UCSD Frat has 'Ghetto-Themed' Party

Originally Posted by StrongMind3

Originally Posted by cbrooks3

if you are black and not ghetto, then why take offense to this? if black people throw a hick party, i wouldnt take offense to it because i'm not a hick....
but whats the point of throwing a "hick" party? im black and if i heard of some black fraternity throwing something like that i'd be disgusted. 
nothing good would come out of it but cause controversy and offend people...why do it? what personal satisfaction comes out of throwing a party dressed as an ignorant stereotype of any race? 

there are ignorant people everywhere, and there are a lot of them. we just have to deal with that...however, i do understand where you are coming from.

OctobersFinest wrote:
cbrooks3 wrote:
if you are black and not ghetto, then why take offense to this? if black people throw a hick party, i wouldnt take offense to it because i'm not a hick....

Because it was "in honor" of Black history month.

point taken.
I'm also a UCSD student and this is terrible. There was a protest on campus today about this, people blocking people from walking onto Library Walk...
well there protesting that someone was on UCSD radio and said racist things now. Its really bad, like everyone is talking about this, and the AS President is trying to fix all the problems on campus but its just causing more problems.
like i said earlier...this still trips me out because UCSD is not a majority white campus...

I don't go there but worked at the Che Cafe and from what i've seen the majority is Asian right? a bunch of my Asian homies from HS went there too....
Originally Posted by eight2one

damn that was just out cold racist.


and yes ucsd is predominantly asian, but asians are mad racist too...
just about everyone is racist or derogatory towards blacks though.
yeah we're 45% asian over here.
lol honestly, pike is as white as it gets at ucsd.
just huge meatheads, which sucks, cuz pikes at uci, and other schools ive been to are dope and really friendly.
its just here that theyre like this.

administration and chancellor are gettin heated on like mad but havent seen much action against the frat and people in it that started this.
dunno, feel a bit the anger is addressed in the wrong direction
Originally Posted by ArmenExchange

yeah we're 45% asian over here.
lol honestly, pike is as white as it gets at ucsd.
just huge meatheads, which sucks, cuz pikes at uci, and other schools ive been to are dope and really friendly.
its just here that theyre like this.

administration and chancellor are gettin heated on like mad but havent seen much action against the frat and people in it that started this.
dunno, feel a bit the anger is addressed in the wrong direction
i'm not sure if they were Pike or not but a couple of years ago my boy and i went to UCI for a Lupe concert...my boy is Somalian...but some dudes in some frat, i'm pretty sure Pike were COOL AS !@!% to us, invited us to the party and everything, plus the christmas party on some yacht...
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

i think paul mooney said it best

everybody wants to be black but nobody wants to be black
he also said the black man is the most imitated man in america
haha yeah. i had the same experience with uci pike. didnt even kno dudes and they invited us to the party n all...
the ones down here tho, i swear, i checked out their rush events...all they do is try to flash their beat groupies n convince u to join off that.
cmon noww...

i really need to see these pics. someone told me they saw em (couldnt get em) but what i heard is, its pike guys covered in black finger paint, in basketbakk jerseys, drinking koolaid and eating fried chicken.

sounds a lot worse than what i was thinkin hwo the event was :/
I was in the Greek system at UCSD. That is the last place any party like that should be goin down. The majority of students (Most, not all) there are pathetically incapable of social interaction, so I guess I'm sorta not surprised.
Originally Posted by Smokey1212

I was in the Greek system at UCSD. That is the last place any party like that should be goin down. The majority of students (Most, not all) there are pathetically incapable of social interaction, so I guess I'm sorta not surprised.

sad, but true

UCSD is a very nerdy school, so many people are focused on getting their degree and moving the +$#@ on and not really enjoying their time here. So I'd say like half of the people here don't really socialize and are just very career-driven and don't bother getting out of their shell. And I'll be honest, I was like that for a short time period but I've changed a lot after meeting some really good people.
But it's definitely not your typical college experience, there's no football, no tradition, it's a very research-oriented university.
Originally Posted by Black Entourage inc

Originally Posted by StrongMind3

Originally Posted by Jsmilez

This is bad. A noose was hung in our library tonight.

ignorance still alive...they dont give a %+#% about concealing it 
 I go to UCSD. I'm black. I know the guy in the picture, he's in my Ethnic Studies class. 
but yo...this is taking it too far... 

it's one thing to make fun of us with a party, one thing to draw swastikas on black peoples' doors, callin us "ungrateful n's" on UCSD TV, another to leave a sign that says "compton lynching" by the BSU office...

this is another level right here. i honestly gave people the benefit of the doubt, was even willing to denounce it as a joke.

but yo. that's a noose son. a $@#$@@ noose.

don't get mad if you see me in the news NikeTalk. cuz people get the %$^@ beat out of 'em for that. yea, it'll probably be me, cuz the black male-female ratio at UCSD is 1 to 5, and being 6'3 im probably one of the most imposing black men at UCSD. that's REALLY not saying much at all 
 but enough to beat the crap out of most people there... and definitely whoever did this.
That's some foul stuff right there with the noose.

Dude's finna get they !@# beat for that. But UCSD of all schools?

A lot of my friends are gonna be participating in the demonstration tomorrow in front of Geisel Library. If I wasn't in LA right now I would be there with them in a heartbeat. It's a shame things like this still go on. A college campus is supposed to be at the forefront of intellectual thought and social progress.
im white, and honestly, i think it would be hilarious and not at all offensive if a predominantly black fraternity threw a hick/white trash party. yes, it's a double standard, but a completely legit one.
at nooses 

and a HUGE
at what happened to those asian kids at UCSB and the fact that the media never picked it up. asians get bopped by mainstream media so hard. smh. 
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