UCSD Frat has 'Ghetto-Themed' Party

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

What the hell is a "Ghetto Themed" party though? When I think of the word ghetto it doesn't apply to just one race to me, you got ghetto white people especially in the deep deep southern region of the country, you got ghetto black people, ghetto hispanics, ghetto asians etc.

They should have just called the party a, "stereotype black people in a bad way" party instead because if it was a "ghetto themed party, why not poke fun at stereotypes that could be perceived as ghetto that apply to other races as well.
Way to contradict yourself. First you that "ghetto themed" doesn't refer to just blacks, then you say it does in your very next statement?
Lol exactly black people so confused they dont know what to say/think anymore. One time its im offended by these ppl, then the other i dress/act and conduct myself in a matter to get accepted by these people. Then i wanna be like/act in these steretypes, but then its offensive hurtful if a white person says it is wrong to be this way. Then they are hurt mad at what they say, and offended by their words. But they dont care about what they say, and what they feelings are. I guess with all the shucking/jiving and tap dancing you bound to mess up and forget a step or two, then you just get all confused.

LDJ first off im not even black,  im half white/ half puerto rican but thats irrelvevant to this conversation.

my defenition of ghetto is someone who lacks class, is loud, cheap, rude, broke and obnxious, and is dirty and makes their respective race or culture look bad .  that description can fit the lowest of the low in any race or culture.

that party clearly comes across as blatantly poking fun of black stereotypes.   

an dee 51o,  i don't think you understand the point i was trying to get across.  the word "ghetto"  doesn't apply to just black people   ghetto isn't a race or a color,  any person of any race can be ghetto if they want to lower themselves.

the people who organized this party think that the word "ghetto" applies to just blacks because the only racial stereotypes they are using for their theme are those of black people.

I wasnt saying you were i was stating an opinion of black ppl. Exactly YOU choose to associate the word ghetto with bad things. So it is your choice your decision to do so, with that being said you also choose to take offense to being called that. No one is saying hey imma call you ghetto, im going to force you to take that word and make it synonomous with negativity, and then im going to force you to have hurt feelings about it. YOU decided all of those things yourself.

Thats like i make a gun,YOU decide that it should be used as a weapon to inflict pain, YOU decide to shoot yourself. You inflict the pain to yourself. Then you wanna get upset because i created the gun.

Even you inadvertinly choose to use and define words and place importance and give them meaning. With you stating you was half white/rican...hello you are just white..... rican isnt a race. You have white in you that is of european descent, and you have white ancestry that is of a spanish speaking descent. End of the day you are caucasian. You chose to use the rican iuno for what purpose and you choose to sonify with this term again i do not no why. And how you choose to take the term, when being called it, again its your choice on how this term affects you.

Same thing applies in this instance.

And again i ask why do you guys choose to let these actions and words offend you, and why do you care what others display depicate you as. Even if they didnt display to actions, it still wouldnt change how they felt towards you or what they thought of you.

So basically you guys are saying you dont mind someone thinking etc less of you, or stereotyping you, for so as long as they dont do it publicly or in the media.
Originally Posted by LDJ

   Which is my point YOU decided what he said is offensive. If you dont want to feel offended then dont take offense, its just that simple. Like i said it isnt like a gunshot, you cant control whether a bullet to the arm hurts or not, but you can choose whether someone callin you out your name hurts your feelings.

Thats what the off/on switch is for. I dont like jersey shore or +*! ever that lame #$+! show is called. You know how i solve that problem, i CHANGE the channel. You can easily do the same, even without a remote it isnt a tedious task.

You find it offensive then easy again DONT. If you decide to do so then just as easy LEAVE

Words only have the meaning you give them. Proof is why the N word is ok for blacks to say because from a black person, black people choose to give that word a meaning as a term of endearment, whereas when another race says it they CHOOSE to be hurt/offended by them saying it. Its all in how you decide to take something.

At the end of the day no matter how you dance around it, these people offended are upset they arent being so called respected, and held in the same light,accepted by certain white people. NEWS FLASH, no matter how you look at etc they still dont/wont like you simply because you are black. If you dressed talked etc in any fashion/manner or look different then them in any form of facist. They would belittle ridicule and place you at a lower level.

