Update: As of 3/11/2013, Judge ruled to halt Bloomberg's banning of large sodas

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

about time. As a society we've shown that we can't police ourselves and sometimes the government has to step in. not to mention I don't drink soda anyway
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Minus well just ban people from being fat. Problem solved
Personal responsibility is a lost concept to some people.
Am I wrong? As a society, we've repeatedly shown we cannot control ourselves around certain foods. I think its about time the government intervened.

Well we've shown to be irresponsible with sex and everything that comes with that. How about the government step in and regulate that too. "No raw yambs unless the male and female are both working and in school".
Originally Posted by Midnight Hype

Im not from ny nor do i drink soda so it doesnt effect me. For him to even tyr to put a ban on supersize sugar drinks is absurd. Why dont he put a ban on smoking in a public areas. Have a designated smoking areas around the city . If they smoke out of those limits they are fined. This sounds logical.

pretty sure Bloomberg has done that already, plus this was just last month:
New York City residents who are still smokers are an unloved bunch in the Big Apple. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has made it his mission to ban cigarettes from public places, including restaurants, bars, parks, beaches, and even Times Square. And if hizzoner has his way, apartments will be his next smoke-free target.

To be clear, the rule introduced to the City Council doesn't ban smoking in residential buildings; it would simply require that housing have written rules.

According to the Wall Street Journal, "Bloomberg is proposing new legislation that would require residential buildings to develop written policies that address whether smoking is permitted in both indoor and outdoor locations, including lobbies, balconies, courtyards, laundry rooms and, most controversially, individual apartments. The goal is to alert prospective tenants and owners considering moving into a building about the rules governing smoking."

Of course, New Yorkers know the bigger worry from fellow smoking residents isn't second-hand smoke — it's a fire in the building.

Bloomberg gave his assurance in a press conference that he has no intention of an outright ban, saying, "We're not trying to ban anything. I've always believed, as you know, that if you want to smoke I think you should have a right to do so. But it kills you."

The mayor certainly puts his money where his beliefs are. He has spent $600 million of his own fortune to end smoking around the globe.

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by AR Guy

Personal responsibility is a lost concept to some people.
Am I wrong? As a society, we've repeatedly shown we cannot control ourselves around certain foods. I think its about time the government intervened.

Well we've shown to be irresponsible with sex and everything that comes with that. How about the government step in and regulate that too. "No raw yambs unless the male and female are both working and in school".
because we call know things are black and white. using your logic the government shouldn't have the power to police anything. You're making it sound like they're banning soda. This isn't the first time the government has put a restriction on the quantity of something. Fat people can just get their big drinks elsewhere or just buy 2 or 3 smaller drinks. Please don't go on some Orwellian rant.
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

As a society we've shown that we can't police ourselves and sometimes the government has to step in.

The Nazis got voted in with the German people thinking this way.
huge leap in logic here. explain yourself

You are advocating a Police State where the State's thugs would assault, imprison, and fine businesses and citizens because they voluntarily chose to drink a soda larger than 16oz.. Just like the Nazis did when they banned smoking.
As a society, we've repeatedly shown we cannot control ourselves around certain foods. I think its about time the government intervened.

I sure hope your not serious with that comment.  "Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything"
Oh because people just can't buy two soads at the same damn time lol.

Only thing is going to do is increase Coke & Pepsi's profits. You really want to deter people from being fat?.....stop selling clothes in their size.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I don't get banning foods/drinks.

If you're dumb enough to drink a 32oz. big gulp, that's YOUR problem. At some point people have to be responsible for themselves.

Until they head over to Government funded health care?
Its not about limiting what people can or cant get, its limiting the serving size that is obviously too much with the amount of sugar thats already too much for one serving.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I don't get banning foods/drinks.

If you're dumb enough to drink a 32oz. big gulp, that's YOUR problem. At some point people have to be responsible for themselves.

Until they head over to Government funded health care?

You can have the same straw man POV for just about anything.  

Are we going to put a ban on the amount of time people spend at the beach?  I mean there are risks with skin cancer, right?  They could get gov't funded health care as well.

It goes on and on....

Again, I get bans on things like smoking in public places because that CAN have an affect on other people.  But things like soda???  C'mon now.  Idiotic.  Like I said, people need to be responsible for themselves.    
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I don't get banning foods/drinks.

If you're dumb enough to drink a 32oz. big gulp, that's YOUR problem. At some point people have to be responsible for themselves.

Until they head over to Government funded health care?

You can have the same straw man POV for just about anything.  

Are we going to put a ban on the amount of time people spend at the beach?  I mean there are risks with skin cancer, right?  They could get gov't funded health care as well.

It goes on and on....

