - except you. I reading the chapters, reviewing, taking the little online quizzes, studying like I had a midterm, and I still don't get it.

Can't wait for this quarter to be over.

AST 10 is a pretty fun class though.
Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo


Ever been in a class where you feel you are completely stupid? Where the professor says something and everyone gets it - except you. I reading the chapters, reviewing, taking the little online quizzes, studying like I had a midterm, and I still don't get it.

Can't wait for this quarter to be over.

AST 10 is a pretty fun class though.
I feel like that sometimes. It sucks...I'm thinking of changing my major to Biopsych.
Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo


Ever been in a class where you feel you are completely stupid? Where the professor says something and everyone gets it - except you. I reading the chapters, reviewing, taking the little online quizzes, studying like I had a midterm, and I still don't get it.

Can't wait for this quarter to be over.

AST 10 is a pretty fun class though.

Are you with Gerhard? If you are, I don't blame you. And trust, just do the work and you'll get at least a C. I took that 2 years ago and I remember being just as confused. Bis2b will be better though, a lot better.
I would've never thought in a million years that Drake will come to Davis. 
when I was there they failed every time they attempted to get a major artist that isn't remotely as big as Drake is now. 
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo


Ever been in a class where you feel you are completely stupid? Where the professor says something and everyone gets it - except you. I reading the chapters, reviewing, taking the little online quizzes, studying like I had a midterm, and I still don't get it.

Can't wait for this quarter to be over.

AST 10 is a pretty fun class though.

Are you with Gerhard? If you are, I don't blame you. And trust, just do the work and you'll get at least a C. I took that 2 years ago and I remember being just as confused. Bis2b will be better though, a lot better.

I have Faciotti. Oh yea, he already told us he isn't curving the final grade. I hope his exams are easy. 

BIS 2A midterm on Friday. In my opinion, I think I understand about 15-20% of the material on the exam. I have been studying the most I've ever studied for any exam - about three to five hours a night for the past two weeks. I just doesn't sink in.
This past week I've been doing to practice midterms and I feel good about them; I have been getting 90%+ on them. Why? The first time I do them, I get about 30% and the second time, I somehow (without knowing) memorize the answers for the questions.
So, I hope the questions on the midterm are the same as the ones from the sample midterms. The free-response questions are something else though.

I hope I'm not the only one in the class that is a %@!%%@%.

/blog entry.
ASA FTW. If I don't understand something I can always ask the professor and they treat me nice because they don't want to lose the few students that are in the major. And Spanish classes? Shieeeeeet. Only bad about that is it's every day.
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

if it makes you feel better, i'm taking che118b, exb101, and bis101 next quarter..
Good luck to you man. exb 101 is a tough class and hopefully you get a good teacher for bis 101. You majoring in EXB?

And our mens b-ball team sucks! 16 losses in a row. smh
Well, I guess it's that time of the quarter again. 
Good luck fellas. Finish strong & enjoy that week off. 
good luck yall Im spending all of today at the library...leaving at 2am

Just had this for lunch


My roommates decided to get a dog and he's chewing up the carpet and walls...there goes my deposit for the apartment
Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo

Originally Posted by Nautyc

Is it me or the campus is getting more hipster and hype beast?

I've been seeing a bunch of hypebeast/hipster foreign exchange students. 
i dont think its really that they are hipster/ hypebeast. They are just different and have a weird different sense of style. They try to appeal to other for ex students haha not us or regular ucd students. I think that our campus became more hipsters with more people acting like english major kids thinking they are fighting the power by having coom bay ya circles in the quad
Has anybody ever seen somebody cry during a debate? First day of class (yes I am aware it's week 3, but it was our first day in my class) and #!** got real. I am in for an interesting quarter.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Has anybody ever seen somebody cry during a debate? First day of class (yes I am aware it's week 3, but it was our first day in my class) and #!** got real. I am in for an interesting quarter.

 Please elaborate.
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