w t f?
finally caught up... only to find out no new episode today... smh I think someone important will get their bending taken away but not Korra unless they find away to get it back
Originally Posted by johnandrew07

Im getting chills when as I read down this thread. CMON KORRA! GO IN AVATAR STATE ALREADY! Dude, ang went into his avatar state within the first 10 minutes of the first episode. cmon.

Did anyone else shout at the tv when Lin Beifong went into sato's workshop and didn't find the secret underground passage? I was literally shouting for her to earth bend to find the passage like toft. and it freaking happened. I was so juiced at that point haha

Avatar State is the spirituality Side of being the Avatar which Korra knows nothing about really. Aang grew up a monk so he was as Spiritual as can be, Korra.... Not so much. OH Of course Toph taught her Daughter EVERY little Earth Bending Move
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Memorial Day Weekend. 
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

i wanna know if katara taught korra how to BLOOD BEND

She hated that move but she uses it when he needs it. Most likely but Korra isnt a dedicated Water Bender. She might not be as good Katara to use it
Ok in the spoiler is a big conspiracy theory/stoner sudden clarity moment of the show so far regarding Amon and what not. tread lightly below... from another forum
Spoiler [+]
Anyway my theory began with postulating that Amon can't be the actual villain of the series. He's shown up too early, with too big a bang, and as a mysterious man behind a mask, he just doesn't have any depth nor opportunity for emotional investment. These traits are perfect if you were going to have Amon be somebody's Dragon. But whose?

Well his obvious identity is Republic Council Leader Tarrlok. Although he could be Tarrlok's Dragon, their personalities are too similar, and I'd rather reduce the number of characters than add extra ones. As Tarrlok, we can become invested in Amon's character. But Tarrlok also is sparring with Korra too early to be the leader. Therefore in order to find the Dragon, we must find who his actions involve. Although asking 'who benefits' at this stage is too early in the game, we can ask who is involved: And the obvious target of Tarrlok/Amon's manipulations is Chief of Police Lin Beifong.

Beifong has been the target of Tarrlok's attacks, attempting to discredit her abilities and remove her from office. [In EP7, Beifong uses his 'success' to resign from Chief of Police, despite her sure success.] Removed enough from events that she appears to be a victim, but in fact these attacks will only increase sympathy for her and her fellow Benders. With the collaboration of Tarrlok (who gains political, social, economic, technological, and all other forms of power from the arrangement), Beifong allows herself to be removed from the public eye and move more freely to accomplish her primary objective - the destruction of the Avatar.

Amon's actions so far have been attempts to lure Korra into a series of scripted encounters, spurred on by her early arrival to Republic City. After Beifong failed to remove the Avatar from the city, Amon's plans went into motion.

The Equalists must incite revolt between Benders and non-Benders in order to determine the dialogue of the city. But not all is as it seems. The Equalists have a number of chi-blockers on their side, but more notably they mostly use lightning and fire as weapons. Put aside the technology for now - what if we assume they are all firebenders? Sure, lightning bending is supposed to be rare, but we have Beifong's all-metalbender police force. And the Equalists first conquests was the Firebending leader of the Triple Threats Triad. This provides ample opportunity for nobody to ask where the Firebenders all went - they're hiding from the Equalists, obviously. But if actually, the Firebenders ARE the Equalists, then that explains their Lightningbending.

If Amon truly wished to end the domination of Benders, then few things could be better than finishing off the Avatar in their first encounter. He claims that he has a plan, and that he will do so later. What could this plan be? First, consider this encounter is much different than any other that Amon has engineered with Korra: Instead of fighting her, he immediately captures and restrains her so that she cannot fight. If I am correct, Amon is a seasoned Bender of the water tribe, but either way, wise enough not to risk fighting the Avatar State. Second, Amon does not remove her bending. If he were able to, he would not wait. This implies to me that he CANNOT remove her bending, either because her spirit is at this point, stronger than his (because he is using Energybending), or because he is a charlatan, and will only remove Bending from those Benders who are willing to play along. Finally, this drives Korra into the arms of Beifong, who needs to be close to Korra in order to unleash her plan to destroy the Avatar.

