Update: Unconfirmed Rumor according to MTV/ WHO WOULD YOU RATHER SEE AS CATWOMAN?

im sure Nolan will work kis magic and make this a great film, never really liked catwoman though.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

I don't believe it until SuperHeroHype reports it.
. If its not on comingsoon.net or latinoreview.comI don't buy it, I mean even The Sun(
) posted the story so youknow its bogus.

Edit: now this is news, it was just posted on comingsoon.net, most likely the whole movie will be filmed in IMAX

Originally Posted by RFX45

DAMN! There goes the acting quality of the movie...
As much as I love Megan Fox, she really is nothing more than eye candy and her being a main villain will probably kill the new batman movie.
You guys really need to read and pay more attention.

This article is from The Sun, no other credible sources are listed, nothing is confirmed for even Nolan returning and the fact that there isn't even ascript yet, much less a Catwoman role for Megan Fox to even be cast in.

They can make it up with Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Penguin and Johnny Depp as The Riddler.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

wow guys she's playing catwoman, pretty sure you don't need to be an oscar-winner to play that role. the requirements are basically:

1. be able to speak english
2. look amazing in leather/spandex

dudes are overreacting.....dark knight was an awesome movie but it was definitely overhyped from a purely cinematic POV.....there are plenty of more complex/interesting/flat out better movies that have come out in the last few years, this one just happened to be a huge blockbuster with action and mass-appeal. people talk about it on here like it's the best movie ever, some life-changing experience.....nah

she'll be just fine for this movie

I absolutely disagree with this.
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