Update: Unconfirmed Rumor according to MTV/ WHO WOULD YOU RATHER SEE AS CATWOMAN?

Should of been ANGELINA JOLIE
Be honest though...when it was announced that Ledger was going to be Joker...NT was wholeheartedly against that. Not saying Fox is as good of an actress asHeath was an actor but still...I'll reserve judgment until I see the product.
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Should of been ANGELINA JOLIE
woulda been WILD.

but nah i love megan fox, im all for it.

megan fox, angelina, beckinsdale...id be cool with any of those three
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

wow guys she's playing catwoman, pretty sure you don't need to be an oscar-winner to play that role. the requirements are basically:

1. be able to speak english
2. look amazing in leather/spandex

dudes are overreacting.....dark knight was an awesome movie but it was definitely overhyped from a purely cinematic POV.....there are plenty of more complex/interesting/flat out better movies that have come out in the last few years, this one just happened to be a huge blockbuster with action and mass-appeal. people talk about it on here like it's the best movie ever, some life-changing experience.....nah

she'll be just fine for this movie
Couldnt have said it better. The dark tone of the film combined with the death of HL (and rumored stresses he encountered preparing for the role)created a very favorable situation for this movie. Not to say that it wasnt a good movie, but this just added extra hype.

Also, I know the movie will have a big budget and pull in alot of money at the box office but (sans acting prowess) it would make sense to go with a personlike MF for a catwoman role. Why cast an A-list superstar actress for a role that's only good enough for a secondary villain(/whatev angle catwoman plays)role?
I feel like if Nolan can bring out some amazing depth in people. I hadn't expected much from Eckhart or Ledger, even. Megan Fox though? That's gonna betough.
raw120 wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Re: Megan Fox signs on as Catwoman for the next Batman movie (NY POST)



- im dead serious though. broad has a pretty face but thats it. she nothing but the next new white actress to get role after role thrown at her just off herlooks
for the next few years until Hollywood moves on to the next one.it gets tiresome after a while. Megan Fox in this role is so Hollywood, they may as well cast Shia as Robin

- its not that i have a problem with her directly, its the paint by numbers casting they do sometimes. usually with this new wave of comic book moviesthey've done good with choosing good actors to play the part and not just some big star or eye candy to try and fill the seats. hopefully it isnt final andthey can cast someone else.

.....on another note, i cant wait till this NBA season starts.....SHEED!!!!
Angelina Jolie is the ONLY option.
if there going with the whole darker themed Batman movies, then she is the pick.

she can act... and she will bring a very sexy dark vibe to the character... Angelina Jolie or L
My ideal cast of Villains for Batman 3

Catwoman - Kate Beckinsale

Penguin - Philip Seymour Hoffman

Riddler - Jude Law

Harley Quinn - Emily Blunt or Zoey Deschanel
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