Next players are the Wolfbats. Being sponsored by an as-yet uninvestigated company, they must be complicit in Amon's plots, since he apparently removed their Bending abilities. Clearly they paid off the judge, but the entire arena security demonstrated that Amon completely controlled the Arena. Also we see the reach of Amon's power, if many of the city's healers will corroborate their story that they are unable to bend.
Cabbage Corp runs the bending tournament, and their being framed by Sato puts them above suspicion by the authorities - but it should not do so to us, the viewer. Clearly, Cabbage Corp now has carte blanch to operate as necessary to produce the equipment designed by Mr Sato for the Equalists, and also an excuse to shut down the Arena, creating further deterioration in bender vs non-bender relations.
Additionally, Beifong spends most of her energy keeping Korra alive, despite the fact that with her metalbending, bending both the dome of the arena and the zepplin should have been trivial - never mind wondering how on earth a ZEPPLIN escapes from a police Zepplin.

Mr Sato is the next key player. Originally I thought that through Asami's alliance with the Fire Ferrets, he would become the Mr Stark technical adviser to the Avatar Team (I actually called his building Mechs early
). I do not believe he is the ultimate villain, because if he were he would have to be able to influence the previous Bender Champions into pretending they had lost their bending ability. So while the trap sprung on Korra represents the first true threat to the Avatar, I do not believe he was fully let in on the plan, due to the lack of Amon's presence and the need for him to be kept in the dark for the other information not to get to the Avatar.

The Avatar did lose the fight, but who cares? Amon already had her at his mercy once, and did nothing - he would surely release her again. So it's my contention that the only reason she survived was her failure to enter the Avatar state. The situation was set up to put her in a stressful situation where she couldn't win, with Beifong ready to kill her as soon as she entered the Avatar state, destroying the Avatar forever. With the Avatar gone, she would be free to continue her plans in controlling Republic City without outside interference. Sato and The Triad's destruction also would remove the only competition in the city. And also to reclaim Tenzin as her lover - what better excuse to rekindle old flames than a daring escape followed by rooting out the remains of Amon's Equalists, who wisely retreats into the shadows without a fight, Tarrlok having gained all the power he could desire?

Sato's story is also easily manipulated to fit events. If his wife was a bender, then her murder was an example of bender-on-bender (probably gang) violence, the revelation of which will cause him to instantly join the Avatar Team with far more conviction than if he had joined freely because of his daughter's influence. Meanwhile, Asami is a secret firebender, thus her ability to 'use' the glove. While she is not yet on Amon's side, she could be easily tempted away once she learns of the love triangle she's a part of, with Beifong pointing out that she gets her man once Korra is disposed of. Asami thus does not reveal the secret of the firebending technology, but once Sato realizes the truth, will do so, and Beifong/Asami will pair up to divide and conquer the Avatar Team and Republic City for great justice.

One last possibility. It's possibly that Amon does in fact possess energybending. If this is the case, he will have been corrupted by it, and thus is almost certainly controlled by a third party. Beifong may even have encouraged Tarrlok to learn it, after sharing the story of how the Avatar did it. In this case the only reason he does not use it on the Avatar is because he knows his spirit is not strong enough to win. The Avatar's spirit must be broken, through treachery and impossible odds, until she accepts Amon's victory as inevitable. Then and only then, can Amon destroy her bending ability and parade her through the streets as his prize. They will not destroy the Avatar itself, because as Benders, they hope the Avatar will be on their side in the next reincarnation.

In this version, Beifong still benefits, as the equalists are still benders and she is now in charge of metal/earth benders and lightning/fire benders. The Water Tribe remains a dangerous foe, but since Amon is actually Tarrlok, he will represent the Water Tribe and Humanity. Tarrlok's slow descent into insanity will solve the problem for her (unless he literally IS possessed by that 'great goddess' he spoke of), and disposing of him cleanly will put the Water Tribe firmly in her pocket. Her relationship with Tenzin burning brightly, the council in her pocket (earth tribe and fire tribe replaced with trusted lieutenants from her forces), and the vast technology of Republic City at her command, she stands to rule as Shadow Empress of the World.

