::UPDATE:: So I Just Wanted To See WHat would Happen.. ::UPDATE::

This *@+@* said JUWANA MANN

Wow. You're going to grow breast buds.

In the next few years when we look back the the memorable NT threads, this will be mentioned.
WOW.. incredible.

You better Google and see what you can do to fix the problem or go to the doctor's and take the humiliation.
Please don't offer advice to this guy.

Just let natural selection take it's course. We're all better off for it.
Originally Posted by SPEAKdaTRUF

alright so right now, i got my girl livin with me at my place right? well last night, she left out four loose birth control pills on the counter(So she just left these wild pills loose on the counter?
(like out of the packaging) andd at like 2 am one night, i stumbled into my kinda drunk and saw em. I popped all four of em and went to bed.
big mistake

i woke up in the middle of the night with my nuts killin me like no other. im talkin, sharp, blueballs pain alright? idk whats goin on, but i try to go back to bed. wake up few mins later cuz my hands and fingertips were tingling and i had a throbbing headache.

idk what to do, but i managed to convince my beezy that we dont need to use a condom cuz one of us is on the pill.

sooo any advice from yall? anyone else go thru tha same thing? howd you get over it?

Birth control pills are the hormones which are found in greater quantities in women than men, so depending on how much is taken, the effects could vary. If a man takes one pill, not much will happen. Perhaps he might feel funny, or show maybe some more feminine characteristics (like slight breast/pectoral growth, for example) but it will go away after a short while. If taken on a regular basis, a man will show signs of becoming more feminine looking, and will start changing his body chemistry. And the effects will last longer because of the buildup of artificial hormones in his body. He probably would not be able to produce viable sperm (and perhaps not even have a sex drive), because the testosterone in his system is being counteracted by the estrogen and progesterone.

So what happens in essence is that a man starts to become physically more womanly in taking of birth control pills. One will not have much of an effect, but regular taking will.

Since I don't know why this question is being asked, let me say that if a man is contemplating this to try and effect some type of change to become a woman or something else of the sort, don't. Body chemistry is a delicate thing, and there are some very serious permanent health effect risks that can result from non-professional attempts to rebalance any hormone, but especially sex hormones. It's never a good thing to play with hormones on a direct basis, but if someone feels they must, they should go to the doctor and talk to him/her first.

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

B, you ain't supposed to have all that estrogen in your system. That pain you felt was your nuts dying. You're waking up tomorrow with man-boobs.

LOL. Son just invented the first surgeryless sex change
Not actually, he'd need to take a way larger dose. And Crimson u wrong b, men do have estrogen in our systems, just not as much as females. Wedid come out of females so we get it from our mommas. But it aint enough to turn a dude in to woman, word to Laverne
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