Unarmed naked man shot dead by LAPD

Originally Posted by TSX24

"I'm saddened by this because he was such a promising young man. Youknow, you see a young African American trying to make something betterof himself,"


a young man who's running around naked at 3 am is promising? where are the standards set at these days..regardless RIP

word i hate when you see like @*%# like that, annoying as hell
RIP to your property values bro.

Seriously though, i hope they have some sort of logical explanation for this one
RIP to your property values bro.

Seriously though, i hope they have some sort of logical explanation for this one
Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by TSX24

"I'm saddened by this because he was such a promising young man. Youknow, you see a young African American trying to make something betterof himself,"


a young man who's running around naked at 3 am is promising? where are the standards set at these days..regardless RIP

word i hate when you see like @*%# like that, annoying as hell

you guys dont know the whole story.

Apparently the man was out drinking and decided to take a cab home. when he got there he told the cab driver that he didnt have any money on him but if it was alright with the driver, he was quickly going to run inside and get the money. The cab driver agreed on one condition, that he leave his clothes behind as collateral so he would actually have to come back. anyway, he was locked out of his apartment and when he went back to explain it to the driver, the driver got mad, drove away, and called the cops on him. other people also called the cops to report a naked man running around in the area. the cops got there, saw him mad, naked, and drunk. they tried to get him for questioning, but i guess he wasn't in his right mind so he started fighting them. Apparently he was doing such a good job giving those two cops the business, that they gave him two bullets to the chest. It's a shame that they had to resort to that.
Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by TSX24

"I'm saddened by this because he was such a promising young man. Youknow, you see a young African American trying to make something betterof himself,"


a young man who's running around naked at 3 am is promising? where are the standards set at these days..regardless RIP

word i hate when you see like @*%# like that, annoying as hell

you guys dont know the whole story.

Apparently the man was out drinking and decided to take a cab home. when he got there he told the cab driver that he didnt have any money on him but if it was alright with the driver, he was quickly going to run inside and get the money. The cab driver agreed on one condition, that he leave his clothes behind as collateral so he would actually have to come back. anyway, he was locked out of his apartment and when he went back to explain it to the driver, the driver got mad, drove away, and called the cops on him. other people also called the cops to report a naked man running around in the area. the cops got there, saw him mad, naked, and drunk. they tried to get him for questioning, but i guess he wasn't in his right mind so he started fighting them. Apparently he was doing such a good job giving those two cops the business, that they gave him two bullets to the chest. It's a shame that they had to resort to that.
Ellison questions why police resorted to using deadly force on a man who wasn't armed.

EXACTLY. How do you justify this? There's no explanation for this.
Ellison questions why police resorted to using deadly force on a man who wasn't armed.

EXACTLY. How do you justify this? There's no explanation for this.
+*%...He definitely got killed because he was black. Cuzzo was probably drunk or high, !#!! its Friday. He didn't have to lose his life for that
+*%...He definitely got killed because he was black. Cuzzo was probably drunk or high, !#!! its Friday. He didn't have to lose his life for that
I also live in Playa Vista, it was wild to wake up to the cops and news cameras.  I am literally a block from where it happened and I didn't hear anything, despite sleeping with the window open. SMH @ LAPD
I also live in Playa Vista, it was wild to wake up to the cops and news cameras.  I am literally a block from where it happened and I didn't hear anything, despite sleeping with the window open. SMH @ LAPD
Aye so what happens to an officer of the law after he kills someone with lethal force??

Does he just go back to work or is his shift immediately over?

Does he get tried in court?

Lose his job?

I know that BART cop got a big %@$ case but what happens to these officers??

Anyone know?
Aye so what happens to an officer of the law after he kills someone with lethal force??

Does he just go back to work or is his shift immediately over?

Does he get tried in court?

Lose his job?

I know that BART cop got a big %@$ case but what happens to these officers??

Anyone know?
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

RIP to your property values bro.

Seriously though, i hope they have some sort of logical explanation for this one
 good thing i dont plan on selling anytime soon unless i accidentally knock my ole lady up with triplets or something.

kinda insensitive, but i was talkin to some lady at the gym in our community about this the morning it happened and her first reaction was " awww f---, now our insurance is going to go up!"  i mean... i love money as much if not more than the next person, but someone lost their life today and all you can think of is your homeowners insurance premium?  seriously?

unrelated note.  didnt know we had multiple NTers living in playa.

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

RIP to your property values bro.

Seriously though, i hope they have some sort of logical explanation for this one
 good thing i dont plan on selling anytime soon unless i accidentally knock my ole lady up with triplets or something.

kinda insensitive, but i was talkin to some lady at the gym in our community about this the morning it happened and her first reaction was " awww f---, now our insurance is going to go up!"  i mean... i love money as much if not more than the next person, but someone lost their life today and all you can think of is your homeowners insurance premium?  seriously?

unrelated note.  didnt know we had multiple NTers living in playa.

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Damn. This dude might have deserved a slap or punch in the face. Maybe even getting knocked out wouldn't have been a bad idea but SHOOTING the man? REALLY? And not even in the leg or arm.. but to DEATH. Scary @#@ cops. I hope they get fired and charged with murder.

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Damn. This dude might have deserved a slap or punch in the face. Maybe even getting knocked out wouldn't have been a bad idea but SHOOTING the man? REALLY? And not even in the leg or arm.. but to DEATH. Scary @#@ cops. I hope they get fired and charged with murder.

Originally Posted by TSX24

"I'm saddened by this because he was such a promising young man. Youknow, you see a young African American trying to make something betterof himself,"


a young man who's running around naked at 3 am is promising? where are the standards set at these days..regardless RIP
Getting drunk, high, or whatever  dont mean you dont have promise.  One bad night.  You know how many successful people get trashed ALOT!!! they just have drivers or people looking at for them
Originally Posted by TSX24

"I'm saddened by this because he was such a promising young man. Youknow, you see a young African American trying to make something betterof himself,"


a young man who's running around naked at 3 am is promising? where are the standards set at these days..regardless RIP
Getting drunk, high, or whatever  dont mean you dont have promise.  One bad night.  You know how many successful people get trashed ALOT!!! they just have drivers or people looking at for them
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