Some interesting questions remain. Does the technology actually work without Bendiing? We've seen cars, and the the assumption seems to be it's a kind of faux bending, but what if it is powered by Amon sucking the bending out of people?

And how will it all go wrong for Beifong.
no cliffs btw
Feeling the show but the pace is a little too slow for me. Doesn't feel like we're getting anywhere really.
Originally Posted by kickstart

Feeling the show but the pace is a little too slow for me. Doesn't feel like we're getting anywhere really.

only 2 things i hate about the new avatar

slow paced and doesnt have the adventure it had before
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

I'm trying to figure out how you get suspended in a Legend of Korra thread.

i'm shocked that METHOD MAN lurks in the Legend of Korra thread

this and the anime thread
Originally Posted by mrflightclub23

How does Tenzin have his own flying bison too if they're all extinct? or is that Appa?

During San Diego Comic-Con, it was revealed that Avatar Aang found a whole new herd of sky bison. The new subspecies has a few differences, for example: old bison had four transversed strips plus the last one, that lies at the end of the tail, whereas the new species has more strips that are thinner. The new bison also have brown fur on their ears instead of white.
[font=VarelaRoundRegular, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I was wondering the same thing too when I first saw it.[/font]
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by johnandrew07

Im getting chills when as I read down this thread. CMON KORRA! GO IN AVATAR STATE ALREADY! Dude, ang went into his avatar state within the first 10 minutes of the first episode. cmon.

Did anyone else shout at the tv when Lin Beifong went into sato's workshop and didn't find the secret underground passage? I was literally shouting for her to earth bend to find the passage like toft. and it freaking happened. I was so juiced at that point haha

Avatar State is the spirituality Side of being the Avatar which Korra knows nothing about really. Aang grew up a monk so he was as Spiritual as can be, Korra.... Not so much. OH Of course Toph taught her Daughter EVERY little Earth Bending Move
Aang may know more about spirituality and enlightenment but that doesn't mean he is more susceptible to transforming his body into the avatar state. It took him 3 chapters to master the avatar state. 
What triggers his avatar state is rage and fear. When he went to the northern(?) air temple and found  monk gyatso deceased in his bed and when General Fong sinks Kitara underneath the sand. Both incidents triggered Aangs avatar state and had no control over it whatsoever. 

As for Korra, I don't think her emotional encounters are as deep as Aang's, That's why she still hasn't turned to her avatar state. Just a theory. 
Originally Posted by johnandrew07

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by johnandrew07

Im getting chills when as I read down this thread. CMON KORRA! GO IN AVATAR STATE ALREADY! Dude, ang went into his avatar state within the first 10 minutes of the first episode. cmon.

Did anyone else shout at the tv when Lin Beifong went into sato's workshop and didn't find the secret underground passage? I was literally shouting for her to earth bend to find the passage like toft. and it freaking happened. I was so juiced at that point haha

Avatar State is the spirituality Side of being the Avatar which Korra knows nothing about really. Aang grew up a monk so he was as Spiritual as can be, Korra.... Not so much. OH Of course Toph taught her Daughter EVERY little Earth Bending Move
Aang may know more about spirituality and enlightenment but that doesn't mean he is more susceptible to transforming his body into the avatar state. It took him 3 chapters to master the avatar state. 
What triggers his avatar state is rage and fear. When he went to the northern(?) air temple and found  monk gyatso deceased in his bed and when General Fong sinks Kitara underneath the sand. Both incidents triggered Aangs avatar state and had no control over it whatsoever. 

As for Korra, I don't think her emotional encounters are as deep as Aang's, That's why she still hasn't turned to her avatar state. Just a theory. 
This makes sense.

I also would like to see Tenzin on a Nomad Glider.
So is it confirmed that we won't be getting a new episode this weekend either?

Also, is it sad that Avatar is one of the highlights of my Saturdays?
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