FACE it you can please some people all the time, but you cannot please all people all the time. These getting the thumbs up from these white folks is a sinking ship. You will never ever never ever ever achieve this. I dont care how many degrees you have, how many tight shirts with horseys on them, loafers you own, rock/pop/country music you listen to. You still are a black person, and some are gonna dislike you mock you regardless of what you do how you act etc.

Like i said disrespect/defamation can only be offensive if you believe its true. Or you choose to be offended by it. Its like if a white man gets ppl to believe all black men are deadbeat daddies. Why would i care what he thinks? 1 i know it isnt a fact, 2. how does his words/thoughts/opinions change what i am,what i have achieved, or who i am as a person?

That might sound good in theory but I highly doubt you would allow someone to walk up and call one of your relatives a female dog, and you would just choose "not to be offended by it" and walk away. 

I don't believe in non violence so this whole "choosing not to be offended" doesn't really relate to the way I handle things. 

As far as gaining acceptance or being liked by racists, I really don't care.  They can think whatever they want, just don't bring that racist crap to me personally.  That's what it's about, they better not say that racist garbage to me out in the street.  As far as the cool White people, I'm cool with them.  They are all good with me.
The only thing really offensive about this are the college kids throwing this party in their little "bubble," playing off stereotypes in a way that would get them beat up if they weren't at a frat house in La Jolla.

I'm not one for stereotypes, even against "frat guys," but I've run into plenty that fit the douchey, I'm-too-cool profile. This story seems like an example.

And even though it's not really THAT racially offensive, the event did link a Compton Cook-out with a ghetto theme with Black History Month.
UCSD is a bunch of lames.

I've been on that campus a few times and always seem to run into "that guy" who's afraid of black people so he tries to be extra friendly because he thinks I'm going to rob him.

I'd love to take the frat that threw this party to South East San Diego in their costumes and watch them all piss their pants.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

UCSD is a bunch of lames.

I've been on that campus a few times and always seem to run into "that guy" who's afraid of black people so he tries to be extra friendly because he thinks I'm going to rob him.

I'd love to take the frat that threw this party to South East San Diego in their costumes and watch them all piss their pants.
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

im sorry...how can anyone take this seriously? its as if we thru a hick party. Obviously, not all African Americans are ghetto, like all whites arent hicks.

Its just people looking for attention to hate on something and be in the news.

How about we ban halloween too because it discriminates against nurses, vampires and the ghost from Scream.

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by LDJ

   Which is my point YOU decided what he said is offensive. If you dont want to feel offended then dont take offense, its just that simple. Like i said it isnt like a gunshot, you cant control whether a bullet to the arm hurts or not, but you can choose whether someone callin you out your name hurts your feelings.

Thats what the off/on switch is for. I dont like jersey shore or +*! ever that lame #$+! show is called. You know how i solve that problem, i CHANGE the channel. You can easily do the same, even without a remote it isnt a tedious task.

You find it offensive then easy again DONT. If you decide to do so then just as easy LEAVE

Words only have the meaning you give them. Proof is why the N word is ok for blacks to say because from a black person, black people choose to give that word a meaning as a term of endearment, whereas when another race says it they CHOOSE to be hurt/offended by them saying it. Its all in how you decide to take something.

At the end of the day no matter how you dance around it, these people offended are upset they arent being so called respected, and held in the same light,accepted by certain white people. NEWS FLASH, no matter how you look at etc they still dont/wont like you simply because you are black. If you dressed talked etc in any fashion/manner or look different then them in any form of facist. They would belittle ridicule and place you at a lower level.

FACE it you can please some people all the time, but you cannot please all people all the time. These getting the thumbs up from these white folks is a sinking ship. You will never ever never ever ever achieve this. I dont care how many degrees you have, how many tight shirts with horseys on them, loafers you own, rock/pop/country music you listen to. You still are a black person, and some are gonna dislike you mock you regardless of what you do how you act etc.

Like i said disrespect/defamation can only be offensive if you believe its true. Or you choose to be offended by it. Its like if a white man gets ppl to believe all black men are deadbeat daddies. Why would i care what he thinks? 1 i know it isnt a fact, 2. how does his words/thoughts/opinions change what i am,what i have achieved, or who i am as a person?