Again, I get bans on things like smoking in public places because that CAN have an affect on other people.  But things like soda???  C'mon now.  Idiotic.  Like I said, people need to be responsible for themselves.    
We all agree that people should be responsible for their actions, but they aren't so what do you propose we do about it?
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Until they head over to Government funded health care?

You can have the same straw man POV for just about anything.  

Are we going to put a ban on the amount of time people spend at the beach?  I mean there are risks with skin cancer, right?  They could get gov't funded health care as well.

It goes on and on....

Again, I get bans on things like smoking in public places because that CAN have an affect on other people.  But things like soda???  C'mon now.  Idiotic.  Like I said, people need to be responsible for themselves.    
We all agree that people should be responsible for their actions, but they aren't so what do you propose we do about it?

Aside from putting a warning on a label or something along those lines, nothing.  Banning large sodas isn't going to stop those same people from buying two smalls which will equal the same or MORE than what they were getting in a large.    


What about free refils? 
  Is that the next thing Bloomberg is going to try to ban? 
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

about time. As a society we've shown that we can't police ourselves and sometimes the government has to step in. not to mention I don't drink soda anyway
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Minus well just ban people from being fat. Problem solved
Personal responsibility is a lost concept to some people.
Am I wrong? As a society, we've repeatedly shown we cannot control ourselves around certain foods. I think its about time the government intervened.
It's a thing called freedom, start taking away small freedoms like the ability for fat bodies to fuel up on sodas, and the slippery slope begins.
It's people with mentalities like yours that sit back and let the govt intervene with our day to day lives, taxing us adding insane regulations.
You may not drink soda, but just wait until they want to mess with something you enjoy.
We need less government in our lives, why do you think people from all over the world still immigrate to the US, even though we are seeing the govt grab more and more power?
FREEDOM, the liberties you have here, you don't have anywhere else in the world!
I do see how some of you dudes fund it absurd to ban a soft drink over a certain size.

I just find it equally absurd when I see people at the movies or fast food restaurants with a jumbo sized drink. What the hell you need all that for? I understand when I see a dude with a liter of water cause it's understood it'll be consumed throughout the day but that's not the case with your jumbo sized soda. You're not even drinking it out of thirst. It just becomes a "well I already paid for it, might as well finish it" type of scenario. %%%+ just don't make no sense.
Originally Posted by IronChef

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by AR Guy

Personal responsibility is a lost concept to some people.
Am I wrong? As a society, we've repeatedly shown we cannot control ourselves around certain foods. I think its about time the government intervened.
It's a thing called freedom, start taking away small freedoms like the ability for fat bodies to fuel up on sodas, and the slippery slope begins.
It's people with mentalities like yours that sit back and let the govt intervene with our day to day lives, taxing us adding insane regulations.
You may not drink soda, but just wait until they want to mess with something you enjoy.
We need less government in our lives, why do you think people from all over the world still immigrate to the US, even though we are seeing the govt grab more and more power?
FREEDOM, the liberties you have here, you don't have anywhere else in the world!
Because these so called freedoms have had a deep impact and influence (though not the only) for making our healthcare system so expensive.  There are certain people that if they can't police themselves since they lack self control should be policed.  We shouldn't have to all pay for 20% of the population that loves to do everything possible not to eat healthy.
I love the slippery slope argument... Somehow it always ends with people having sex with animals though...
^smart reply, but instead of giving the govt more power to intervene in our day to day lives, as a society we need to promote healthier living, get away from political correctness and let fatties know that their lifestyle is not an acceptable societal norm. These obese people who brought their ailments upon themselves should have to pay for their own healthcare costs. Survival of the fittest.
He's not banning drinks with a lot of sugar, rather banning drinks with loads of HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). Why not ban that? Or lobby to stop all the ridiculous corn subsidies that our federal government gives out to corn producers. People are obsessed with Coca Cola here in Argentina. Kids buy it buy the 2 litro bottles and drink it like water. But I see maybe 1 or 2 obese people per day in a city of 14 million, versus 20+ in my city in the US ( > 1 mil population)
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. ~ C.S. Lewis
Honestly they have already infringed on our freedoms....so this really is a blip on the radar.  I don't drink huge sodas so this won't ever effect me. (I also don't live in NY lol but still).

You will never be able to police stupidity.  That won't stop them from trying though. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I don't get banning foods/drinks.

If you're dumb enough to drink a 32oz. big gulp, that's YOUR problem. At some point people have to be responsible for themselves.

Obesity costs the country millions of dollars if not billions on health care costs. This law won't affect me in any way since I mainly drink water, buti dunno how to feel about it. I hated on the smoking laws, but looking back it was incredibly smart. If I had my way we would all be libertarians. But it's just unrealistic. I don't like restrictions from the govt, but point blank its unhealthy to be drinking that big +%# cup of soda. It's a complicated issue, but hey just buy two sodas if you want. I'm just worried about the slippery slope of government restriction.
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