so far so good
So...are amon and Tarlok really dead?

The ending was 
. She's finally a fully realized Avatar. Now I just wonder where the series is gonna go if Amon is really dead and with Korra having mastered everything already. Can't wait for the next season,hopefully it won't be too long of a wait.
finally we see her in the avatar state !!! but how can she be a fully realized avatar if she hasn't really mastered air bending??
While I enjoyed it, I thought the ending was a bit too easy. Hopefully Amon and Tarrlok aren't actually dead, although what are their motivations to return? Beyond "ERR you beat me, I want payback!"
Originally Posted by dalilboy

finally we see her in the avatar state !!! but how can she be a fully realized avatar if she hasn't really mastered air bending??

i think once u start pulling off actual moves u mastered it i guess remember when aang was ablr to just do regular without having to concentrate he had mastered the element maybe its the same with korra she pulled off those air moveswith ease
Next season will probably be the REAL mastermind behind it all i mean amon had to learn to take away bending from someone right? And towards the nd when he lost to korra he didnt seem as sure of himself and as confident as he had all season like he didnt know what to do and at the end when he was running away with his brother i dont think ive seen him run away all season at least the way he was seeming. He seemed desperate
Real @@!* I'm glad I was wrong in my speculations the season finale was way better than I could've imagined.
Originally Posted by DimondJ15

While I enjoyed it, I thought the ending was a bit too easy. Hopefully Amon and Tarrlok aren't actually dead, although what are their motivations to return? Beyond "ERR you beat me, I want payback!"
Feel the same way, was hoping Amon would be back for the second season
also the dialogue between Ang and Korra was too short

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

Next season will probably be the REAL mastermind behind it all i mean amon had to learn to take away bending from someone right? And towards the nd when he lost to korra he didnt seem as sure of himself and as confident as he had all season like he didnt know what to do and at the end when he was running away with his brother i dont think ive seen him run away all season at least the way he was seeming. He seemed desperate

Yea I'm sort of dissapointed in the supposed end to Amons story. They built him up so much just to have him be defeated and have him run away. I'm looking forward to seeing who the real threat is next season.
Yo the season finale was 

I hope next season is more of a focus on how Korra uses the fully realized avatar state because we only saw a glimpse of it when Aang fought Ozai. It would be cool to see how she uses it. I dunno who the antagonist gon be though. There has to be more stuff happening outside of republic city, 
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