Yeah thanks man. Once I reach a certain # of shoes, I gotta stop on NT or I'll just keep going. I'm trying to keep purchases in check. I'm lucky enough to be over my head again in the performance shoes I wanted, so I actually need to sell some haha.
Anyway, based on that pic it looks like I'll go with my Kobe 8 size. I got my YOTHs when NDC had theirs on sale and had a clearance code (like a bunch of other people did too), but the durability of the lunarlon is on the short side to me. In that sense, they are nowhere near Kobe V's or Spawns. That's something I really dig about the Spawns, even at retail they're a good value and with a coupon code it's a no brainer. A really incredible achievement considering how recently they started delving in bball shoes.