That might sound good in theory but I highly doubt you would allow someone to walk up and call one of your relatives a female dog, and you would just choose "not to be offended by it" and walk away

I don't believe in non violence so this whole "choosing not to be offended" doesn't really relate to the way I handle things. 

As far as gaining acceptance or being liked by racists, I really don't care.  They can think whatever they want, just don't bring that racist crap to me personally.  That's what it's about, they better not say that racist garbage to me out in the street.  As far as the cool White people, I'm cool with them.  They are all good with me.

   Actually i would, because whether they said it or acted on it, the fact still remains they would think that person is a bia. Example if a person mumbles im a $#*@, shouts out im a $#*@, or walks with a curious george puppet and says this is a mini me of you.

Ok me getting upset, feelings getting hurt does what exactly? Will it make him change how he feels/think? Will because he says im a monkey, i some how some way be transformed into a monkey? What and how does him saying im a monkey or calling me a $#*@ changes who/what i am? Will it determine how long i live? Will it effect my health status?

So again i ask what do you gain as a person, or how does getting offended, your feelings hurt help or aid you in life? What do you gain from being upset at being called ghetto? How does getting mad and frustrated with someone who thinks you are lesser than he just because you skin tone affect your life? What do you gain?

Again i ask why do you get offended, and get upset frustrated care what a person says or thinks of you? Why does it matter to you? And why do you allow a person words to affect and dictate who you are as a person? Actions are one things, words are another.

For example if a dude says imma punk, he can whoop my +!%%, etc etc, why would i care, its not like him saying he could with one punch break my jaw, will actually break my jaw. Its not like if a guy says i wish you was dead, i would actually just up and die. But if you allow those words to afflict that type of pain to you mentally then its you to blame and you should get upset with yourself not the party who said it.
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

im sorry...how can anyone take this seriously? its as if we thru a hick party. Obviously, not all African Americans are ghetto, like all whites arent hicks.
Exactly how I felt.
It happened at few times at U of Illinois. Ghetto themed parties, Tacos and Tequila parties...I just call it ignorance.
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It's sad that stuff like this takes place, but when some black people are constantly seen acting accordingly (ie; Ghetto chicks start fights and drama, smacking lips, weaves in bad colors, limited vocabulary), then I can't even say much. But college kids doing this? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] I mean, when will they grow up?[/color]
Their lack of exposure to other cultures and such probably made them feel entitled to do such a thing. The kids responsible for this have probable never had to deal with any hardships in their life. 
Hold on, so there are actually people in this thread arguing FOR this party?

smh, just another reason why i dont care for NT as much anymore
Originally Posted by JJ1223

aww man theyre about to catch some heat for this one
no they're not.  this blatantly racist and ignorant stuff always happens and not one single white person is reprimanded.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Of course it's stupid, but f you're not the kind of people being made fun of, why get all uptight?
let's not forget that it's not only black folks who live in the ghetto. 

on another note: sure, you can say that the term "ghetto" is just a word or a state of mind, but still, what's upsetting about this event is that you have a group of privileged white folks patronizing/making fun of the conditions that poor/low-income people live in and their lifestyles.
I can't believe they are openly mocking black history month yet there is still some people defending this. This party is basically promoting stereotyping.
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by moe200069

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Of course it's stupid, but f you're not the kind of people being made fun of, why get all uptight?

"an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere"
"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me."
- Pastor Martin Niemoller

kinda corny for NT, but it speaks volumes as to why i strongly disagree with this stupid event.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

It's sad that stuff like this takes place, but when some black people are constantly seen acting accordingly (ie; Ghetto chicks start fights and drama, smacking lips, weaves in bad colors, limited vocabulary), then I can't even say much. But college kids doing this?
I mean, when will they grow up?
The kids responsible for this have probable never had to deal with any hardships in their life. 
Can you elaborate on this? Are you saying that lack of hardships in life = racism? 

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It's sad that stuff like this takes place, but when some black people are constantly seen acting accordingly (ie; Ghetto chicks start fights and drama, smacking lips, weaves in bad colors, limited vocabulary), then I can't even say much. But college kids doing this? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] I mean, when will they grow up?[/color]
The kids responsible for this have probable never had to deal with any hardships in their life. 
Can you elaborate on this? Are you saying that lack of hardships in life = racism? 

I think he meant they are quicker to stereotype.
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