Update: Honestly, How important is one's looks?

not that important to the girls i mess with thank moses
Important but personality is equally if not moreso important. But you can't *see* personality.

With that said I need somebody to look good with me in the family pictures.
The most down to earth girls are most attractive, but it won't stop me from finding one with great looks either. Ha.
confidence > looks

look @ B.I.G. and Faith..dude charmed her sox off..

i daresay most chicks wouldnt want a man who requires more maintenance than they do.
Originally Posted by One Love

Its important.......beautiful people like myself get treated differently than ugly people.


oh geronimo

but basically what thytkerjobs siad....
Yeah, I think a confident and intelligent man, with good posture, is way sexier than a male model/pretty boy.

There's a reason why beyonce settled down with Jay-Z, and it was definitely not his looks.

Men can get away with being ugly. Women can't.
Hey K
! I also don't really like ugly men. They seem to try just as hard sometimes.

I will say looks in general are pretty dang important though. I mean when don't you have to at least look the part to get the part.
think about it like this:

if a pretty good looking broad smiles at you while walking past you on the sidewalk, you'd feel good, right?

if an old ugly homeless lady did the same thing, you'd feel violated, no?
To me? Not everything...

To society? Its everything. You're nothing in this society unless you look good. Just speaking it how it is...
very important thats why the worlds coming to an end

Its important that you are attracted to the girls face/body etc.. personality will always be important, but the looks of a girl stimulates the interest of onespersonality.
the harsh, sad truth is that looks are very important, across all aspects and societies. people make value judgments upon factors we cannot control, factorsthat are governed by chance and probability. but money is the great equalizer, its utility outweighs all...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by smallBALL5

physical attraction is merely human's natural instinctual way to subconsciously tell us that a potential mate is healthy and has good genes that will be passed on to theyre offspring. hence they get sexually stimulated or in other words "want to hit it,"

for example, guys are attracted to big boobs, but what really is so attractive about them, theyre just a fleshy bag with fat in em and a nipple. guys are attracted to big breasts because they indicate the female is healthy and can adequately feed their children.

likewise with women, theyre attracted to big muscular men, this is no different than an alpha male lion getting alll the p*ssy in the lion pride.a good looking muscular male indicates he has good genes and if the female were to mate with him he would pass down good genes to their kids ensuring the survival of the species. people dont realize it but its jsut our animal instincts that make use attracted to good looks. we're all just animals out in the jungle.

strong win out, weak die out. survival of the fittest. those with the best genes (good looking people) get to reproduce. people with bad genes or who look sickly (ugly or fat or skinny people) dont. its not fair but its the way nature works.
Women are also attracted to males who have access to the most resources....money, cars, houses. If you're not a big muscular pretty man like I am
you better be making crazy bank.
Yeah there is that attraction, but I don't think that type of attraction can get as far as attraction to more ascribed features such asone's personality. For example: in high school I know lotsa girls liked my car, some would ask for rides in it, or if they could drive it, but thatdon't mean they're necessarily attracted to me. There's no real attraction by association, just attraction to the resources they want which youhave.
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