Unarmed naked man shot dead by LAPD

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Authorities said the two officers involved were taken to an area hospital with minor injuries, with one of the officers inflicted with a sore jaw.

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Authorities said the two officers involved were taken to an area hospital with minor injuries, with one of the officers inflicted with a sore jaw.

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

All professional police departments should be abolished, it's the peoples job to police themselves. Can't be mad at people who abuse their power when we hand it right to them.
Idk about this, if someone is trying to rob my house, I'm defiantly gonna call the cops first

But nonetheless those cops should be fired and sued, especially since he was unarmed, I see no way of them getting around this one.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

All professional police departments should be abolished, it's the peoples job to police themselves. Can't be mad at people who abuse their power when we hand it right to them.
Idk about this, if someone is trying to rob my house, I'm defiantly gonna call the cops first

But nonetheless those cops should be fired and sued, especially since he was unarmed, I see no way of them getting around this one.
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Damn. This dude might have deserved a slap or punch in the face. Maybe even getting knocked out wouldn't have been a bad idea but SHOOTING the man? REALLY? And not even in the leg or arm.. but to DEATH. Scary @#@ cops. I hope they get fired and charged with murder.


I know they had other options

could have shot him in the toe or something 
why should they resort to shooting in the first place. Isn't that why they have tasers now? 
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Damn. This dude might have deserved a slap or punch in the face. Maybe even getting knocked out wouldn't have been a bad idea but SHOOTING the man? REALLY? And not even in the leg or arm.. but to DEATH. Scary @#@ cops. I hope they get fired and charged with murder.


I know they had other options

could have shot him in the toe or something 
why should they resort to shooting in the first place. Isn't that why they have tasers now? 
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Damn. This dude might have deserved a slap or punch in the face. Maybe even getting knocked out wouldn't have been a bad idea but SHOOTING the man? REALLY? And not even in the leg or arm.. but to DEATH. Scary @#@ cops. I hope they get fired and charged with murder.


I know they had other options

could have shot him in the toe or something 
why should they resort to shooting in the first place. Isn't that why they have tasers now? 
That's what I'm saying though. I was talking to my gf about this and I was saying that it was wrong for them to use their guns but if they felt the need to, they should've at least hit a non-vital part of his body. Every cop carries mace and every cop also has a taser in their patrol vehicle. It is absolutely absurd that they went from trying to apprehend to discharging their weapon. This is worse than the Rodney King incident imo. Too bad there's no video. I hope L.A. doesn't erupt in chaos again. 
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Damn. This dude might have deserved a slap or punch in the face. Maybe even getting knocked out wouldn't have been a bad idea but SHOOTING the man? REALLY? And not even in the leg or arm.. but to DEATH. Scary @#@ cops. I hope they get fired and charged with murder.


I know they had other options

could have shot him in the toe or something 
why should they resort to shooting in the first place. Isn't that why they have tasers now? 
That's what I'm saying though. I was talking to my gf about this and I was saying that it was wrong for them to use their guns but if they felt the need to, they should've at least hit a non-vital part of his body. Every cop carries mace and every cop also has a taser in their patrol vehicle. It is absolutely absurd that they went from trying to apprehend to discharging their weapon. This is worse than the Rodney King incident imo. Too bad there's no video. I hope L.A. doesn't erupt in chaos again. 
I literally only went in this thread because I laughed at the title.

smh though
I literally only went in this thread because I laughed at the title.

smh though
A fight= death. The power cops have is crazy.

They tell you stop even though you;ve done nothing and may not even know they are talking to you, and you defy that order.. Bad news for you.

If an unarmed person comes running at a cop, why is lethal force an option? So a cop takes a shiner to the eye. Both parties are alive.

Even undercover cops likely have this right. The next time you want to get into a fight with a stranger.. other dude may be a cop ready to shoot you on sight for attempting to even lay a single finger on him.

The common excuse is, "Crazy person A. was reaching for my gun. I had to use any force necessary to make sure I was okay". Aren't their sticks pretty effective? God forbid some of these cops get down and dirty and fight. It reminds me of the cops who were going to a reported robbery scene. They see a dog just chilling. It gets up. What do they do? Only one option in their mind, Shoot the golden retriever. Let's not think logically at all. The only logic you have with a powerful gun in your hand... is shoot. If I see a dog coming at me. I'll get my stick out and take my chances of scaring it away. If I get a little bite. thats the way itll be. But to shoot first? It's laughable scary.
A fight= death. The power cops have is crazy.

They tell you stop even though you;ve done nothing and may not even know they are talking to you, and you defy that order.. Bad news for you.

If an unarmed person comes running at a cop, why is lethal force an option? So a cop takes a shiner to the eye. Both parties are alive.

Even undercover cops likely have this right. The next time you want to get into a fight with a stranger.. other dude may be a cop ready to shoot you on sight for attempting to even lay a single finger on him.

The common excuse is, "Crazy person A. was reaching for my gun. I had to use any force necessary to make sure I was okay". Aren't their sticks pretty effective? God forbid some of these cops get down and dirty and fight. It reminds me of the cops who were going to a reported robbery scene. They see a dog just chilling. It gets up. What do they do? Only one option in their mind, Shoot the golden retriever. Let's not think logically at all. The only logic you have with a powerful gun in your hand... is shoot. If I see a dog coming at me. I'll get my stick out and take my chances of scaring it away. If I get a little bite. thats the way itll be. But to shoot first? It's laughable scary.
LAPD stay doin @%@! like this. It's terrible 

@ all you kids comin in this thread to say you thought it was funny. Keep those kinda thoughts to yourself

I'm not sure about the whole abolishing professional police thing either. It seems like a good idea in theory but I don't see how that could possibly work.
LAPD stay doin @%@! like this. It's terrible 

@ all you kids comin in this thread to say you thought it was funny. Keep those kinda thoughts to yourself

I'm not sure about the whole abolishing professional police thing either. It seems like a good idea in theory but I don't see how that could possibly work.
Originally Posted by TSX24

"I'm saddened by this because he was such a promising young man. Youknow, you see a young African American trying to make something betterof himself,"


a young man who's running around naked at 3 am is promising? where are the standards set at these days..regardless RIP

word i hate when you see like @*%# like that, annoying as hell
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