US Government Headed to Shutdown

i thought he wasn't gettiin a dollar for his wall because walls are "immoral"...ohhh that fold :lol:

He didn't get a dollar for his wall though. It's a border barrier AKA a giant fence! Big difference and considering it's less by 225 million dollars from the Dec Senate budget bill... proves that Trump folded like a prostitute desperate for a quick hit.

The agreement would allow 55 miles of new fencing - constructed using existing designs such as metal slats- but far less than the 215 miles (345 kilometers) the White House demanded in December. The fencing would be built in Texas' Rio Grande Valley.

What was it.. Coulter said...

Trump talks a good game on the border wall but it's increasingly clear he's afraid to fight for it. Call this his "Yellow New Deal."

dems said 0
trump said 5.7 billion
it's looking like 1.4 billion

basic math shows who the loser is, especially since he twice rejected bigger amounts than that.
lol the ability to spin is amazing, and by amazing I mean kinda sad
He is getting 200 million less than what they offered in December

A fraction of what he was demanding all during the shutdown

He is not getting any money for the wall he promised. They money is going toward the same ole barriers Trump said was inadequate during his run for president.

Yet ole boy wanna spin this as a win for the Orange bigot. :rofl: :rofl:
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Ninja's tone sure has changed from a couple weeks ago...

at da end of da day b, ya was talking this amount of ish when i told u da tax plan was gonna pass, and when Trump was gonna get elected...ya either gonna hear it from me 1st or ya gonna see it in da news in 20 days. pick your poison.
they better save up, because we're going back on da same ride again in 20 days.

da bottom line is:

-Pelosi stalls for 3 weeks, ultimately digs her heels in for no wall funding.

--Trump declares national emergency and gets da military to build his wall

-democrats get da 9th circuit put a hold on it while its debated to da supreme court ala "muslim ban"

-supreme court grants trump his wall ala "muslim ban"

da end.

“Da end”:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Libs said 0 dollars for border security. Our President Elect acquired a billi for border security. Specifically da inviso wall which is almost complete. Love how da echo chamber can't even see when they've CLEARLY lost.
Mitch McConnell just said trump will sign bill and declare a national emergency at the same time...

Here we go..
So, Trump shut the government down for no reason and wants to set the stage for the Dems to declare any national emergency they want. Should be interesting.
Wait if I'm house dems what am I passing this bill for when son is going to declare an emergency to get the funds?

Na they need to shut it down again. Dems dont need to give up ****.
because government has to be funded.
Then Republicans need to reattach their genitalia and do what needs to be done. What should have been done. How they continue to shake and quiver and bow to trump while trying their hardest to make it look like **** is normal is disgusting and sad.

The Democrats have been soft. SOFT.
The wall was, is and always will be ********.

Czar Trump can do anything he wants. Smh.

This country is so fake. All of them are in bed with each other or watching the orgy go down.
As said in the other thread funding is not JUST FOR A WALL. It’s for all of boarder secuirty. If they want to waste it on a couple miles of 4 foot wall that won’t even finish that’s their problem. Would be nothing more than a monument of all idiots of America. All the “but he got something” argument is laughable. Boarder security receives funding all the time.
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