I remember when confirmations came from members with credibility AND PICTURES.. I'll believe it when I see it and I hope I see White/Cement!
Did't someone, with credibility, say that most of the shoes in the packs were most likely going to be the ones on the retro cards?
not fan of XIX but IV with nike air any day

hope this is ture, kind of interesting how fusion IV and III will look like
I would not doubt if they put nike air on the shoes, Nike loves to give hints about the future and on their 1100 dollar hoody they put nike air on the shoes

Ok, say we get nike air on the shoe. Do we get the original cut of the shoe or the more updated casual cut that we've seen with recent retros? Also, whatsthe quality? I see no point to be excited about a shoe with just nike air. ALong with nike air, the cut of the shoe needs to be like the og and so does thequality. My bet is even if we get nike air, the quality will still lack. And ill pass. Just my opinion.
ill be happy to see "nike air" on the back of my air jordans again. i still wont get my hopes up till i see sample pics. id rather see
black cements and i hope they dont use any left over leather from the mars/military run.
Originally Posted by metalmaned

This info is coming from the guy that made this post... http://niketalk.com/topic/22936

No offence but if your "boy" works for JB wouldn't you have been able to have this question answered by him? And wouldn't you already know that they were the Nu Retro's since you have all this great "insider info"???

Again, no offence but I'll wait til we get confirmation from a "reliable source" before I start jumping up and down like everyone else in this tread is... because I sure would hate to be disappointed!!!

Originally Posted by metalmaned

This info is coming from the guy that made this post... http://niketalk.com/topic/22936

No offence but if your "boy" works for JB wouldn't you have been able to have this question answered by him? And wouldn't you already know that they were the Nu Retro's since you have all this great "insider info"???

Again, no offence but I'll wait til we get confirmation from a "reliable source" before I start jumping up and down like everyone else in this tread is... because I sure would hate to be disappointed!!!

JordanKingXI, I posted earlier that it wasn't ducktales because of the unconfirmed info that I received was similar but your absents from your own post gotme thinking ducktales aswell. You might be right or you might be guessing .
Originally Posted by heat23

JordanKingXI, I posted earlier that it wasn't ducktales because of the unconfirmed info that I received was similar but your absents from your own post got me thinking ducktales aswell. You might be right or you might be guessing .

Like I said, I'm not callin ducktales or sayin he's not right but I find it really hard to believe that dude would come on here and ask what was upwith the Jordan 1 release this month and not know they were Nu Retros but yet drop info that he did. I mean if I had a "boy" that worked for JB, Ithink I'd ask him ANY questions I had on upcoming JB stuff rather then come on here to ask people. I mean if you have that outlet doesn't that makemore sense??? Maybe it's just me... but that's a little suspect!!!
Originally Posted by metalmaned

Originally Posted by heat23

JordanKingXI, I posted earlier that it wasn't ducktales because of the unconfirmed info that I received was similar but your absents from your own post got me thinking ducktales aswell. You might be right or you might be guessing .

Like I said, I'm not callin ducktales or sayin he's not right but I find it really hard to believe that dude would come on here and ask what was up with the Jordan 1 release this month and not know they were Nu Retros but yet drop info that he did. I mean if I had a "boy" that worked for JB, I think I'd ask him ANY questions I had on upcoming JB stuff rather then come on here to ask people. I mean if you have that outlet doesn't that make more sense??? Maybe it's just me... but that's a little suspect!!!

Yeah your 1st post is the one that got me thinking when you pointed out the whole nu-retro post. Oh well, we will know soon enough.
Originally Posted by 2396Bulls

Ok, say we get nike air on the shoe. Do we get the original cut of the shoe or the more updated casual cut that we've seen with recent retros? Also, whats the quality? I see no point to be excited about a shoe with just nike air. ALong with nike air, the cut of the shoe needs to be like the og and so does the quality. My bet is even if we get nike air, the quality will still lack. And ill pass. Just my opinion.
I completely agree, I like the fact that Nike Air might be makin a comeback but they also need to make the shoe a MID like its supposed to be.Improving the quality also wouldn't hurt anyone.
Originally Posted by 2396Bulls

Ok, say we get nike air on the shoe. Do we get the original cut of the shoe or the more updated casual cut that we've seen with recent retros? Also, whats the quality? I see no point to be excited about a shoe with just nike air. ALong with nike air, the cut of the shoe needs to be like the og and so does the quality. My bet is even if we get nike air, the quality will still lack. And ill pass. Just my opinion.

No matter WHAT the shoes are like when they come out people will ALWAYS come on here and complain!!! If they released EXACTLY like the 99 retros peoplewould find something else to complain about. "ohh there is glue on my shoe, ohh I wore my shoes and the creased, boo hoo!!!" The fact is it's atotally different time period now, then it was then and people want their stuff to be and stay 100% perfect which is impossible!!!. No matter how a shoe comesout, you will always have people that will complain about it, PERIOD !!!
So what if we get Nike on back of the sneaker? what's the big deal? Jordan is still retired, the quality will probably still suck and the sneaker is stilla retro (we can't go back to 1989)
with or without "nike air"....i doubt JB will pony up the capital costs of using better materials and cuts, they would have to be full of christmasspirit for their supposed last year of retros. personally i think that they are always going to be just like every other corporation in the world, cuttingcosts of production to manufacture more products to sell to more people and receive more profit......if they put nike air on the shoe it won't change thefact that money still runs the machine and the machine will continue to make money with or without better materials, nike airs, better stitching, anti creasingleather, clear soles that are resistant to oxidation.....if we got everything we wanted.....200 retail would be the greener grass we'd drool over in a fewshort years. just my opinion lol
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