Update 3: Home now! Looking like that time where I leave this earth

might not know you in real life but im pullin for you bro. its good to hear youre getting better.

i remember when you first posted about this. and when you went off on homie in the mall booth :rofl:

keep your head up and fight it brody. youre in my thoughts
Damn bro i cant imagine to go through what you've been through. Keep fighting bro! You can beat this **** 
I always check this thread every now and then to keep up on your progress. Glad to see you're getting better. Stay strong man, keep fighting. God bless.
Ay bro, hang in there man. Your attitude from the beginning of this thread to now is beautiful my guy. Stay positive man so you can get that pizza.
beezy pm me if you got any questions about nyc...

good to hear your on a steady road to recovery. Keep that faith in yourself and in what the universe has for you.

Spend time and your love with those that hold you down....do it for them.

Your gonna make it through this and be better because of it.

beezy, holla at me if you end up in NY, if im available, ill pay ya a visit breh.
God bless you fam!  Stay strong and never stop believing.  You will make it through this.   I'm keeping you in my prayers.
how are you doing my man? it's been awhile since your last update.

hope all is well, keeping you in my prayers. stay strong!
Any update? I was just thinking about you and
I hope your still with us and still doing good.
I was just thinking about dude the other day.  Hopefully everything is going well.
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