US Government Headed to Shutdown

lifes to short
hate as many folks as u can

Nomination for nawghtyhare nawghtyhare for
playa hater of the year 2019?
I think we both know the answer to that question. :smh:
yeeeeah and with her being a white woman
and that entitlement :smh:
bad for relationships
white woman
and this is just my opinion from experience and observations
white women who have that entitlement
and cant see other points of views
suck at being good girlfriends/wives
1000000000% . My girlfriend is white and leans right of center. We had a whole argument about this. She kept saying her parents worked their asses off to provide for their family. My whole damn point was right, YOU didn't do any of that. YOU were born into that privilege/advantage, stop being so proud of something you had no control over. Nobody is trying to take away from your hard work. We just want equality of opportunity. Opportunity, not outcom.e
Dead that quick
in explaining everything to her
was she able to finally realize and get ur point or no???
Hard to say. I think unless you're a minority, you'll never truly know the disadvantages you have for not being white. So while we agree on principle, that people should exercise compassion, I'm not sure the fundamental struggles of minorities/poor people were communicated fully.
yall savage. I don't wish ill will on anyone but I do hope it was a lesson learned.

I hear ya but you gotta realize that some of these same individuals that you feel we are being “savage” to voted for Trump just so he can be a “savage” to other individuals, more specifically other races.

At the end of the day you can’t be nice to the devil, you can’t ration with them, and WE can’t hope that they learn a lesson......WE have to teach them a lesson. I’m from the old school with it......Each One Teach One!!
Hard to say. I think unless you're a minority, you'll never truly know the disadvantages you have for not being white. So while we agree on principle, that people should exercise compassion, I'm not sure the fundamental struggles of minorities/poor people were communicated fully.
see that's a cop out
the advantages and disadvantages are everywhere
and if a person cant see
its cause they're trying not to see
u see it on tv
in music
in books
its everywhere
hell its not just america
so for someone to not grasp that
is telling on what type of person they truly are
yeeeeah and with her being a white woman
and that entitlement :smh:
bad for relationships
white woman
and this is just my opinion from experience and observations
white women who have that entitlement
and cant see other points of views
suck at being good girlfriends/wives
If she hasn't seen or wanted to acknowledge the privilege she has as a white woman then all hope is lost. I can't give her a pass but the only way I could see her not noticing is if she has all brothers and lives in a small town. She gets NO PASS but compared to her she probably thinks she had it rough growing up. However once you are a teenager and on your own it is your job to seek out knowledge, your parents were either full of **** in what they told you growing up or were off a little one way or the other.
I hear ya but you gotta realize that some of these same individuals that you feel we are being “savage” to voted for Trump just so he can be a “savage” to other individuals, more specifically other races.

At the end of the day you can’t be nice to the devil, you can’t ration with them, and WE can’t hope that they learn a lesson......WE have to teach them a lesson. I’m from the old school with it......Each One Teach One!!

lol i see
I hear ya but you gotta realize that some of these same individuals that you feel we are being “savage” to voted for Trump just so he can be a “savage” to other individuals, more specifically other races.

At the end of the day you can’t be nice to the devil, you can’t ration with them, and WE can’t hope that they learn a lesson......WE have to teach them a lesson. I’m from the old school with it......Each One Teach One!!
I’ll never dap up the man trying to rob me, I won’t head nod the dude trying to sucker punch me and I don’t give a **** about a trump supporter :pimp:

Who ever want it can come get it. **** them ALL
I’ll never dap up the man trying to rob me, I won’t head nod the dude trying to sucker punch me and I don’t give a **** about a trump supporter :pimp:

Who ever want it can come get it. **** them ALL
Sounds like a line Jay Electronica said in a song.
corporate welfare is notoriously bipartisan (see Amazon deal in NYC) also many Republicans were against bailing out da big 3 automakers.
I have no idea why you mentioned it being bipartisan when we were talking about republicans. Perhaps you were trying to deflect.

Either way, good joke.
I know I just think it’s funny. People get all bent out of shape about badges.

Their Jeep is French and my Nissan was made in Mississippi.

American badge doesn’t mean it an American company.
I know I just think it’s funny. People get all bent out of shape about badges.

Their Jeep is French and my Nissan was made in Mississippi.

American badge doesn’t mean it an American company.
I know a lifelong republican that always insinuates that buying Toyota is anti-American. Meanwhile, Toyota cars are actually American as ****.
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