UPS truck Shootout in fLorida....

miami nter checking in....this is horrible.....cops will bend and twist this ofcourse. they wont chase the hood dudes on motorcycles due to public safety but god knows who gave the order for those illuminati *** jewels out of coral gables....the fact that this started 40 miles south of where it finished says everything
Imagine just going bout your buisness not knowing you bout to lose your life. Yeah any of us can go at anytime but the cops should’ve handled this better. Right before the Christmas too :smh:

There’s been plenty of situations where armed suspects have led police chases on the freeway.
Yeah this is terrible. UPS driver was 27 with two young children. Absolutely awful.

RIP to the victims and condolences to the families of the victims...

Didn't read the linked article by the OP, but I read in another article that even though he worked 5 years at UPS, it was his first day behind the wheel of the delivery truck :smh::frown:
Makes me wonder if the cops even gave a **** about the UPS driver, telling themselves that their "actions were neccassary". It's funny, I'm usually the one that put myself in law enforcements shoes too, especially when a suspect is shooting back at them. But in this case. they should have been ordered to keep their distance and chose to pursue them until they got a clear shot.
RIP, I swear they let anyone be a cop.

message I saw from the union.

So many cops stealing money in this country...unqualified idiots. How do you handle that situation so badly? Lots of people need to lose their jobs but then they will just be replaced with more fools and the cycle will continue
Being a cop would be dope... in a country that isn’t evil and you were actually just supposed to help people.

these fools just run around extorting and killing and wonder why no one likes them but trump bots.
in many places cops are supposed to go into tracking mode from the helicopter if the pursuit is too dangerous for civilians, hell they're not even supposed to pit the vehicle if civilians are too close by and these bozos just take cover behind cars with people in them and open fire into rush hour traffic. They shouldn't have even been pursuing on the ground
That video make me sick to my ******* stomach, all those cops at the scene need to lose they ******* jobs, not only you killed a man that was innocent you put everyone in they cars in danger. I swear if you can see the color red and can count 2 +2 equals 4 you qualify to be a cop. ******* mad I even watch that video, these clowns thinking it’s Grand theft auto in real life and they suppose to be cops.
I wonder how much money in jewelry they stole. Anyone know?

Someone must’ve to told them to get the jewelry back even if you gotta kill everyone.
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