Ultimate Karen Vol. Official I Need to See the Manager Thread

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Lady Goes Off After Getting Called Karen! "F**k You & Your Mother"

karen sounds like a rican. "taywana" was kinda funny.

lol this is so much funnier when you look at the dog. It looks like he is saying yo karen this ain't worth it, let's walk away :rofl:
“Your not American if u wear that mask.... we LITERALLY had a war about this”
Mask wearers are crazy to me. Its like, if you have corona virus, why would you want to keep it inside your lungs. Why not have the virus escape the lungs and free yourself of the disease? This is what I believe Trump knows that he cant verbalize yet. Thats why he doesn't wear a mask. He unfortunately cannot say that because the sheep will look at him as a crazy person and he is very sensitive about that. Libbys kills us
Mask wearers are crazy to me. Its like, if you have corona virus, why would you want to keep it inside your lungs. Why not have the virus escape the lungs and free yourself of the disease? This is what I believe Trump knows that he cant verbalize yet. Thats why he doesn't wear a mask. He unfortunately cannot say that because the sheep will look at him as a crazy person and he is very sensitive about that. Libbys kills us

Best troll post of 2020.
Mask wearers are crazy to me. Its like, if you have corona virus, why would you want to keep it inside your lungs. Why not have the virus escape the lungs and free yourself of the disease? This is what I believe Trump knows that he cant verbalize yet. Thats why he doesn't wear a mask. He unfortunately cannot say that because the sheep will look at him as a crazy person and he is very sensitive about that. Libbys kills us

I know its a troll post but...

Whens the last time you breathed out a virus? Doesnt work like that. :lol:
I know its a troll post but...

Whens the last time you breathed out a virus? Doesnt work like that. :lol:
When was the last time the Chinese formulated a virus to kill Americans?
Every wonder how the Chinese only have 200 deaths and have completely reopened with nobody wearing masks?
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