Ultimate Karen Vol. Official I Need to See the Manager Thread

Time zones still differ tho. The 8pm time is est which was 7pm for me cst. For example, NCIS will air tomorrow at 8pm in the east coast and 7pm for me in the Midwest.

So what y’all do during that extra hour?
Our Disney Afternoon ran on 2 channels. They scheduled it only 30min behind est instead of 1hr because of school. Adventures of the Gummi Bears lead at 2:30 which I never got to watch cause of school. Duck Tales was on at 3pm and 3:30pm on 2 different channels so I was able to watch that when I got home from school and Tales Spin at 4pm.
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My mind blown right now
These Karen’s need to get violated. It’s small in the midst of everything. But when I go to stores or restaurants and get decent service. I’ve been trying to normalize leaving some positive words to the employees managers so they hopefully get some type of recognition. From having to deal with Karen’s, clowns not wanting to wear masks and starting arguments and just entitled selfish inconsiderate customers, it’s the least I can do.
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